
Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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New Eyes

New member
Feb 3, 2013
Reaction score
Hi everyone. I'm glad I found this forum.

A bit about me and why I'm here: I'm 36, male, and pretty much alone. I lost touch with all my friends over the years, mostly from moving around, growing up, growing apart, etc. I haven't really met anyone since, so I haven't made any new friends. I'm not married and I don't have any kids. I haven't had a real girlfriend in years either. A couple of short relationships, but nothing serious.

It seems like the more time I spend alone the harder it becomes to meet people. At this point I'm afraid to open to up to people because if they find out I'm all alone they'll assume there's something wrong with me. Being alone is one thing, but being rejected because of it – that would hurt. But not letting people in for fear of being hurt is a very lonely way to live.

I thought people here might understand. Maybe some of you are going through something similar. I want to get back out there and live my life, and be happy and fulfilled. I'm not really sure how to do it yet, but I have to start somewhere. I found myself at this forum, so I joined. Thanks for that. :)
Hi New Eyes! Getting involved with the board is a good idea. I think when a person spends a lot of time alone, it takes awhile to "thaw" when they get around other people. This is a good place to get the social juices flowing if you're wanting to put yourself out into the world to meet new people. I'm fairly new here, too. I've been married a long time now but I can remember my extremely lonely single days very clearly.
Hello, not sure I know what to say to help, I have recently re-discovered myself after working on a project and have a new attitude, not sure yet how it's all going to work out, but I'm more open now to people.

No sure how that helps, guess lots of people have suggested, 'hey find an interest and meet people'. As someone who tried that earlier in life I know it's not that easy.

Oh well, I'm pretty new here but there seems like lots of nice people to chat to, I guess that's a start right?
Welcome to the forum sir. Maybe this place will be where you find the information you require to change things for the better. Best of luck!
thanks for your message new eyes. I'm new too, I guess the female version of you. same story..36, only ever had short relationships, haven't had a boyfriend in years. I see lots of couples and wonder how in the world do these people get together. it seems so difficult/out of reach for me. my friends say it's because I don't stay in one place for more than a couple of years (living in asia now) but I think i have sabotaged some 'opportunities' and don't know why.

anyway, hoping this forum helps too :) it was the only one with active threads