Hey Mink

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so today was better, and it wasn't. starting with the upside. I felt much better emotionally and physically. despite that fact I didn't get much sleep. on the downside, we were robbed today. during the short time that I did manage to sleep (about a hour and a half ) some one broken into our house and stole some stuff. my cousin who lives in a little apartment we built in our backyard. stopped by to get something from his room. because he stayed over at his mothers house that night because he got of work late. any way, he went in the back to go to his room. and noticed the door to his apartment open. and of course his stuff was missing. then noticed the back door to my house was open. and the second he came in he knew stuff we had in the house was stolen. so he woke me out of a deep sleep. and told me what happened. to say the least I was shocked. so much so that, I just couldn't get back to sleep. and its not like I was scared of falling asleep in the house alone. cause I'm not. its just I was really worked up over what had happened. and to say the least, very very angry. but I'm over it now. these things happened. I'm smart enough to know that most important thing is that nobody was hurt while it happened. so that was basically how my day went. but one thing that helped was the start of my shows. after they had been on a brake. so I really enjoyed that. but mmm.... I only slept an hour and a half today. its now 3:19 am. can you believe I'm still awake? so any way, how was your day? any thing interesting? ~ Trent
Well you really should make sure that your house is secure, so that it doesn't happen again.
My day was full on, I didn't stop all day, I'm very tired now.
Hey, Trent and Blue Sky!

Well good to hear nothing went bad for you, Blue. :)

But Trent, oh my, I'm sorry to hear about the break-in. I hope nothing too valuable was stolen, though. You gotta be really careful next time, this shouldn't happen again. And you're lucky no one was hurt! Phew..

My day went dull and boring. Nothing much happened, just watched some tv, surf the net and basically that. Lol..I have a boring life, I know. :D
your right blue. but to be honest my house couldn't have been any more secure. unless a had a team of policeman standing guard around my house 24/7 the only thing I can say is, who ever broke into my house was probably an insane person. they had no reason to believe upon entering that they wouldn't have found some one awake. theres always more then a handful of people at my place at any given time. as compared to the rest of the neighborhood. which is perfect for braking into. on both sides of my street everybody leaves for the same time to work. so you wouldn't see a car parked at any of the houses. where as here. theres always at least one car. if not 2. but any way, hey mink. I'm sorry your night was so boring. my night went pretty much the same way. but I didn't mind. as long as my mental state doesn't make me feel bad I'm pretty much ok. I talked to my cousin on the phone today. he said his brothers wanted to come over to my place and hang out. which means going to the store. getting some snacks. then watching a movie. his brother spent 500 hundred dollars on a new video game + the machine to play it. so I'm sure after the movie their going to want to play with that for a while. this is going to make me sound like a boring old man, but... I really don't like playing video games any more. its not that I have out grown them because I'm so mature. cause I can tell you right now there are people much older then me in the 40's who still play them every bit as much as teenagers do. they just don't appeal to me any more. I'd rather listen to some music and read. or write some thing. messages like these on the forum or songs. you know what I mean? but ummm... you would think people coming over to your place and having a get together would be fun. but you don't know my cousins. these guys are the most boring people you will ever meet in your life. compared to them, I am the wild party guy. me, the grumpy old man :p I'm actually looking more forward to tomorrow night. we're all going to a movie theater. and not just sitting at home. this new movie came out last week and I really want to see. its about zombies. ( for your information ) I...... lOVE!!!!!!!!!! zombie movies. there my all time favorite. but all together I love horror films and TV shows. there always my first option when seeing a movie. and if I cant find a good one. then my second option would be comedy. but I'm guessing you don't like scary movies. am I right? well I got to go get ready for tonight. if I'm awake that probably means your a sleep. so before saying good bye. I will just have a great when you wake up. and I'll talk to you later. bye mink ~ Trent
The time difference is just very different isn't it? Lol, it's early morning here for me now. I might head back to sleep after this, lol. I don't live in a house, I live in an apartment, so that makes me at a higher risk than you but let's hope nothing happens. For anyone. Lol..

Wow, movie night! I love movies and I love going to the theatre. Who says I don't like scary movies? I've actually been trying to find one that could scare the wits out of me but haven't had any in particular. The last scary one I saw was Disturbia - but that was more of a psycho thriller, not exactly hauntingly scary, lol. I love comedies, and some of those romantic comedies. My favourite guy for a funny movie has to be Adam Sandler.

