Hello from South America

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Lost In Space

New member
Oct 4, 2009
Reaction score
South Brazil
Hi, I'm Lost In Space.

I'm 33 years old and I'm a male. I live in South America.

I'm a White, my grandparents on father's side and my greatgreatgrandparents on mother's side were poor immigrants from Central Europe and Spain. I used to be bullied by the nonwhite kids at kindergarten because of my apperance (tall, fair skinned, etc) and I think it was the first cause of my option for being a lonely kid and a lonelly teen too.

I have had only one girlfriend my whole life, I was 19. She was a former female friend who, one day, stepped ahead about me and asked me out herself. She did the "dirty job" herself. I totaly lost my contact with her when she picked a certain European passport and immigrated to Europe. And I never more had "lucky" with any other girl. I admit I was extremelly picky back then and rejected some girls because they didn't have the looks I liked.

At some point I decided to have only "platonic" relationships (friendships) with girls who had the traits I like... I thought it would be a good solution because I would be enjoying the friendship and the warmth of a likeable woman without having to put a lot of painful effort on being a "manly man" and ruining everything.

Then I started seeking for female buddies online for a friendship because being behind a computer makes me feel more confortable and more confident, and also, I have a great fond on Western women, and they can only be accessed by internet since I live in Brazil.

I have recently made a frienship with an Australian girl 8 years younger than me, we met on another Forum, we became friends to the point she invited me to immigrate to Australia. I thought I had found a person who would be my best friend forever. Suddendly, at some point, she just quited treating me nice and started talking cold to me as if she wanted me to leave her alone. It didn't hurt much any more because I got used already.

^That was not any new event in my life because all of my friendships with women have ended up with the woman ditching me off overnight for no apparent reason, at least not a reason apparent to me. If I ever feel upset against the whole female gender, it's only because I just wish they could at least tell me what I have of so wrong that make them kick me off overnight.

I'm not really "seeking" now. I don't even know when --or if-- I'm ever seeking for a "girlfriend/lover" again. I actually have certain things about myself that I need to put in order, and I'll be dedicating the next 6 months to solve those things. I would prefer good friends rather than a girlfriend now.

That's my introduction.
Yep. Check out each area for whatever you're in the mood for. If you're looking for laughs, there's even a place for that. :D There's also an area for networking, and there's even a chat room! :) You can find a link to it in the New Members area of the forum. You will see a thread (near the top) titled "chat room!" There, you will find a link and instructions to join.

Welcome Lost In Space
Hi Lost In Space :)

Non white people are just as racist (maybe more) as white people are.

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