I hate when outside forces cause me to show weakness.

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Mr. Sir

So tonight I was supposed to sell merchandise for a family member who is in freelance entertainment, and there is snow and ice all over the parking lot outside my place of residence. So my car is covered in snow, and EVEN after me and my buddy get it to a new place in the parking lot where it isn't buried, a tinge of FEAR still hits me as I am not an experienced cold-weather (snow and ice) driver, due to the area of the country that I used to live in.

Even though ALL the main roads are plowed, my iced up parking lot is preventing me from going to the entertainment venue and selling merchandise. F.M.L. Now I miss out on what could have 45 dollars tax free due to FEAR! In ADDITION to the fact that the entertaining family member now thinks I am a DOOFUS for not being able to drive in an icy area to his venue. It is a HUGE sign of weakness.

I would say that this weakness that seaps in every now and then is my BIGGEST character flaw, and I ABSOLUTELY hate it. It's often hard to hide from other men that I am competing with. It sneaks up on me and drags me down in several areas of my life. Sometimes I can deal with it, sometimes I can't.


Just needed to get that out there.
At least you are thinking. :) Probably best not to drive on ice.

(I would say that this weakness that seeps in every now and then is my BIGGEST character flaw, and I ABSOLUTELY hate it)
it seems you are ready to be done with it.

I do not make it to events because I lack confidence. I often question do I have the right clothes, am I smart enough to mingle with the group, will my personality attract or repel others. There were times I showed and wished I had arrived earlier because things were much better than i imagined. Of course, there was rejection by some but that's there own stuff to sort out.

Yes, what ifs... are crippling thoughts. I have decided to also ask myself what if I do not, to see If I prefer the alternative. My perception has altered since I began to play free poker against opponents from all over the world. Give yourself the experience of playing and going all-in when all you lose is your chips. That tinge of fear is there everytime.

:) Be present in your life. Fear and all.

BUOY said:
At least you are thinking. :) Probably best not to drive on ice.

(I would say that this weakness that seeps in every now and then is my BIGGEST character flaw, and I ABSOLUTELY hate it)
it seems you are ready to be done with it.

I do not make it to events because I lack confidence. I often question do I have the right clothes, am I smart enough to mingle with the group, will my personality attract or repel others. There were times I showed and wished I had arrived earlier because things were much better than i imagined. Of course, there was rejection by some but that's there own stuff to sort out.

Yes, what ifs... are crippling thoughts. I have decided to also ask myself what if I do not, to see If I prefer the alternative. My perception has altered since I began to play free poker against opponents from all over the world. Give yourself the experience of playing and going all-in when all you lose is your chips. That tinge of fear is there everytime.

:) Be present in your life. Fear and all.

I can probably help you with your looks and body language if you go into more detail.
uh... I made too many assumption in my post. I wanted to know was it the ice or something more that kept you from making the event?

The events that I often did not show up for were by invitation from individuals who emphasize when I am less than average. I felt obligated to join them on these occasions because they called me friend. When my instincts no longer allowed me to call them friend I dumped them. Problem solved. If I continued to surround myself with people who throw blows in order to distract themselves and others I'd become pavement.
The events I usually had no hesitation turning up for were for networking and by invitation from people I trusted.

How about you?
BUOY said:
uh... I made too many assumption in my post. I wanted to know was it the ice or something more that kept you from making the event?

The events that I often did not show up for were by invitation from individuals who emphasize when I am less than average. I felt obligated to join them on these occasions because they called me friend. When my instincts no longer allowed me to call them friend I dumped them. Problem solved. If I continued to surround myself with people who throw blows in order to distract themselves and others I'd become pavement.
The events I usually had no hesitation turning up for were for networking and by invitation from people I trusted.

How about you?

It was my fear of crashing my car due to ice. I tend to get alot of fear when situations like this arise. I get ALOT of fear.

Yeah, you should just improve your looks and get some muscle (fighting skill, ability to stand up for yourself) and take the social capital building opportunities as they are presented to you.

So the main roads were fine and you were just afraid because of the parking lot? Most parking lot speeds aren't even fast enough to lose control on ice...unless it's rain on ice. We had a call at a nursing home a couple weeks back with a layer of water on solid ice in the parking lot...with the gentlest braking and slowest speeds I still slid about five feet to be able to stop lol. Then the next day I got the damn thing stuck, sideways (!), at the bottom of an icy driveway. Shouldn't have even tried it.

Best just to laugh it off.
Fearlessness is ignorance. Fear is not a weakness unless you let it stop you or impede you somehow.

Courage is doing things despite fear.
We all have weaknesses. It's natural. Every living thing has a weakness. You're not as strong as you want to appear to be, and it shows through your insecurities. That's your weakness.
VanillaCreme said:
We all have weaknesses. It's natural. Every living thing has a weakness. You're not as strong as you want to appear to be, and it shows through your insecurities. That's your weakness.

Yeah, now we need it fixed.
Well its snowing.... its gonna snow for 2 days... I'm not Driving anywhere... and i just talked to my dad, and hes not driving anywhere either... I guess we are weak. I guess we need some serious help with this problem of not wanting to drive in crappy conditions.....
SocratesX said:
VanillaCreme said:
We all have weaknesses. It's natural. Every living thing has a weakness. You're not as strong as you want to appear to be, and it shows through your insecurities. That's your weakness.

Yeah, now we need it fixed.
Bro just because you get Jacked, won't make your fears go away.. Your muscles don't help your mind,
you need to be comfortable with who you are.. If you think you'll be more comfortable being muscle Bound go for it, but don't think it's going to fix your insecurites. it won't.
NOAH_FX said:
SocratesX said:
VanillaCreme said:
We all have weaknesses. It's natural. Every living thing has a weakness. You're not as strong as you want to appear to be, and it shows through your insecurities. That's your weakness.

Yeah, now we need it fixed.
Bro just because you get Jacked, won't make your fears go away.. Your muscles don't help your mind,
you need to be comfortable with who you are.. If you think you'll be more comfortable being muscle Bound go for it, but don't think it's going to fix your insecurites. it won't.

I already am pretty musclebound. That's the point of this thread.
I already am pretty musclebound. That's the point of this thread.

So thats what you meant by helping me with my body image. lol
My mind is always in the gutter. Jk
Telling you guys, get some studded tires or at least some really grippy ones. Or a 4WD vehicle (also known as a 'Real Vehicle' :p Suck it, two-wheel-powered-things)

I have studs and I still pass people when it's snowing.

Actually, you know the BEST way to deal with ice and hard-pack snow? Find a back road with really low traffic, or a parking lot late at night, and make yourself fishtail and go in to spins. Learn to correct it and drive like a pro. My parents live up this BFE dirt road in the mountains just north of town...it's got this wide intersection and it loops at the end. Every time I visit in the winter I'm literally fishtailing all the way up the road at like 45 miles an hour and then I drive around the loop sideways before pulling in to their driveway. Just to stay brushed up on my skillz....well, and also because I'm a badass, but whatever. :p
BUOY said:
I already am pretty musclebound. That's the point of this thread.

So thats what you meant by helping me with my body image. lol
My mind is always in the gutter. Jk

You're a girl.
Lack of experience is a weakness? I think it's more of a fear of failure that you were speaking of in terms of not attempting to drive.

Fortune favors the brave without risk there is no reward.
alonewanderer said:
Lack of experience is a weakness? I think it's more of a fear of failure that you were speaking of in terms of not attempting to drive.

Fortune favors the brave without risk there is no reward.

Just fear of ******* up my car.

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