You write songs? And yes I do know what you mean, I'd prefer music and reading too but I do still play some games, just not so much now. You're gonna watch a movie about zombies? Hope that one will turn out fun. How boring could the most boring people get anyway? I think I'm boring myself, at least for the time being cos everything's just so boring here. Anyway, have a great day ahead with the stuff you're gonna do. :)
I agree mink. I actually own everyone of adam sandlers movies. but moving on, last night was ok. just as I said. we watched some movies on tv. and all my cousins did was complain about how stupid the movies were. its rare they see a movie and have any thing good to say about. as you already know where going to the theater tonight. to see my zombie movie. which is far as my crappy life goes. is the best thing that could have happened to me. some one making another zombie film. but you like horror films? that is so cool! I bow down to you my friend. because you are coolest! but as for your question, yes! I do write. mostly songs and poetry. I used to write stories. but ever since my quest to find a friend. I've spent less time on my writing. which is why I only write songs and stuff now. but any way... I just woke up not that long ago and I am hungry! so I guess I should go look for some thing to eat. but I'll come back and write you again later. and let you know how the rest of the night went. ciao for now
Guest said:
I agree mink. I actually own everyone of adam sandlers movies. but moving on, last night was ok. just as I said. we watched some movies on tv. and all my cousins did was complain about how stupid the movies were. its rare they see a movie and have any thing good to say about. as you already know where going to the theater tonight. to see my zombie movie. which is far as my crappy life goes. is the best thing that could have happened to me. some one making another zombie film. but you like horror films? that is so cool! I bow down to you my friend. because you are coolest! but as for your question, yes! I do write. mostly songs and poetry. I used to write stories. but ever since my quest to find a friend. I've spent less time on my writing. which is why I only write songs and stuff now. but any way... I just woke up not that long ago and I am hungry! so I guess I should go look for some thing to eat. but I'll come back and write you again later. and let you know how the rest of the night went. ciao for now

I forgot, the above post was by me, Trent
Oh my god, you own all of Adam Sandler's movies?! :D I love Adam! And I love you already! I love people who love Adam Sandler and I don't know why I'm so into him, lol.. :p
Do update me about the zombie movie, what's the title of the movie again? I haven't been to the movies for a long time now, I wanna try going there just by myself. Usually I'd go with a friend but I'd like to try to make it alone. Have you done that before?

Anyway, yes I do like horror films. Why, is that something uncommon? Lol, I'd love to go to a really really really scary movie and get nightmares from it. The last time that happened was when I was a kid, so it's been such a long time since I've felt the feeling. I'm weird, I know, lol. :D

You should check out the thread Writer's Block under Express Yourself. I am having a writer's block, I can't seem to write anymore poetry which I used to and the words don't seem to flow in as easily as it used to. You write songs! That's incredible. :) Do you write the tunes as well?

Oh btw, Trent, you can try asking bjarne to activate your unactivated account under the Registrations thread under Feedback and News cos it seems like you weren't the only one who's having activation problems. Lol.. :D
12:43 am here, central U.S time. we got back from the movie a long time ago. you wanted to no the title, its resident evil : extinction. my personally feelings about the movie was that it was good. not great. but good. I thought it was well directed. the acting was good. and the story was good. the thing that kept it from being a great movie was that the story does not pull you in. the people who made the movie didn't get you any thing to really care about. you know what I mean? its like zombies jump on one of the people. am I supposed to care about that person? why... cause he was waring a hat? if the director wanted me to be sad when some body died. they should have made the people more important. it seemed to be more about one person this particular. her name is alice. but if you've seen the first 2 movies. you know you don't have to be worried about her. because she always beats the bad guys. but I don't know if you can trust my opinion. cause even if a zombie is really bad! I still like them. but rate them in order of other ones I have seen that were better. so rating this one as compared to the other ones. from first to last are ~ 1# Dawn of the dead ( the remake )
2# 28 weeks later ( came out this year in theaters )
3# return of the living ( a classic )
4# day of the dead ( best chance of giving you nightmares after seeing it
5# 28 days later ( not to be confused with #2 on my list )
6# resident evil 3 : extinction ( the one I saw tonight )
7# the original dawn of the dead ( some people might rate this one higher
8# night of the living dead ( the movie that started it all )
9# Land of the dead ( only good thing I can say, its better then # 10
10 # resident evil 2 ( was horrible! ) if it wasn't for the fact that it was a zombie movie. It would be the worst movie I've ever seen. as for your question , is a girl who likes horror movies uncommon? in my experience it is. which is why you are such a breath of fresh air. I really admire that about you. but I could totally relate to what you said. about not having been scared by a horror movie since you were a kid. its the same for me. the first movie I ever saw that scare me was an american werewolf in london. I was about 6 years old when I saw it. I think? any way, I was scared out of my little brain :p moving on.... to your next question. Yes! I write songs. and some times poems. but I am sorry you are having writers block. the few times it happened to me I just stopped writing for a while. because I knew if I let it, it would have driven me crazy. some people wonder where it comes from? or what causes it? I think sub conscious minds wanting to focus on some thing else it believes is more important then our hobby. there for distracting us from doing what we think we want to do. so like I said. its probably to just let it go for a while. then come back to it later and try again. but umm.... no I don't "write" the music for the songs. because I don't know how to play any instruments. I did try learning how to play the guitar along time ago. but I got tired of it real fast ha ha ha. but in away I do make music. electronically. like a music producer using a computer. I have the same kind of software the professionals use. its pretty cool. and very addictive. if I knew how to sing I could make my own cd :D but any way I'm sure your getting bored from my message so i will let you go for now. but thank you for the advice. I'll try asking bjarne if he can help me register. bye bye for now mink
NewBirth said:
at least by him not regging. theres something 2 read on here LoL

