Not me...some women gets on my nerves.
Some women I just find down right mean and nasty no matter how they smell.
Some women looks like they can kick my ass and wanna kick my ass.
I have no bitterness nor hatred against those women and they don't know from shineOla.
The last thing on thier minds is wondering if I like them or not...I'm sure of it.
I can't be everything for everybody. i don't have to like everyone nor dose everyone has
to like me. Just keeping it real....
I work with the public..I see all kinds of people from all walks of life. All kinds...
Rich, poor, mean, kind, ugly, pretty, snotty, easy going, drunks, bums, black, white, brown, young, old.
Some rich people are nice and giving. Some rich people are snotty and greedie.
Some homeless people are mean, some are nice.
Some black people are prejudice some arn't
Some beautiful women are kind, Some women are evil.
Some ugly women are mean , some are very sweet and gentle.
Some women are addicts or drunks that are very nice and easy going ...other are way in la la la land and lost thier minds. Some are just plain mean and adbrasive.
It's ironic..I only have hatred towards those that I love the most.
I even hated my own mother for the longest time.