I intensely like almost all women

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I think BOTH men and women are great. Both have amazing qualities. :)

Though women do have ****s, so muahahahahaha.
CAS said:
I haven't always been like this. Believe it or not I used to be a nice person

I can understand how when you feel marginalized it can make a person react angrily though not rationally. Still it does nothing constructive to refer to a good part of the population, and a good part of this forum's membership as sluts, evil and all the other things that you have been calling them today.
Hey soph. You are far behind me in posts now. In reps too..
Women are amazing :). I am so in love and she is in love with me, its an amazing feeling :O. Women make me feel wonderful especially a certain somebody :D.
Remedy said:
Women are amazing :). I am so in love and she is in love with me, its an amazing feeling :O. Women make me feel wonderful especially a certain somebody :D.

Oh my god! That is great! I'm so happy for you!!!! :D
SophiaGrace said:
hey i'm EVIL. :l

Do not deny my evility! >:)

You may be but it is not helpful to encourage a universal stereotype due to that small sampling.
Minus said:
SophiaGrace said:
hey i'm EVIL. :l

Do not deny my evility! >:)

You may be but it is not helpful to encourage a universal stereotype due to that small sampling.

yes. i agree, Minus.

and Sophia, i don't want to get into an argument, so just going to say this - there are different ways to tell someone that they are wrong.
i kind of know what you mean. i seem to find something about most women that i like, whether it be something about their looks or personality. the weird thing is, ive never been in a relationship and at the same time ive never even really had a friend that was a woman. maybe it comes from that, i dont know. its kind of weird now that i think about it.
Hey brian. How did that date go the other day?

I know I was an ******* to you about it and I apologise for the second time. I am asking about the date in the most genuine way.
Salrite CAS, no hard feelings.

It went alright. I might be seeing her again, actually, which would be a huge first. But even if I don't, I still count it as good progress because I was able to be free of anxiety for the entire day leading up to the event, and I didn't feel like jumping from a fourth story window to get out of it. I also was able to keep from putting all my hopes on seeing her again. If I don't, it's no big deal.

If you reference the thread I made, I talked about 'exposure therapy' a bit. I really think it's the only way for us to get past these things.
I'm sincerely glad it went okay for you. We all deserve some good luck and I've come to realise that bitterness isn't the way forward.

I'm not quite sure what you're talking about with the exposure therapy though.
Women are awesome, they are smart, and kind and can kick your ass when ever they see fit.
Not me...some women gets on my nerves.

Some women I just find down right mean and nasty no matter how they smell.
Some women looks like they can kick my ass and wanna kick my ass.
I have no bitterness nor hatred against those women and they don't know from shineOla.
The last thing on thier minds is wondering if I like them or not...I'm sure of it.
I can't be everything for everybody. i don't have to like everyone nor dose everyone has
to like me. Just keeping it real....

I work with the public..I see all kinds of people from all walks of life. All kinds...
Rich, poor, mean, kind, ugly, pretty, snotty, easy going, drunks, bums, black, white, brown, young, old.
Some rich people are nice and giving. Some rich people are snotty and greedie.
Some homeless people are mean, some are nice.
Some black people are prejudice some arn't
Some beautiful women are kind, Some women are evil.
Some ugly women are mean , some are very sweet and gentle.
Some women are addicts or drunks that are very nice and easy going ...other are way in la la la land and lost thier minds. Some are just plain mean and adbrasive.

It's ironic..I only have hatred towards those that I love the most.
I even hated my own mother for the longest time.
CAS said:
I'm not quite sure what you're talking about with the exposure therapy though.

Well, what I mean is, I think the only way for fellas like you and me to gain control of our love lives (whether it's being able to cope with not having a girlfriend, or being able to successfully have one) is to repeatedly hammer our heads in to the brick wall in front of us.

At least, it's the only thing that's working, so far. Exposure Therapy. Repeatedly facing that which we're afraid of.

For me, that's women, period. I'm generally pretty pessimistic when I think about even talking to a girl. But by repeatedly making myself do it, it gradually gets a little bit better. I'm not so afraid of it anymore, and I don't lay all my bets on being with a given female.

Craigslist has really helped, lol. I haven't really met anyone worthwhile off of there yet, but a handful of 'first dates' has at least helped with the anxiety.
mintymint said:
If they're not cute, they're smart and smell really good

Either that or they're snuggleriffic.

I ******* love them all :rolleyes:

I ♥ you big time, Minty.

Remedy said:
Women are amazing :). I am so in love and she is in love with me, its an amazing feeling :O. Women make me feel wonderful especially a certain somebody :D.

WOW! That is awesome. I'm happy to hear this. :D

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