Lol, even if he regges, i'm sure there's still something to read on here. Hohohoho..

Oh my god that was a weird laugh, lol.. :D
Guest said:
12:43 am here, central U.S time. we got back from the movie a long time ago. you wanted to no the title, its resident evil : extinction. my personally feelings about the movie was that it was good. not great. but good. I thought it was well directed. the acting was good. and the story was good. the thing that kept it from being a great movie was that the story does not pull you in. the people who made the movie didn't get you any thing to really care about. you know what I mean? its like zombies jump on one of the people. am I supposed to care about that person? why... cause he was waring a hat? if the director wanted me to be sad when some body died. they should have made the people more important. it seemed to be more about one person this particular. her name is alice. but if you've seen the first 2 movies. you know you don't have to be worried about her. because she always beats the bad guys. but I don't know if you can trust my opinion. cause even if a zombie is really bad! I still like them. but rate them in order of other ones I have seen that were better. so rating this one as compared to the other ones. from first to last are ~ 1# Dawn of the dead ( the remake )
2# 28 weeks later ( came out this year in theaters )
3# return of the living ( a classic )
4# day of the dead ( best chance of giving you nightmares after seeing it
5# 28 days later ( not to be confused with #2 on my list )
6# resident evil 3 : extinction ( the one I saw tonight )
7# the original dawn of the dead ( some people might rate this one higher
8# night of the living dead ( the movie that started it all )
9# Land of the dead ( only good thing I can say, its better then # 10
10 # resident evil 2 ( was horrible! ) if it wasn't for the fact that it was a zombie movie. It would be the worst movie I've ever seen. as for your question , is a girl who likes horror movies uncommon? in my experience it is. which is why you are such a breath of fresh air. I really admire that about you. but I could totally relate to what you said. about not having been scared by a horror movie since you were a kid. its the same for me. the first movie I ever saw that scare me was an american werewolf in london. I was about 6 years old when I saw it. I think? any way, I was scared out of my little brain :p moving on.... to your next question. Yes! I write songs. and some times poems. but I am sorry you are having writers block. the few times it happened to me I just stopped writing for a while. because I knew if I let it, it would have driven me crazy. some people wonder where it comes from? or what causes it? I think sub conscious minds wanting to focus on some thing else it believes is more important then our hobby. there for distracting us from doing what we think we want to do. so like I said. its probably to just let it go for a while. then come back to it later and try again. but umm.... no I don't "write" the music for the songs. because I don't know how to play any instruments. I did try learning how to play the guitar along time ago. but I got tired of it real fast ha ha ha. but in away I do make music. electronically. like a music producer using a computer. I have the same kind of software the professionals use. its pretty cool. and very addictive. if I knew how to sing I could make my own cd :D but any way I'm sure your getting bored from my message so i will let you go for now. but thank you for the advice. I'll try asking bjarne if he can help me register. bye bye for now mink

Oh right! Resident Evil, I caught the first 2 before. But! The second one sucked and I was really disappointed with it actually. Lol. I haven't got the chance to catch the 3rd one though, so I've got nothing to say about it but I bet it's just pretty similar. What's the plot now? I mean, besides kicking the zombies' *****, what is the problem now? Spoil it for me cos I can't be bothered to google it. I've seen 28 days later, but not 28 weeks. Hehe.. Oh did you know of the movie, Black Sheep? What the heck is that movie about? I heard it was about zombie sheeps, totally something new I've never thought of - zombified animals, and in this particular case, sheeps. I always find sheeps cute so I really can't relate to them being zombified. Lol.

