How do I date a co-worker?

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theglasscell said:
Yeah it really depends on the job and the work place. For me being on the night shift and being the creepy janitor at work doesn't leave much chance for romance.

I just read "I Suck At Girls" by Justin Halpern recently. Apparently working at a restaurant leads to getting laid eventually no matter how you look. Especially at "Hooters". Wash dishes there long enough and you are bound to have sex with a Hooters girl.

The place I'm working at. And could I get your two cents on this? If you live in the States you'll understand.
So give me your thought on that.
theglasscell said:
Seems like a good restaurant.

I wish I was more fluent in French though then I might get paid more in a few months. They start you at $8/hour.
theglasscell said:
8 an hour plus tips?

I'm doing utility, but severs get paid the same too. Some people even get paid up to $9/hour not including tips. And it's not a five star restaurant either.
Seeing that video on the website now makes me want to go on a fancy date. Haha.
Dating a co-worker is very hard and not something I recommend personally as I had two failed relationships. One cheated on me and at that point I didn't have a gf for 2 years and 3 months later, it all went south. The second lasted maybe about a month or two but that one just ended abruptly (which was how most of them ended for me. Wasn't a big deal). The only thing I can say is if you do go for it (I didn't read most of the other posts. I saw the beginning and the end that was it), take it a day at a time and just get to know her before you go anywhere with expansion. You might be in for either a great companion or a severe disappointment.

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