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Well-known member
Dec 16, 2016
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Hi guys,

Well thought it would be a nice idea to present myself before showing up in some of the conversations here.
My name is Roy and I'm a 30-year-old Israeli guy who works as a Software engineer and is obviously alone, pretty much as everyone else here.

When I was younger, It didn't bother me much, I had one serious relationship which ended bitterly and made me very frustrated with people, nevertheless, after few years I've tried to meet other women and unfortunately the last one I was really passionate into being with her, got married and had been hiding it from me for a very long time before I accidently found out.  

Since then, I got into few short relationships, but it doesn't seem to work out for me, it seems that I might have been alone for too long so I don't know how to conduct well when it comes to being with someone, I'm very oblivion when it comes to games, I don't play games because I simply don't know how to... and I'm kinda tired of it.

Well now after we swept the sad stuff under the carpet,  I'll tell a little more about myself 

I'm very excited about what I'm doing in my professional life, working at startups and doing long hours, doing what I love. 
Other than that, I'm a bit of a history freak, Love Roman history especially but also find the french revolution, renaissance and others quite intriguing.
You might laugh but I also love listening to breaking benjamin, Red, Nine lashes, 12 stones, Five fingers death punch and other rock bands, Hope I never get too old to listen to good rock music. 

I have 2 sisters and I'm very close to my nephews and nieces, kinda odd considering that I'm such a lone wolf and don't see any kids in my life anytime soon, though I do hope that it happens one day.

Anyway, Great meeting you all and I really hope to join in and contribute from my own experience in life, As a software engineer , I do get acquainted with people from other nationalities quite often but I always enjoy meeting as many people as I can, especially when they come from a variety of different cultures.
I do hope that my nationality will not bring up a political debate, As it's not what I'm in here for.

Have a great weekend Guys!

Welcome to ALL

There is nothing laughable about liking the bands you mentioned. They're great and fit for all ages.
I like history as well, and it seems that there are many people here interested by it. Feel free to PM me in case you want to discuss it.
Been alone too long and not sure how to conduct yourself? I know the feeling. 30 years old is a good age so don't let too many more years go by alone because that being out of practice thing is only going to get worse.

Don't worry too much about game playing.....go for honesty except when it would be indiscreet and then keep your opinions to yourself.

Good on you for liking what you do for a living! You're a lucky guy to have that! I think history is fascinating....and your part of the world has a lot of history eh? And your being Israeli raises no problems with me, at all.
thank you friends,

Well, I do try my best to make things a bit different for me.
I've resigned from my job so I can meet new people and have new experiences (both in life & professionally) , I started seeing a psychiatrist in order to solve my trust and occasional depression issues and I'm trying to meet more women because honestly... never thought I would ever say that, I just want a nice companion to build a new life with, sadly some women think that I have a player character, which is completely wrong.

Indeed the middle east has some rich history, it's where civilization first came to existence in the structure we know today, yet I'm more fascinated with European and American history, Roman times, french revolution, American consitution - all very intriguing for me.
When I was younger, loneliness did not bother me that much either. Seems to come with time for some people. Breaking Benjamin is a great band!
Welcome ^_^

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