Are you sure? Girls don't really like horror? I never really realised that before, hmm, what about my girlfriends..oh yeah, they'd choose a romantic comedy over a thriller. But is that so? Well it never occurred to me. Lol, anyway the scariest one I've seen, let's see, ok maybe it's more of gorifying than scary, it would be Final Destination. I'm not exactly interested about how all 4 movies of FD are related but I'm more interested about the special effects and the suspense and the goryness that makes me curse throughout the entire movie. Lol..

I tried learning the guitar too once, lol, but I really am not musically talented and have no patience at it so I quit. The first song I really played on the guitar was 'Edelweiss'. Haha. That was a piece of cake. Wow that's really cool that you have the software and all, you can actually practice now and be one (a music producer) later, like for real. You might be incredibly good at it for some reason, you never know. :)
yeah, resident evil 2 was a horrible movie! now lets never speak of it again so that we may wipe it from our memories :p ok well, as for part 3. I hope no one else but you will read this. or its going to be spoiled for them hahaha, ummm.... well as you know from part one the people who worked for this company get infected with the zombie making virus. so to protect everyone else. the people are trapped inside the building. and in the beginning of part 2 there let out of the building and they come to take over the city. and by the end the military bomb the city. and blame it on a nuclear power plant exploding. like what happened with Chornobyl. well by the start of part 3 we learn that the virus had come to infect everyone in the world. rivers and sea's dried up. and our planet died. Alice, ( the women from part 1 & 2 ) explains that for the few people that are left. the only chance for surviving is to never stop moving. traveling every road a cross the U.S . (she was riding a motorcycle) so I guess the point of the movie. at first any way, was to stay alive. but after her motorcycle is destroyed. and she is left having to walk. she comes a cross a group of survivors being attacked by a flock of killer birds. you know witch ones? the big black ones. there some times called ravens. or crows. well they were infected like the zombies. well any ways. the bad guy from the end of part 2 wanted alice back. because her blood was the key to curing the problem of the zombies. I mean, they still would have been dead. but they wouldn't want to eat flesh. the cure would make them act more like the way they did before. so upon seeing Alice from space on a satellite with the other survivors. he quickly comes up with a plan to get her back. but the plan goes bad. and many of the survivors get killed. making Alice mad. so then point of the movie turns to revenge. her plan to find the secret base thats underground. like on part 1. so thats it. about 90 percent of the movie minus the ending. like I said. I liked it. to be honest it wasn't great. but I just love seeing zombies. and to tell you the truth. its the best movie of all 3. a 1000 times better then part 2. and still much better then part 1. I can honestly say I plan on seeing it again. but moving on. if you've seen 28 days later. and by some chance liked it. part 2 is much better. I loved that movie!!!!!! I almost cried at the ending. it so beautiful :p hahaha but yeah.... I heard of that movie black sheep. I've never seen it before though. but the story sounded stupid. I remember that. which is probably why I never seen it. but as for your question. am I sure women don't like horror movies? I mean of course. there are always going to be a few who do. but most don't. and every women I've ever known don't. my dad always said, if you meet a girl who loves horror movies. MARRY HER! before some one else steals her away. hahaha, no. I'm kidding. I don't have a father. but if I did I'm sure thats what he would have said. ;) but mmm... you and I seem to have a lot in common. like your lack of patients :p I can be a very impatient person. but I'm trying to work on that. but yeah, I think I am already good at it. because I can make music. and you already know that I write songs. the only problem is I can sing :( now If I could find some one to sing the songs I wrote. I would be set. years ago writing songs use to really benefit me. as in I would meet a women. and I would write her a song. and afterwards, she would be all mine! ha ha ha..... seriously though, it worked every time. they would always kiss me. or hug me. some times ever cry :shy: but sadly for me, that was a long time ago. when I was young and cool. now I'm old :( and I drool HA! didn't I tell you I'm a good writer :p oh my mink. you are a silly one. any way.... mink is such a serious name. I was wondering If I could give you a nick name. like when I'm joking with you I could call you minky, or when I want to pretend to be serious. I could say, oh you mink'us! you always make me laugh. you know what I mean? some thing like that? if your answer is yes, stamp your left foot on the ground once. just like the horses do. and if your answer is no. then stamp your foot on the ground twice. ok? well mink'us my friend. sunday is my favorite day of the week. I'll tell you a little more why later. but I must regret fully let you go for now. ciao mink'us!!!!!!!!!

