I will be seeing a therapist again at some point in the next few months. I am waiting for an assessment appointment first and then will probably be put onto a waiting list. I can't remember what it was like not to wish in my heart of hearts at one or more times each day that my life would end. Being alone, being very afraid, having noone to really rely on to be there for me, and feeling so very vulnerable and wanting to die to be out of it all has been my life for so many years that it has come to be my normal way of feeling. I find it hard to even imagine that life could feel secure and enjoyable as it hasn't been this way for so long. I have times when I manage to push the fear and the exhaustion aside for a short while, but I know it is always there. I am glad that I will have a counsellor again as it will give me the chance to talk things through and to vent.