
Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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Jun 16, 2017
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Hi everyone, 

I am leidelot, 35 years old and I've been feeling very lonely lately. My life has changed a lot recently and although I'm accepting the new situation I'm struggling to adjust and could really use just talking to someone now and then. We've recently moved with our family from the UK to Germany in February. This is a big change, even bigger because I used to work full time back in the UK and now I'm (at least for the time being) a stay at home mom. I now spent my time looking after the children and taking care of the house, but I sometimes feel very lonely and trapped. Don't get me wrong, I love my children, but I really feel like I do not have a life of my own at the moment.

Shortly after our move, in March, my mom fell ill quite unexpectedly and she passed away in the middle of April. 
My mom and I were really close, and she'd by my 'to go to'  person for anything. We'd ring at least three times a week, and normally she'd have been the person I'd call with my current struggles and put everything in perspective again.

I can't talk to my family either, because they are dealing with their own grieve and during the day, when I feel loneliest, they are at work. My husband understands as well, but again, he is at work during the day.

I'm hoping to find someone here who can relate, and who's interested in just exchanging stories and having a chat now and then.

I hope this makes sense, and this forum is the right place for this.

Hi Leidelot, nice to meet you. I hope that you can find what you need here. This is definitely a place for lonely people, and I have found it has helped me. ;)
wallflower79 said:
Hi Leidelot, nice to meet you. I hope that you can find what you need here. This is definitely a place for lonely people, and I have found it has helped me. ;)

Hi Wallflower79,

Thanks, nice to meet you too. I'm hoping it will help me as well.
I really sympathise.
I call my mom every night. We support each other through good and bad. It's a real shock when someone close to you passes like that. I know it'll hit me like a ton of bricks when it happens, so I really grive with you, dudette.
My mother is the only person I outright, straight dread to lose. It is THE thing that would ruin my life.
I'd say, maybe try to get a work to get out a bit more and see new things, or at least a spare time activity? There's also a chat room ^_^
Sorry for late reply, was a while since I logged in :S
Welcome to ALL, although I can't relate (I've been lucky enough to have not had anyone close to me pass away) I can understand this has taken a toll on you as it would take on on almost anyone...

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