Hi From Australia

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Feb 11, 2012
Reaction score
Melbourne, Australia
Hi everyone,
I'm 51, been divorced (2 adult daughters and 1 grandaughter) since mid 90s and living in Australia since then, (originally from New Zealand).

I guess life hasn't panned out as I expected (guess many of us can relate to that). Haven't had a serious relationship since my divorce. Met some women along the way, but the 'spark', chemistry, connection just was never there. Just never found someone compatible across enough of the different levels necessary for a real chance of a successful relationship to be built from.

I guess I've become a bit disillusioned about it all and unfortuantely while I have made acquaintances along the way, no real friendships.

I'm ok looking, intelligent, have a sense of humour and enjoy both philisophical and political dicussion (am passionate about social justice), as well as other deep topics and also lighter stuff too.

I haven't worked for several years (on disabilty for anxiety and related issues but no psychiatric condition).

So, I guess being poor, unemployed and a migrant to another country are all factors that contribute to my situation and bouts of lonelieness at times and that general feeling of disconnection from what we are told is normal. Society it seems is geared up for couples and familes and at my age it's expected I'd own property, a nice car, have a solid job and a social network, blah blah.. well I have none of that.

So while I try to remain positive, I'm a realist and recognise that I'm not a 'catch' in economic terms and that seems to be more and more the focus thesedays. And sorry (don't mean to offend) but the 'trailer trash' common variety with its depression, drugs, violence, lack of empathy or caring/compassion etc.. the dog eat dog mentality and little or no regard for others, well that just repulses me.

Just cos I'm poor doesn't mean I can easily fit in with others in my socio-economic grouping. Oh well, enough waffling LOL. Happy to have found this forum :cool:

Haha, guess that's trues enough Poguesy, but I do see that people have become more and more focussed on the financial security god and the folding stuff necessary to to worship it with. And what's the first thing people ask when you meet them? What do you do? It's conditioned into us. Most on finding you are on gov benefit and don't work, well they tend to lose interest pretty **** fast.

I have nothing against money or having nice things, just I think there's more to life and it's so easy to be sucked in to this 'gotta have everything now' materialism mentality..superficial and empty imo.
Welcome ^^
Whereabouts in Australia are you?
I am in Townsville.
bohemian said:
Haha, guess that's trues enough Poguesy, but I do see that people have become more and more focussed on the financial security god and the folding stuff necessary to to worship it with. And what's the first thing people ask when you meet them? What do you do? It's conditioned into us. Most on finding you are on gov benefit and don't work, well they tend to lose interest pretty **** fast.

I have nothing against money or having nice things, just I think there's more to life and it's so easy to be sucked in to this 'gotta have everything now' materialism mentality..superficial and empty imo.

Hello, fellow Melbournian; You took the words out of my mouth. I'm far, far more interested in other people's interests and hobbies than their job. In fact, I've met far more nice poor people than "financially successful" ones. I think the fact that I'm on temporary disability for depression/anxiety/PTSD puts a lot of people off as well, but I'd rather be alone than surrounded by shallow people like that.

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