Hi, I'm brambles, 18, from Australia. I sort of stumbled on this website, and thought it was the perfect place for me
I like sci-fi books & movies, anything relating to crime, dark chocolate and singing (even though I can't sing lol). I guess I'm a nerd, I just started law school (don't hate me! >< ) and I'm pretty worried about the high-pressure environment I'm going into and how lonely it's going to be =/
I had a lot of family issues and abuse growing up so I'm a little bit messed up, heh x] I have an anxiety disorder and find it very difficult making friends. Because I just started university this year, I decided I'd change my image entirely and try to be the out-going type of girl, i.e, ditched the glasses, grew out my hair, dug up my make-up box. It's helped my confidence but uni's a lonely place when you're just starting so I thought it would be a good idea to join this place and mingle with other people feeling the same way I do right now
I like sci-fi books & movies, anything relating to crime, dark chocolate and singing (even though I can't sing lol). I guess I'm a nerd, I just started law school (don't hate me! >< ) and I'm pretty worried about the high-pressure environment I'm going into and how lonely it's going to be =/
I had a lot of family issues and abuse growing up so I'm a little bit messed up, heh x] I have an anxiety disorder and find it very difficult making friends. Because I just started university this year, I decided I'd change my image entirely and try to be the out-going type of girl, i.e, ditched the glasses, grew out my hair, dug up my make-up box. It's helped my confidence but uni's a lonely place when you're just starting so I thought it would be a good idea to join this place and mingle with other people feeling the same way I do right now