Hezekiah's Thread Of Insanity (Update)

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LoneKiller said:
Well. I'd have to say that danger and crime are much more frequent and intense these days as opposed to the 80's. Technology has increased dramatically since then, allowing criminals and violently mentally ill people even better chances of success in their drive to cause horror.

We discussed this before, that crime has been around forever (yes even before the 80's) and while the tools to commit it may change the methods to prevent it (such as surveillance) have been employed far sooner that people realise. Heck it was the basis for my academic paper years ago. Not trying to sound paranoid here but you would be surprised by how detailed information can be gathered from the most simple of things.

As severe as this shooting has been I don't think it's reached witch hunting proportions just yet. I wont get into the morals of it all but if people are posting comments on sites of a dubious nature then chances are that someone, somewhere is already aware of them. All I'd hope is that people have taste, show respect and not try to cause additional trouble for the poor victims involved.
I think this is paranoid at it's finest, and really doesn't need to be here. Nobody is going to go after you for having a mental illness.
Why doesn't everyone with negative comments about this thread just not post. I believe Lone Killer was thinking of everyone's well being, and he was just making a statement. Whether he is wrong or right, in my opininion, doesn't matter.
Do the consequences concern me if I'm not American? Just curious.
Martial arts is a great way to stay in shape and defend yourself. I don't do it, but I admire those who excel at it.

The world is a place of balance. You can't have nothing but fluffy clouds, it gets boring and loses all meaning. The function of all things negative should be to amplify our appreciation for the positive.

What we really need, is just more happy endings...

Here is one of my favorties

The adrenaline rush around violence and the use of power obviously goes back to when humans hunted to survive.

Men are more entertained by that stuff.
I think if you step back and look at other animals, what you often see is males competing for females. Most especially in mammals the male is often a bit larger and more robust and must fight another male for his pick of a female. What decides who wins the right to mate is who is stronger, more courageous, daring, etc.. etc..

I think when you take a few millions years of letting the most bad ass mammal have the right to mate, you end up with a lot off spring that have a tendency towards aggression. Every great civilization has had it's great wars. Civilization is not very new, but fighting over resources is not new. Take a look when you throw a peice of bread towards a bunch of birds. Usually there is one ****** who pushes everyone out of the way to get the biggest chunk of bread.

So now we have two instances where being aggresive means survival. Survival in the sense of self preservation and survival in the sense of preserving one's lineage.

Things can change and it isn't always the case that those tendencies lead to self preservation and procreation, but... Even to this very day, those are tendencies which will cause you to excel.

In modern society however, we find extreme cases. People with extreme tendencies towards aggression and self preservation tend to be criminals of some sort, abusive, etc.. etc..

Anyway, without digressing too much. I think what you'll find is that the vast majority of us have these aggressive tendencies hard wired into us. Through the advent of culture which is a product of a particular civilization we learn (or fail to learn) ways to direct this energy in a manner that is productive to the collective whole we belong to. If I decide to go on a murderous rampage it doesn't really help anyone. My lineage will suffer, my reputation becomes tarnished, those who knew me are viewed negatively and thus their chances of finding suitable mates are decreased as well, etc.. etc.. But the one who directs that energy toward some productive end (in terms of strengthening cultural/social/economic ties) increases it's chances of securing resources/food/shelter and desirable healthy fertile prospecting mates.

I think it's quite like the scenario where there is a dream machine. In this machine you become completely connected and enter an artificial dream. You can become any person you like at any time and live out an entire life in the span of a single second then wake up and come back and be yourself again. After choosing all the best lives you can imagine living, would you not be tired of it? Would you not start to become increasingly selective in your choice of life to live. You might decide, I want a calm humble life. You may decide, I want a life riddled with strife and struggle. You may want to live the life of the hated enemy. Perhaps you want to live the life of the victim of some extreme suffering and horrible fate.

I think it's the nature of this universe in general to want to express all the possibilities possible in an infinity of time. And as creatures having sprung forth from this universe, I think we all desire to live out different fantasies and dreams.

I play violent video games, horribly violent. heh, but ya know what gets me? I think it's absolutely despicable that some people enjoy murder mysteries. I find it rather disgusting and appalling that some one could take pleasure in the drama of the after math of a brutal murder.

I think what people don't realize is that the vast majority of us, if not all of us, are really no different than the worst and best person we can think of. 99% of all that separates ourselves from them is circumstance and experience.

Look at the witch trials. ENTIRE TOWNS OF PEOPLE collectively deciding to murder some one who probably just slipped up and went through with an act that everyone else would have wanted to do if they could, but were too afraid of deviating from the cultural norms.

Anyway, I've digressed horribly.

Point is, is that the natural selection of the human species and mammals in general has lent itself to breeding rights for the toughest male. Therefore, we all have a very strong tendency towards aggression in some form or manner. How we end up directing that energy often decides where in society we will end up, and in life in general.
rdor said:
The adrenaline rush around violence and the use of power obviously goes back to when humans hunted to survive.

Men are more entertained by that stuff.
They're also entertained by "Chick Fights". They have entire websites devoted to just that. In high school, two girls going at it was always a popular spectator sport among the fellas.:D
LoneKiller said:
rdor said:
The adrenaline rush around violence and the use of power obviously goes back to when humans hunted to survive.

Men are more entertained by that stuff.
They're also entertained by "Chick Fights". They have entire websites devoted to just that. In high school, two girls going at it was always a popular spectator sport among the fellas.:D

Yeah, if they are so non-violent, how come they're always going at it in the mud?? :p
Felix said:
LoneKiller said:
rdor said:
The adrenaline rush around violence and the use of power obviously goes back to when humans hunted to survive.

Men are more entertained by that stuff.
They're also entertained by "Chick Fights". They have entire websites devoted to just that. In high school, two girls going at it was always a popular spectator sport among the fellas.:D

Yeah, if they are so non-violent, how come they're always going at it in the mud?? :p
For the fellas. It gets men into the bars where they spend tons of money on hooch.

Sport is like art in some way. Even if it is martial arts (which can be very spiritual as well, mostly japanese martial arts)

As for violence in general, I do think that it is something primitive and primal that is so entertaining about it. Mostly like other undying topics, that are so much written about and illustrated. Like sex, for example.
Hate and love, tragic and comedy... would be other topics, that all go down to very old and simple emotions.
LoneKiller said:
What is it about violence that interests so many of us? Shouldn't it be offensive to most people as opposed to interesting?[/color]

Good question and honestly I am unsure of the answer. Perhaps due to the competition of physical dominance in things like sports or the grim curiosity of slowing down to look at a car accident or perhaps it (movies, literature, video games, music) is just an acceptable outlet to vicariously experience the thrill of unacceptable behavior. It's the rush of blood through our systems; it's the rebellion against the taboo that turns us on.

The same can be said about sex in our society (especially in the US). It is still seen as something that is not to be discussed in proper conversations, but yet we are constantly bombarded with sex and sexual imagery to sell us everything from hamburgers to lawn chairs.

Excuse me. I'm going to recline and relax with a big, juicy burger.
Because we are animals and animals are violent. Just watch the Discovery Channel.
I think wrestling is entertaining... kind of funny to be honest with you. It's easier to laugh and not feel bad when it's basically fake. At least the stuff I've watched..
What the.... :\ Edit: Glad there are none of them kinda bears here..black bears..yes.
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