I offer my words to you !

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Jan 25, 2011
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1 In the name of Allah

I offer my words to you !
Just you whom have been chosen by destiny to read such words..
Words which are a mixture of imagination, logic, emotion, and intellect.
Words that will take you in a journey in which heart and mind harmonize together and leave to horizons of light and beaches of peace..
Dear :
All of us have a great emotion within our hearts, and each one of us has a beloved, a wife, a husband ....etc. All of them we love much more than ourselves, however, we may get a shock, not because they do not deserve love but for they are just human beings fall in mistakes and faults.
Therefore, no one deserves our perfect love except that one who is free from any imperfection, the one who has the perfection which stands as obstacle between him and the mistake, weakness, forgetfulness, mortality… etc, the one who never changes !!!
But who could be?! Where does he exist?
Undoubtedly, He is the creator. The creator of this love and of those whom we love…
He who instills love in to our hearts, mother's heart towards her child, son to his parents, brother to his brother to his brother, husband to his wife .. and all kinds of love which inflames within souls.
He is the one who completely deserves our perfect love..
So, if any one does not trend his love to Allah, "Lord and Master of universe" , he will never feel peace and pleasure in his love nor in his whole life as well……..
Okay Poguesy, lets keep this civil.
Sorry but I can't say I agree :/
But thanks for contributing nonetheless :)
Now Brian we don't need that.
Hate to break it to you but I feel peace and pleasure just fine.

Ever thought about Hinduism? Infinite lives bruh, it's like gameshark foh ya soul!
When you look past the pretty words and romanticism, none of this makes a shred of sense.

That's my take on it. Feel free to believe in whatever you want.

(P.S. there is no emotion in your heart...just blood and tissue and other gross stuff.)
Yeah...except instead of, "pass this on or else your mother will die in a horrible car accident in which she will suffer suffocating gas fumes and burning flesh as the vehicle catches fire," you get, "pass this on or else this religious figure that only a small cluster of people believe in will be depressed and forced into a midlife crisis."

Not that I'm one to get into the whole religious talk, in fact it bores me to tears, but I honestly think that if there is a "god" and he's going to do jack **** for his "children," he should be doing it with no strings attached...expecting nothing in return. What kind of role model is he for humans if everything comes with strings attached? Doing good in his name...why not because there is good to be done?

I've practiced a whole slew of religions growing up, and I can tell you that no matter how you look at it and no matter who tells you about it, this "god" sounds more like a self-righteous human who provides a scapegoat for all the "sinners," "weaklings," and just downright unlucky people of the world. In the same way they say god or allah or yahweh or whatever provides all the love and peace in the world, the love and peace that I take credit for giving to people...and I don't release that credit to any mythical Head Honcho...I can decide on my own to kill a baby and say god sent me to do it. He provided me with the hacksaw and the pillow.

It's all just an excuse to make pleasure seem more pleasurable and evil seem like good in some sense, or to scare people shitless into doing good to each other. Let's blame it all on some guy who, somewhere, gets a kick out of watching us run around like roaches, trying to survive when he can put his "holy" thumb down and squash us. Yeah, that sounds like fun.
Based on how these threads go once they evolve into a debate on religion and the fact that Mr noorashrk is pretty much a hit and run poster, lets just call it quits here.
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