Have you ever...

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Yes. I'm an antique, and I have been trying to lose weight! Does that count?

Have you ever wished you haven't been so honest about something?
I'm probably too honest about mostly everything, if I wished I wasn't so honest it would be difficult to be me.

Have you ever stopped your laptop from backing up because it was taking too long & you wanted to watch Walking Dead?
Oh so many times. Been a long time since I biked though.

Have you ever had one of those moments when you say something awesome but forget what exactly it was you said?

Have you ever had your neighbours complain that some of your music has bass that made their ornaments dance along their mantlepiece?
Yes and I freely admit at the time I was scared to death..

Have you ever been snowmobiling ?

Have you ever driven two hours to get to a gig you've been looking forward to for months, got to the venue and discovered it's been cancelled? (haha personal experience here!)
No but I have travelled to see Seasick Steve with friends only to discover when we arrived that my froends, who were in charge of the tix had left said entry requirements behind!

In all fairness, my friends did buy tickets for a later tour for all involved & paid for travel to London & put us up & all was good & forgiven!

Have you ever longed to wake up un someones arms?
Haha oh dear, at least it was made up for.


Have you ever seen a ghost?
Only for Halloween or sexy times.

Have you ever been disappointed in the ending of a movie or show?

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