Guest said:
yeah, resident evil 2 was a horrible movie! now lets never speak of it again so that we may wipe it from our memories ok well, as for part 3. I hope no one else but you will read this. or its going to be spoiled for them hahaha, ummm.... well as you know from part one the people who worked for this company get infected with the zombie making virus. so to protect everyone else. the people are trapped inside the building. and in the beginning of part 2 there let out of the building and they come to take over the city. and by the end the military bomb the city. and blame it on a nuclear power plant exploding. like what happened with Chornobyl. well by the start of part 3 we learn that the virus had come to infect everyone in the world. rivers and sea's dried up. and our planet died. Alice, ( the women from part 1 & 2 ) explains that for the few people that are left. the only chance for surviving is to never stop moving. traveling every road a cross the U.S . (she was riding a motorcycle) so I guess the point of the movie. at first any way, was to stay alive. but after her motorcycle is destroyed. and she is left having to walk. she comes a cross a group of survivors being attacked by a flock of killer birds. you know witch ones? the big black ones. there some times called ravens. or crows. well they were infected like the zombies. well any ways. the bad guy from the end of part 2 wanted alice back. because her blood was the key to curing the problem of the zombies. I mean, they still would have been dead. but they wouldn't want to eat flesh. the cure would make them act more like the way they did before. so upon seeing Alice from space on a satellite with the other survivors. he quickly comes up with a plan to get her back. but the plan goes bad. and many of the survivors get killed. making Alice mad. so then point of the movie turns to revenge. her plan to find the secret base thats underground. like on part 1. so thats it. about 90 percent of the movie minus the ending. like I said. I liked it. to be honest it wasn't great. but I just love seeing zombies. and to tell you the truth. its the best movie of all 3. a 1000 times better then part 2. and still much better then part 1. I can honestly say I plan on seeing it again. but moving on. if you've seen 28 days later. and by some chance liked it. part 2 is much better. I loved that movie!!!!!! I almost cried at the ending. it so beautiful hahaha but yeah.... I heard of that movie black sheep. I've never seen it before though. but the story sounded stupid. I remember that. which is probably why I never seen it. but as for your question. am I sure women don't like horror movies? I mean of course. there are always going to be a few who do. but most don't. and every women I've ever known don't. my dad always said, if you meet a girl who loves horror movies. MARRY HER! before some one else steals her away. hahaha, no. I'm kidding. I don't have a father. but if I did I'm sure thats what he would have said. but mmm... you and I seem to have a lot in common. like your lack of patients I can be a very impatient person. but I'm trying to work on that. but yeah, I think I am already good at it. because I can make music. and you already know that I write songs. the only problem is I can sing :( now If I could find some one to sing the songs I wrote. I would be set. years ago writing songs use to really benefit me. as in I would meet a women. and I would write her a song. and afterwards, she would be all mine! ha ha ha..... seriously though, it worked every time. they would always kiss me. or hug me. some times ever cry :shy: but sadly for me, that was a long time ago. when I was young and cool. now I'm old and I drool HA! didn't I tell you I'm a good writer :p oh my mink. you are a silly one. any way.... mink is such a serious name. I was wondering If I could give you a nick name. like when I'm joking with you I could call you minky, or when I want to pretend to be serious. I could say, oh you mink'us! you always make me laugh. you know what I mean? some thing like that? if your answer is yes, stamp your left foot on the ground once. just like the horses do. and if your answer is no. then stamp your foot on the ground twice. ok? well mink'us my friend. sunday is my favorite day of the week. I'll tell you a little more why later. but I must regret fully let you go for now. ciao mink'us!!!!!!!!!


Lmao lol :D:D:D

Okay, this forum is pretty good! Cos I'm actually smiling a lot reading replies from people in here. Lol and this is another one!

Oh talking about staying alive in that movie, have you watched Stay Alive? It's pretty cool, I mean, it was an alright movie but I liked it cos of Jon Foster cos I'm in love with him :shy:

Anyway, thanks for the spoiler. Maybe I'll catch it, maybe not, we'll see. Lol..but that was a good spoiler cos I can imagine the scenes already, pretty much similar plots to the first two, just a little wee bit different.

