Human Nature

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Well-known member
Jun 25, 2011
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Hi I'm new to this site so not 100% on how it works but I was just wondering what people thought true human nature is and why it is.
Broad question.

Human nature is variable, but people are a combination of genetic as well as environmental influence. This is usually expressed as nature versus nurture.

Does that assist?
It does a bit. i do have my own ideas but i want to expand them by taking into account the views of others and what they think human nature is, not its causes. thx tho that reminded me of something.
There are many things that change human nature , it seems that nowadays it revolves around society. The criminal behavior and others don't actually exist in humans it was created by society weather it was made consciously so Bob the cop and many others can have a job or an unfortunate result I don't know.
Masson said:
There are many things that change human nature , it seems that nowadays it revolves around society. The criminal behavior and others don't actually exist in humans it was created by society weather it was made consciously so Bob the cop and many others can have a job or an unfortunate result I don't know.

That's silly.

Behavior that intervenes with the life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness of others has a definite harm inflicted, and yet it will continue to occur in a world with infinite wants and limited resources. Humans commit such selfish acts by nature, long before the creation of modern society, as could be presumed by our near-human relatives such as chimpanzees who have been observed with behaviors akin to warfare, genocide and mass rape.

The centralization of force(aka creation of police), therefore, by society is an attempt to limit the application of force to a common denominator so that there is at least less randomness in violence and force. Many tribal societies, for example, practice raiding and bridal kidnapping to other tribes but not on their own - creating a basic order of force(you can harm others, but not ourselves). Dueling, another example, creates a contract of limited violence that hopefully prevents further retribution from family.

"Blood money" or weregild by the Vikings therefore, was to prevent retribution by allowing violence to be 'paid off' in nonviolent means. An ongoing evolution of that system has eventually led to codified laws, an organized force of enforcers, and hopefully, an overall society of increased order and reduced violence.
Well, my observations? Human nature is selfish as a general rule, but there are many who manage to rise above it. On top of that, most people need to see themselves as justified or 'good'(even serial killers) and carry out some behavior consistent with their internal image.
Yes there are people who are by nature aggressive and so on but most criminals are made by society , the way society works is not meant for everybody but sadly its forced down our throats. Look at allot of the mental problems these days as another example again a result of society , there are so many negative things that are created and done in society that its actually scary and sad that so little people know about it.
I generally tended to be rather misanthropic in this regard. Still am, somewhat. As already stated in this thread, humans have the potential to grow up decent depending on their genetic builds and the effect of their environment has upon them. People tend to be rather selfish, never content with what they have, and wary of things that are not like themselves, up to a point of open hostility. I also wonder if humans are inherently in desperate need of a leader, much akin to other animals and their pack hierarchy, but have failed on a massive scale in this regard.
What are your ideas on 'pack mentality' that people had and some have, which started the basis for our society as humans tend to be social creatures and will usually try to be with those that are similar or beneficial to them?
Well basically everything we do and everyone with whom we associate is because of a beneficial reason . I mean even having a friend is part of that because you get the benefits of having one like socializing , trust that you can get help when in trouble and so on we don't think about it in that way because we don't have to its just how things are. Another example , helping somebody out , you may do it because of the kindness of your heart and that's exactly what the benefit is that feeling of helping somebody. Everything revolves around give and receive.
What about when people who give and give but never want anything back in turn even if they didn't have a caring enviroment or family, do you think they are going against their nature and do you think it is good to go against one's nature?
Masson said:
Yes there are people who are by nature aggressive and so on but most criminals are made by society , the way society works is not meant for everybody but sadly its forced down our throats. Look at allot of the mental problems these days as another example again a result of society , there are so many negative things that are created and done in society that its actually scary and sad that so little people know about it.

Society is not the culprit for this, however. Along with the evolution of the social contract, we have also gained such disposable luxuries such as internal climate control, increased longevity, and oh, electricity. It is certainly possible that one could leave society and hack it out in the woods, and indeed, some individuals do.

The fact that the vast majority of people who try that rapidly return to society proper shows the great benefit it has and how it coincides in general with human nature.

The idea that criminals, or aggressive behavior in general is somehow 'made' by society is ludicrous. Most people are generally selfish in some fashion or another; society is hardly necessary for that.

condemnedsoul666 said:
What are your ideas on 'pack mentality' that people had and some have, which started the basis for our society as humans tend to be social creatures and will usually try to be with those that are similar or beneficial to them?

Two different things.

People will generally always try to be with others that are 'beneficial' to them, or to be specific, with others that satisfy their needs on some level. This can be unpredictable, however, depending on how people internally scale their needs. For example, people have have a need for security and love and generally are uncomfortable with, and avoid change; in the case of abused women with abusive partners, 'security' may involve staying with the 'only one who could love me' despite the intensely negative situation, even when neither are particularly being provided. It is to her perspective that other possibilities(being alone, etc) are even more negative and so she remains in an harmful relationship.

Maslow's Hiearchy of Needs is an excellent introduction to this concept.

Similiarly, people tend to befriend others due to needs of security and stability, but this is balanced to lesser or greater extent in some by a need for novelty. This is why some people are intensely brand-loyal in their purchases, while there are others who will try out a new product simply because it is new.
This is all really helpful I have a few more questions but I don't know how to put them into words so I'll get back to you guys with them. Thanks a ton ;]
condemnedsoul666 said:
This is all really helpful I have a few more questions but I don't know how to put them into words so I'll get back to you guys with them. Thanks a ton ;]

If I may, I suggest as it is an /excellent/ resource on human nature and used to be an almost religious place for me to study in.

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