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Feb 10, 2010
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My name is Chalean. I just moved to Boston from Maryland. I don't really know what else to say.

Books: Wuthering Heights
Food: Pineapples
Movie: Watchmen, Boondock Saints
Music: Dark heavy metal
Major: Undecided :(

Well I am lonely and just admitted it to myself a month ago. I always told myself it was better this way but I know that I really need someone to talk to especially after the whole my exboyfriend and cousin thing happened :(......
Chalean? That's a pretty awesome name. Welcome to the site! :D

Lol and you have plenty of time to find a major. Just get the Gen Ed out of the way and you'll find an interest sooner or later. :p

Ex-bf and cousin? I don't wanna pry, but go ahead and post about it! :D Or PM me if you want.

Welcome to the forum. As they said, you can post about it if you wish to.
welcome to ALL! Sorry about the whole mess with your ex and cousin. Feel free to vent to us if you need to :D.
Me and my (then) boyriend went to see GI Joe with my cousins and little siblings. After the movie we all went back to my house and then me, my boyfriend, my bestfriend/cousin went into my room and slipped in another movie to watch. My cousin kept flirting with him and playfully trying to get him to do stuff but I brushed it off because I trusted him :(. The movie ended and I fell asleep because the theatre made my head hurt. I wake up at 6am (I know this because of my loud alarm clock that tells me every hour that arrives). Not only do I wake up to my clock but to moaning, grunting, rustling and "that hurts, wait a second". I wait a second because I didn't want to jump to conclusions, but I knew what was going on. So I just get up and walk out slamming the door trying to get a grasp on what just happened. My cousin just gave up her virginity right beside me and my boyfriend just cheated on me. I told him to get out and didn't even give my cousin a chance to talk to me. I have never been cheated on so I did not know how to even deal with this.
-_- That's awful. *hug*

Stay away from that ******. Don't even think of going back to him...seriously. You deserve better than that. I'd say that you should avoid your cousin, too. She may be family, but if she screws you over like that, then forget it!

I'm so sorry that this happened to you...just realize that it's not about you. He didn't cheat on you because you're ugly or deficient or anything...it's because he's a dick, that's all. The only thing you can do is avoid punishing yourself for his actions, and try to avoid guys like that in the future.

I hope things go better for ya. I'm here for you if you want to talk more about it or anything. Have a good day!

noone.. that is just terrible!! i agree with Steve... do not go back to no matter how much he begs...and he will. just remain with no contact.. and forget about that ass! and your cousin..well wow.. i'm shocked!

come into the chatroom and frolic with us... we will help to keep your mind off of things.

Welcome to the forum :)
oh wow :(
dear this is horrible :( (hugs) :( i can't believe people would do things like that, and... i mean. you WERE THERE! what the hell :(

and yes, i second what Steve and Danielle said. i wouldn't let any of them back into my life, after such a betrayal - and i mean... your cousin is, imho, even more at fault here - i mean... maybe the guy is a dick to do that, but she was your family :( sheesh :(

Hello and welcome Chalean.

Sorry to hear what happened to you, thats an awful way for things to happen. But i guess you know now he isnt the right guy for you. And as for your cousin, what a *****. I cant believe she was your best friend and did that to you.

Just dont be mad at yourself, none of this was your fault.

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