Actaully...ive havnt felt lonely. Not even prior to me join this site...
Lonely dosnt quit discribe how i feel.
I feel depressed, hurted, happy, crazy...ect but nevered lonely.
Today, i feel tired.
Not sad, depressed, confused, bored, content, joyful, lonely..ect
Just tired and need to get rested. A liitle bit restless cuase lots had happened.
Im actaully enjoying the down time of just chilling the **** out.
kindda regrouping.
I really need to sit down and sort through of what i really want and need to
do with my life. Ive been going with the flow...which is cool.
Ive healed enough. I feel i can think clearer.
Ive been active...but not in the directions i wish or prefer to live my life.
I havnt met anyone that Im head over heels for.
I still go out and socialized. Probably why I dont feel lonely.
Not trying to rub it in no one's face but You gatta go out
and meet people....get laid or whatever you need to do so you dont
get all fucken depressed.
Maybe it's better this way at the moment. This way I can focus on other
aspect of my life.