My girlfriend is losing her love for me. We've been together for more than a year and I love her so much. I dont want to lose her, she's the world to me and I would be lost without her. I tell her I love her every day and I feel like I'm being a good boyfriend. I'm always thinking about her and when she calls me I get so happy it's unexplainable. I wish there was a magic word to to say to her to make her love me back just as much. It hurts so bad. If she leaves me for good I don't know what I will do, she said she would call me later tonight but she might not. Without her I have nothing to lose. I need her in my life and if she leaves me I will choose a job that puts my life in great risk just so there's a chance I can end the hurt.... :'(
I just want someone to talk to. I'm so lonely and sad, I need someone to talk to. Please will someone help me
I just want someone to talk to. I'm so lonely and sad, I need someone to talk to. Please will someone help me