I wonder...

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You know the signs on restaurant doors? No Shirt, No Shoes, No Service? What if someone goes in with No Pants? Would the restaurant still have to serve them?

Can Bald people have Hairline fractures?

Why do people constantly return to the refrigerator with hopes that something new to eat will have materialized?

Can you cry under water?

Why do we call them apartments, when they are stuck together?

Why do we drive on a parkway and park on a driveway?

Why do sleeping pills have warning labels that state, 'Caution: May Cause Drowsiness'?

Do nudists have pin-ups of people with clothes on?
Hey MissGuided,

Haha, don't worry - I'm sure LK will post lots of google links soon explaining!

Come to think of it, I haven't seen him around much lately..
There's never been an answer to this.....

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MissGuided said:
Why do people constantly return to the refrigerator with hopes that something new to eat will have materialized?

That's been known to happen in my house at times. (wary)
And here we are wondering about the mysteries of our creation, when we still have so many unanswered questions! :D

Your post made made laugh MissGuided, thank you!
Speaking of refrigerators, is yours running? Can you keep up?

Holy ****, I need to get out of here, I'm driving me crazy!!!!!
1.) You'd probably be arrested for public lewdness before your meal arrives, but there's a very good chance you'll be able to wrangle an order out before this happens, though.

2.) Don't know what a hairline fracture is, but I'll try and twist your words and say that bald people are generally not born bald (there are exceptions that rule of course) so they possibly can have hairline fractures at some point in their life.

3.) Boredom. Most people eat because they have nothing to do, but the act of getting up and checking the fridge is also something to do as well - finding something to eat is just the reward. This is hungry and bored people don't feel satisfied, because they're not being rewarded for their efforts.

4.) You can expel tears out of your body when submerged just like you can urinate while submerged, the only difference being your tears will be washed away almost instantly. However your emotions, facial expressions and general reason for crying (be it through eye damage or a terribly sad thing inflicted upon your soul) will still be present under water, in space, or anywhere. Except maybe the void.

5.) The same reason we say we have 206 bones in our body but they're all connected in one huge mass. For organisation and separation and a form of closure to the people who live there - no one wants to think they're basically living in a giant house with several other people, they wish to believe they're living in a cluster of smaller houses with more individualisation that they actually have. Something like that, anyway. Or, it could be because you move into an apartment when you become apart from your family/original home.

6.) I'm not sure what a parkway is, but we park on a driveway because it refers to the area of space a car can drive to without there being any obstructions...I guess it's there to let mentally challenged people know they're meant to drive this way. I actually don't know. Sadness :(

7.) Because people might assume the pills are sleeping, and not think they cause the person to become sleepy as a result. They might be happy their little pills are sleeping all snug together in a bottle and not trying to fidget and roll away, but then they'll need a warning that the pills can make you drowsy if you consume them, I guess. Or, in the case of people taking them in an attempt to calm their nerves or slow hyper-activeness, it might be just a standard warning that says everything from "do not sign any wavers" to "don't operate machinery" in one small sentence. Maybe.

Why do sleeping pills have warning labels that state, 'Caution: May Cause Drowsiness'?

8.) Generally speaking they do, because pin-ups don't necessarily have to be adult oriented. They could have pin ups of their favourite bands, all of which should hopefully be wearing clothing. Are you saying nudists aren't allow to like bands? :eek:

Interesting points though, I do enjoy things that make you go hmm.

Pretty standard question; What do you do when you see an endangered animal attempting to eat an endangered plant?
If you saw a heat wave, would you wave back?

If all the world is a stage, where is the audience sitting?

If the #2 pencil is the most popular, why is it still #2?
MissGuided said:
Why do people constantly return to the refrigerator with hopes that something new to eat will have materialized?

I think it's either a matter of memory loss, habit or hope.

MissGuided said:
Can you cry under water?

I'm pretty sure you can, but you just wouldn't be able to see it. Also I think it kinda depends of the depth and how much pressure your experiencing.

MissGuided said:
Why do we call them apartments, when they are stuck together?

Isn't that an American word? Well it explains it if it is haha

MissGuided said:
Why do we drive on a parkway and park on a driveway?

Not sure what parkway is, but I'm guessing driveway is driving away from the road to park?

MissGuided said:
Why do sleeping pills have warning labels that state, 'Caution: May Cause Drowsiness'?

I'm guessing from most of the compensation society that if they didn't, they'd probably put a claim in that they weren't warned.

MissGuided said:
Do nudists have pin-ups of people with clothes on?

No, the only difference is that they're naked when looking at the pinup.

Anything else? :)
To 9006,

Why earth is round?
Earth spins, why don't we?
Everything dries off in the sun, why does it make us sweat then?
BrokenInside said:
Why earth is round?

This is difficult to explain but I'll try; the earth is round (or circular) because of gravity, when earth was being created, the more mass that added to it, the stronger the center of gravity pulls everything in, which results in a shape that offers even pressure in every direction towards the center of gravity: circular.

BrokenInside said:
Earth spins, why don't we?

This is an effect down to something called inertia (if that's how it's spelled), when you have a cup full of water and ice and you spin it, initially the water and ice will remain still until the friction slowly starts to pull the water and ice round with it, eventually it will be spinning at the same rate and the effect of the movement of the cup is cancelled out by the movement of the water & ice, this is inertia and is exactly what happens with us on earth.

BrokenInside said:
Everything dries off in the sun, why does it make us sweat then?

This is just an effect your body has of trying to cool itself; producing sweat from the sweat glands cools the skin.

Where they trick questions?? Haha
Here's a random fact; if the earth was shrank to the same size of a snooker ball, it would be smoother!
Mike - You sexy smartypants you.

You just googled all that up didn't you, show off :p

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