You can cry in movies? Dude, for real? Lol..Then you should never watch a sad movie with me cos I can cry buckets at the slightest sad emotion and if it's gonna end up with everyone around me crying, I will cry buckets buckets. I'd prefer having someone not crying next to me so they can hand out tissues to me, so far that has been the case in my experience of sad movies..lol. But don't take it too hard, I'm not laughing at you for being able to cry, that's pretty awesome actually, it shows you're human but not too much. Lol.. now there's one thing I can use to tease you next time :rolleyes:

Oh I'm sorry, you don't have a father? I don't either, not anymore. What's your story? If you wanna tell, if not it's fine. :)

And btw, I don't lack patience! Actually, everyone who knows me tell me I'm a very patient person. But I just am not when I'm dealing with something I'm not good at - like playing musical instruments..lol. Why don't you advertise for a singer? Make things work! But it takes some effort so it's not that easy, I know. But it really worked for you? That songwriting for women thing? How old are you exactly again? (If it's not a sensitive question to you) If you're telling me you're in you're 20s or 30s, you seriously have a problem. Cos that's not old. At least I don't think so. I'm 19, I have a good friend who's 24 and married to a 30 year old man. I'm pretty much friends with him too and well, they're still young at heart. So age doesn't really define how old you exactly are. Lol, and joking well doesn't mean you can be a good writer! (Not that I'm saying you're not lol)

And what makes me the silly one? What did I do? You know, people always always tell me that and I always ask them what's so silly about me? And then they'd laugh. My friends love to laugh at me, and make me the butt of their joke but they were playing around so, I'm a butt. Or an ass.

Are you kidding me?? Mink a serious name? It refers to an animal I never knew about and well it was a spontaneous nick I pulled out upon registering.

Did you hear that? That was my left foot giving a stamp like a horse. So now I'm a horse, besides being a silly, butt or an ass.:p
Can you believe that I had to cut smilies from that previous reply cos it only allows 10 images in one post. I had to cut my smilies! Lol..
yeah I've seen stay alive. its just one of the many movies that I own. I have about 400 movies. but any way, as for the whole crying thing. I was just joking. I mean, what guy would admit to crying during a movie? besides Hollywood hasn't put out a good movie in a long time. much less one that could make any one cry :p as for my father, well theres not much to tell about him. he was shot and killed in the street when I was close to 3 years old. so I never knew him. its no big deal. as for your patients. I bet you couldn't wait to write me and tell me that you do ;) hahaha I'm joking with you minky. but as for my age. HOW DARE YOU ASK ME THAT QUESTION! hahaha..... joking! ummm..... no I'm fine with my age. I'll be turning 30 in a couple of months. like I said, I don't care that I will be turning older. but I'm not looking forward to my birthday. a year and a half ago I was on the verge of getting married and starting a family. and now I'm and lonely with nothing to look forward to. I mean even if I get up off my ass and do something. I just feel like, whats the point? I'll have no one to share it with. you know what I mean. but I know what your going to say. life isn't over yet. I'll meet some one else. but I don't really see that happening. I have major trust issues. and my heart can't take another beating any more. besides after seeing one person for so long till we broke up. I lost touch with the dating world. and I'm just not in a strong enough state to even try meeting some one new right. I have meet up with some females this year. in hopes of making a friend. but it didn't work. its always one thing or another with me. you wouldn't believe! or maybe you would. I don't know? any way. I didn't get much sleep last night. I am so tired!!!! so I'm going to let you go for now. but have fun reading all the post on the forum. and I'll talk to you later. ciao mink'us
Well, the only guy I have ever seen crying watching a show (not even a movie!) was my nephew and he's only like what, 5 years old lol so that's pretty cute. Just that second lol..

Happy birthday way in advanced!! In case I don't get to wish you later, in a couple of months. There's still more to look forward to at 29 or 30! Yeah, I guess you just need time and space for awhile after breaking off from a long relationship. I don't really know how that feels like so I can't say much to make you feel better. Except hoping that you will meet someone sooner or later that you can settle down and be happy with. :)

I have nothing to update, lol it's just silent here and quiet and lonesome. I got only like 3 hours of sleep last night and I'm so awake now but I'm sleepy - you know what I mean? Like I'm really sleepy dead sleepy but my eyes are awake. I guess I'm just too bored to close my eyes. I don't really like sleeping. Here I go on rambling again, that's what I do best when I get bored. Or I just stone away lol :D which could just be the case in awhile. Later dude. :cool:

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