i never got what i wanted in life

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Bob Arctor said:
Who wants tacos? :D

He does :club:
If all you see, is what you can't grasp
Happiness is something that will never last
Look beyond the scars of sadness
There you will find your own happiness

Untill you stop the same mistakes
This eternal sadness will never break
It's up for you to decide how long this will take

There is good inside of you
Heart break affects us all
Until you come to terms with this
You will be forever pissed
Forgive yourself with a rose and a kiss

Take the steps to move ahead
Make goals and become more than anything others have said
Study abroad and become well read
Let the sadness become something long since dead

If you simply sit and wallow
You'll forever remain alone and hollow
I know this is hard to swollow
But the choice is yours.....

Forever more.

Take care Unlucky. I wish you happiness, but sometimes you have to make your own. There is really nothing more I can say. I just hope there is something in there you can take away. :) (hug)
Callie said:
Bob Arctor said:
Who wants tacos? :D

He does :club:

lady that sick i don't like you sick jokes remove that disgusting thing off my thread please

Dark_Poet said:
If all you see, is what you can't grasp
Happiness is something that will never last
Look beyond the scars of sadness
There you will find your own happiness

Untill you stop the same mistakes
This eternal sadness will never break
It's up for you to decide how long this will take

There is good inside of you
Heart break affects us all
Until you come to terms with this
You will be forever pissed
Forgive yourself with a rose and a kiss

Take the steps to move ahead
Make goals and become more than anything others have said
Study abroad and become well read
Let the sadness become something long since dead

If you simply sit and wallow
You'll forever remain alone and hollow
I know this is hard to swollow
But the choice is yours.....

Forever more.

Take care Unlucky. I wish you happiness, but sometimes you have to make your own. There is really nothing more I can say. I just hope there is something in there you can take away. :) (hug)
whats the use no one can help me here
^ Strangely enough, I knew.

You always go ape-**** crazy. :rolleyes:

Jk, *hugs* :club:
Callie said:
unlucky in life said:

lady that sick i don't like you sick jokes remove that disgusting thing off my thread please

DUDE, that's my ******* COUSIN, thank you very much. WTF

REMOVE IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! fine make fun my hurt it show the type of person you make joke of other people laugh away becasue you joke not me
unlucky in life said:
Callie said:
unlucky in life said:
Callie said:
Bob Arctor said:
Who wants tacos? :D

He does :club:

lady that sick i don't like you sick jokes remove that disgusting thing off my thread please

DUDE, that's my ******* COUSIN, thank you very much. WTF

REMOVE IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

how bout...NO. Besides, I can't very well remove something YOU quoted, so I guess you're **** out of luck.
Callie said:
unlucky in life said:
Callie said:
unlucky in life said:
Callie said:
He does :club:

lady that sick i don't like you sick jokes remove that disgusting thing off my thread please

DUDE, that's my ******* COUSIN, thank you very much. WTF

REMOVE IT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

how bout...NO. Besides, I can't very well remove something YOU quoted, so I guess you're **** out of luck.

i hate you lady for what doing to me making fun you come on thread targetting me delibery to make fun i don't why keep bulling me but need help i jsut hate you you not funny i think you sick person to make fun other people pain
unlucky in life said:
i hate you lady for what doing to me making fun you come on thread targetting me delibery to make fun i don't why keep bulling me but need help i jsut hate you you not funny i think you sick person to make fun other people pain

Quite frankly, I don't care if you hate me. Have fun with that. But ya know what, EVERYONE HAS TRIED TO HELP YOU. YOU don't want help. You want someone to pity you, someone to whine to about how bad you have it. And just to be completely clear about ****, I ain't the one that ******* hijacked your damn thread, I just responded to the hijack.
And how bout you go READ what I posted to you and LOOK at it, instead of whining about how you don't like what I said to you. EVERYTHING I said is the truth, your life isn't as bad as you make it out to be, you just don't want to TRY to make it better. That's on YOU, not me.
look if you don't understand my pain don'tt comment and make fun i have through lot of

i try committed suicide 24 years old i was suppose have died as child but did not wish i had i would never have to suffer this cure and unusually pushimerment

because all that it is punisherment . god idea of joke
And while you're at it, how bout you go look at every other thread you've posted on this forum and see how EVERYONE is giving you the SAME advice over and over and over again. Or how bout you go look at the million ******* PM's I exchanged with you trying to ******* help you. Yeah, if you HONESTLY want help, READ AND LISTEN to what we've been saying to you over and over again.

unlucky in life said:
look if you don't understand my pain don'tt comment and make fun i have through lot of

i try committed suicide 24 years old i was suppose have died as child but did not wish i had i would never have to suffer this cure and unusually pushimerment

because all that it is punisherment . god idea of joke

Pain? I could give SO many examples that are worse than your pain.

