If you were the president, what's the first thing you would do?

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Turn the country into a dictatorship so I would remain 'president' for the foreseeable future.
If I were the President of the United States, I'd probably slit my throat! Just kidding! There are just too many issues with the recession that need to be taken care of with no where to turn monetarily!

Seriously, though, I would work on a national health plan that would cover everyone equally.
Outlaw the use of force (except for self defense)

Nobody has the right to be the FIRST
to initiate the use of force
or the threat of force
or to engage in fraud.

Rights are individual, not collective.

Other people are not your property.
Put more money towards education. Kids are growing so stupid nowadays because essentially we don't give a crap what they learn in school. Its been a long time problem. Updated teaching technology, better teachers, more resources for students is what we need. Stop cutting funds for schools and teachers, and start putting more into it. Smarter kids=smarter adults=better overall. Booyah.
Four words: 'El Presidente for Life'. :p

I would be a benevolent dictator, of course. "Panem et Circenses!" I'm much too much a cynic to believe in trying to make a better world, or a nation, through it's people. Even if one was to hold dominion over his fellow men, you can't change who people are, fundamentally. Maybe try and get our country out of it's economical slump, but beyond that, I'd most likely just loiter around and try to keep up good PR, just like any other modern day presiding ruler. Maybe enact a few green notions and see if I could come up with a solution to the problem of public healthcare. Doubt it tho, it's been like this for decades.
Bread said:
Four words: 'El Presidente for Life'. :p

I would be a benevolent dictator, of course. "Panem et Circenses!" I'm much too much a cynic to believe in trying to make a better world, or a nation, through it's people. Even if one was to hold dominion over his fellow men, you can't change who people are, fundamentally. Maybe try and get our country out of it's economical slump, but beyond that, I'd most likely just loiter around and try to keep up good PR, just like any other modern day presiding ruler. Maybe enact a few green notions and see if I could come up with a solution to the problem of public healthcare. Doubt it tho, it's been like this for decades.


I'll increase my income uuuhahahaha, thats the first thing my country's president did when he became president!
If I was President of the United States..

1. End all Wars the U.S. is currently involved in.

2. Cut down on military spending. Ex: from 11 aircraft carriers to 5 (2 for Pacific, One Atlantic/Caibbean, 1 for Indian Ocean, 1 on Reserve). Dismantle U.S. bases except in key strategic locations such as the UK and the Mediterranean (Spain/Italy). Reduce the size of the Army/Navy/Air Force.

3. Reduce Congressional salaries (and their lobby and staff).

4. Introduce Universal Healthcare. All citizens get free access.

5. Reduce Prison Perks such as: TV, weight lifting equipment, free healthcare, free meals, free recreational facilities, free library, etc. Every single prisoner shall be given 3 meals of bread and soup, a bible, and a cell with a bed/sink (restrooms and shower use will be limited). If their family wants them to have access to TV, books, weight training, etc, they shall have to pay it with their own money. Any injury caused in prison will result in them being strapped with a band-aid and then back to their cell (no special checkups and tests), again, if their family wants him/her to see if a doctor they'll have to pay for it. Any life-threatening conditions shall be treated but the prisoner shall be indebted to the government. Criminals = Being treated as criminals. Poor law-abiding citizens need to receive better treatment then them.

6. End the War on Drugs. Let all Drug users beware of the dangers. Heavily tax drugs. Everyone who purchased drugs are legally required to have a new policy called "Drug Insurance", which means that they must pay a monthly fee to the government that will cover the cost of any complication that resulted in an over-dose or drug use. Drug use will also be regulated like perscription medicine, you cannot get more than the legal limit (only for personal use).

7. Stop the flow of money to other countries, use only when needed.

8. Start a new "Home-Made Program" which will slowly start to phase out "made in China" and replace them with "made in the USA" products.

9. Increase diplomatic relations with other countries.

10. Increase welfare.

Thats about it as far as I can think of.
Get involved in protracted arguments and face stonewalled legislation thanks to public opinion and every other politician in office.

But, I would try to make life a little more bearable for the poor and a lot less bearable for the rich upper 1% who more or less run the show.
Raise taxes back to their 1950's-era levels, bring back the Roosevelt-era tariff on imports (as in, Theodore Roosevelt), and institute a new Works Program Act.

But first and foremost, I would abolish the Tea Party so stuff that actually helps the people could actually get done.
I'd dissolve Congress and declare Marshal Law and then announce the formation of the Democratic American Empire (because the word "democracy" makes everything sound nicer... don't you agree?) and then I would consolidate the U.S. into 8 larger districts governed by newly arranged battalions of shock troopers. Oh, and I'd name myself God.

....that's probably why I'm not President.
Kataphractos said:
But first and foremost, I would abolish the Tea Party so stuff that actually helps the people could actually get done.

There are so many things wrong with this, I can't even begin to try explaining it to you.

But here, we'll see how far I get:

1. It is most definitely NOT democratic to simply abolish any party that you disagree with. The U.S. still has a national socialist (Nazi) party that attracts less than 1% of voters... but it's still alive. Why? Because it's illegal to simply abolish a party at any level of government... especially just because you disagree with their beliefs/actions.

2. Every party has their problems... it seems as though you're ignoring that fact that every party stonewalls helpful legislation sometimes in the interests of their own power. You're quite ignorant if you truly believe that there's a party in the American political system that is NOT interested in its own power, above all other concerns. That's how parties work. They can claim whatever they want to (WE HELP THE PEOPLE, etc) but in the end their goal is only ever to accumulate political strength.

3. Perhaps some of the ideas that the Tea Party endorses actually WOULD help the people. Sure, some of it wouldn't.... but who are you to say that this party is worse than any other? Methinks someone has been listening to too much left-wing propaganda.

4. I want to make it clear that I myself am not a Tea Party supporter. But just because I disagree with their plans and methods doesn't mean that it's right (or legal) to simply abolish them out of hand because of that.

So... did I explain myself very well?

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