How has your day been?

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Gotta watch those tigers :)
Top day for me, I finally dusted off my guitars and even managed to come up with a few riffs, contemplating heading out now for pie & mash and a cider but it kinda scares me 😱
Today, for me, was average. Like a movie plot, every day is 100% identical to the day before.

The best part of my day is that I woke up.

The worst part of the day is also that I woke up.

I'm happy for you.
I really miss being asked such a simple question, and being given the opportunity to answer fully.

My day was mainly consumed by having both the gas and electricity meters, changed. It has been a long year of faults with them, and these are already the second set. Anyway, there was more problems today, and it did not go down well.

Afterwards, I retreated to my sloth like existence, and sofa surfed throughout the afternoon and evening. T.v. And munchies occupied me comfortably.

I'm frustrated by my laziness, but too lazy to do anything about it. Thus, it has not been such a bad day.
Sunday... Right... ... ...

I survived.

Nothing much done. It was cold damp morning. Lunchtime looked brighter, but still cold, as I discovered on the first dog walk.

The afternoon was spent sofa surfing to YouTube, allowing the Sun's rays to beam through the windows, as the dog & I, jostled for premium position within them.

Early evening came and went, although the daylight was a little longer. I ate a lot, maybe for two, maybe three.

Late evening, dark, cold, nobody about, we go for our long walk. I decide we will do Poll Hill in Heswall, which is the highest point in the area. We wandered as Radio 4 streamed comedy into my ears. The dog happily adventuring, finding new scents and passages.

The only remotely negative to today, and it isn't much. I'm usually pretty good at judging distance based upon time. Tonight, I was way off, by a mile.

We're now wrapped up in bed, bellies full, candles flickering, whilst I catch-up on news and affairs.

A mellow day.
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Feel very lost, but did good things today.
+ went on a walk
+ shared group activity, did chit chat
+ate nice things and drank enough
+ Sucessfully control thoughts of suicide and self harm/ use skills

- feel emotionally torn and in pain
- think I deserve to be lonely
- got flashbacks from the past
- can't help myself, in a way that feels good
- feel like a Borderline lunatic that nobody really is able to like or to come close to
ONLY 8 hours? I can't even remember the last time I got within 2 hours of 8 hours. I usually get 4-6 hours a night. lol

Let's see, my day. Wake up at 5, had coffee, got the kids up at 6:15, left at 7 to drive my kid an hour for his military thing. Then went to the store and the bank before heading home, then stopped at the pet store to get food for my fat cat. Now I'm home, having my second cup of coffee and about to start working.
Feeling jolly positive today, following a bad week for affairs and business. I've arranged to meet an old dalliance, on Monday, for coffee and conversation. It will be my first step back into peopleing, in a long time. I'm actually quite proud of myself.
ONLY 8 hours? I can't even remember the last time I got within 2 hours of 8 hours. I usually get 4-6 hours a night. lol

Let's see, my day. Wake up at 5, had coffee, got the kids up at 6:15, left at 7 to drive my kid an hour for his military thing. Then went to the store and the bank before heading home, then stopped at the pet store to get food for my fat cat. Now I'm home, having my second cup of coffee and about to start working.
Thank you for reminding me that getting fixed was the smartest thing I ever did. No pets is a good thing too. Ha! ha! ;)

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