That's a tough one.
It's tempting to say intelligence, on the condition that I would have enough intelligence that would allow me to figure out how to get the rest.
Wealth would be nice though. It would be such a huge relief to not have to worry about money or work ever again. I'd definitely be happier, and I'd be able to take care of my health better (perhaps even getting #4, or at least good enough), and I'd be able to prioritize myself and my own interests more. I could learn about what I wanted to learn about, and just pay other people to do all the practical stuff that I'm not truly interested in. I'd be able to have more of a life, do fun stuff, invest in my interests, and be more confident in myself so it might help me be complete enough of a person for #2 as well.
Successful romantically is also tempting. I do want to be successful romantically, but I don't want to be a player. I only need to be successful in romance once (albeit very successful) - and I'd like to be successful as soon as possible, because I'm tired of wasting my life in this singledom and I don't want to waste any more.
Or, if I could introduce a 5th option - being really imaginative/artistically creative. Being an interesting person. Being able to come up with good ideas that could stand next to the greats, like rock stars or big-name authors. I think that's the one I'd want!