12:43 am here, central U.S time. we got back from the movie a long time ago. you wanted to no the title, its resident evil : extinction. my personally feelings about the movie was that it was good. not great. but good. I thought it was well directed. the acting was good. and the story was good. the thing that kept it from being a great movie was that the story does not pull you in. the people who made the movie didn't get you any thing to really care about. you know what I mean? its like zombies jump on one of the people. am I supposed to care about that person? why... cause he was waring a hat? if the director wanted me to be sad when some body died. they should have made the people more important. it seemed to be more about one person this particular. her name is alice. but if you've seen the first 2 movies. you know you don't have to be worried about her. because she always beats the bad guys. but I don't know if you can trust my opinion. cause even if a zombie is really bad! I still like them. but rate them in order of other ones I have seen that were better. so rating this one as compared to the other ones. from first to last are ~ 1# Dawn of the dead ( the remake )
2# 28 weeks later ( came out this year in theaters )
3# return of the living ( a classic )
4# day of the dead ( best chance of giving you nightmares after seeing it
5# 28 days later ( not to be confused with #2 on my list )
6# resident evil 3 : extinction ( the one I saw tonight )
7# the original dawn of the dead ( some people might rate this one higher
8# night of the living dead ( the movie that started it all )
9# Land of the dead ( only good thing I can say, its better then # 10
10 # resident evil 2 ( was horrible! ) if it wasn't for the fact that it was a zombie movie. It would be the worst movie I've ever seen. as for your question , is a girl who likes horror movies uncommon? in my experience it is. which is why you are such a breath of fresh air. I really admire that about you. but I could totally relate to what you said. about not having been scared by a horror movie since you were a kid. its the same for me. the first movie I ever saw that scare me was an american werewolf in london. I was about 6 years old when I saw it. I think? any way, I was scared out of my little brain

moving on.... to your next question. Yes! I write songs. and some times poems. but I am sorry you are having writers block. the few times it happened to me I just stopped writing for a while. because I knew if I let it, it would have driven me crazy. some people wonder where it comes from? or what causes it? I think sub conscious minds wanting to focus on some thing else it believes is more important then our hobby. there for distracting us from doing what we think we want to do. so like I said. its probably to just let it go for a while. then come back to it later and try again. but umm.... no I don't "write" the music for the songs. because I don't know how to play any instruments. I did try learning how to play the guitar along time ago. but I got tired of it real fast ha ha ha. but in away I do make music. electronically. like a music producer using a computer. I have the same kind of software the professionals use. its pretty cool. and very addictive. if I knew how to sing I could make my own cd

but any way I'm sure your getting bored from my message so i will let you go for now. but thank you for the advice. I'll try asking bjarne if he can help me register. bye bye for now mink