You want to compare? Okay, let's play. I've attempted suicide before...quite a few times. I almost DID die as a baby..TWICE as a matter of fact. I was bullied in high school too, but ya know what, I fought back, I didn't take the bullying. I could go on and on if you want to start comparing whose life is worse.
Unlucky, I have never seen someone who brings on so much annoyance yet still people try to help you, even the ones you tick off. So to sit there and say you have no friends or that no one cares about you, you only need to come back here and see how many people respond to you. Even if they are mean in their response. Someone once said that the level of how much one person cares about you is directly related to how much you can piss them off.

But it would be much appreciated if people would not troll.
unlucky in life said:
VanillaCreme said:
Unlucky, you have no friends because of the way you act.

its not i have no where to make them no where at all .there is nothing to do here .

No, it's the way you act. You're horrendous towards people you don't agree with. Look at how you react to things that you don't like. Not everyone will agree with you. It's not a big deal. You act like a little kid if people don't tell you what you want to hear.

Honestly though, I've never seen anyone's threads blow up as much as yours... Just made this and already more than few pages long? If you weren't such a negative person, I think you'd do just fine in life.
Why are there so many negative comments being spread around here...

We've all been through hardships... sure, we can compare and contrast and try and argue who's worse off than who. But comparing pain is irrelevant really. We're all human and we all feel it. Let's just try and help each other? Or we're just making everything worse...

unlucky... I don't know what to say really, it sounds like it's been so difficult :f There are many people in this world who treat others badly, without a thought for their feelings. But they are not worth your time to worry over or judge yourself upon. You are not a bad person, but I think they probably are. I know it sounds easy to say, but the best I can offer is that you have to keep positive about yourself. As DarkPoet said, you still have yourself! And it's a very good point : ). If you believe in yourself, others will too!
me neither i never gotten what i want
when i was younger i wanted games never got it
now older even a ******* job is harder to get
Usually when I make threads people just come in and post all kinds of insults and jokes. It's usually the same exact people doing it, as is with this thread made by this person. If this person wants to make friends people are going to have to accept them for who they are, and nobody is willing to do that. So from that angle I'd say it's the rest of the human race that has a problem, not them.
I know it sounds cliche to say but you can really do anything you set your mind to. After Christmas I was sick of being fat for years. I would say I hate being fat while steadily shoveling in whole cheesecakes. I finally made up my mind to do something about it and stick to it and not give up. I've lost 55 pounds and still going. I couldn't eat a whole cheesecake now if my life depended on it. You have to just make up your mind, keep encouraging yourself, stick to it, and work hard for what you want. If you want to leave your town, work every angle to get out. Sell all your stuff. Do everything possible. Only you can do it. None of our words are going to make it easier or do it for you. You seem nice, you just need to quit focusing on all the negative and find the positives and feed off them.
Callie said:
unlucky in life said:
i hate you lady for what doing to me making fun you come on thread targetting me delibery to make fun i don't why keep bulling me but need help i jsut hate you you not funny i think you sick person to make fun other people pain

Quite frankly, I don't care if you hate me. Have fun with that. But ya know what, EVERYONE HAS TRIED TO HELP YOU. YOU don't want help. You want someone to pity you, someone to whine to about how bad you have it. And just to be completely clear about ****, I ain't the one that ******* hijacked your damn thread, I just responded to the hijack.
And how bout you go READ what I posted to you and LOOK at it, instead of whining about how you don't like what I said to you. EVERYTHING I said is the truth, your life isn't as bad as you make it out to be, you just don't want to TRY to make it better. That's on YOU, not me.

Why don't you shut your ******* mouth and learn your
******* PLACE
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