I Googled a Question and...

Loneliness, Depression & Relationship Forum

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Well-known member
Oct 25, 2012
Reaction score
...found "A Lonely Life."

Hello! I'm a 27-year-old "southern belle." (Yeah right; I'm just a woman from the South :p) I live with my "fiance" and my dog, Toby.

I Googled, "I'm not good at anything" and found this site! Once I saw what it was all about, I knew I had to sign up! I am unhappy where I live, but I'd be even unhappier living with my mother again. Thus, I feel stuck and lonely. Like many other posts I have reads, I have no friends either. That's it, I guess.

I'm glad to be here!

we will do our best to reinforce your negative belief that you are good at nothing

i think i found this place by googling "i am a miserable piece of **** and want desperately to feel worse about myself"

lol, JK, really
LOL, thank you, Trent. I need that reinforcement and am entirely sure that you and others will be able to assist me with that. :p

Thanks for the welcomes, everyone! :D

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