I feel the same way Stars.
I don't really have any really good 'physical', 'in-person' friends, and those people whom I do 'know' seem to be so self-interested and boring, that as soon as I open my mouth, they glaze over and leave. It's REALLY annoying.
So it's either sit there, and simply listen, and nod, and say "yeah!", or don't hang out with people.

There is no factor of closeness at all, that is, unless I play "Yes-man", don't speak about myself at all, and do all sorts of errands or tasks they want of me.
Ironically, the one person I've met in my whole life that I actually enjoy talking to is a girl from online (YEAH!), but she has a boyfriend (NO! *_*). Life is
ridiculously unfair.
Interesting, intelligent, communicative people are unbelievably rare, and infinitely few and far between.