So yesterday night, even if I was rather dubious about it, I went to that meeting I only went at once, a men's health supper group where you talk about your life and problems for 2 hours. Like an AA meeting, but for wrecked guys who have trouble dealing with life, kind of like this forum here in the sense that there's a lot of lonely and depressed people.
I say dubious, because like some members here, some of them have REAL problems. Like mental health problems, phobias, incurable diseases and the like...of course, you try to support them, but the powerlessness I feel in front of someone I can't do much to help doesn't necessarily feel better. The first time I came out of that meeting I was feeling rather depressed because of some of it, dubious at the utility of it all.
Yesterday was different. Ambiance was better, even though a fight almost broke out (I guess it's to be expected with people who think about ending their lives ever day). But I felt different this time, better. Because of the things we talked about, reflections of certain members, including one with which I ended up arguing because we CLEARLY had opposite views. He's one of the ones I walked with going back home lol. Specifically because of that and 'lo and behold, he believes in the same processes I do, that is finding not like-minded individuals, but polar opposites so it challenges his way of thinking. In that respect, even though we're entirely different, we reached each other.
We talked a lot about suicide, which admittedly is not really my problem, even though Itd be a lie to say I haven't thought about it almost every day for the last 15 years (Homicide is more my problem), but it felt better. At one point, of the guys who I felt really had a lot on his shoulders, is talking, saying "you know, I considered not coming, because I didn't think anything could help me out. But being here tonight, seeing there are people with a lot bigger problems than I have, it kind of makes me feel better", while nodding at me. That made me realize how right he was, in a sense....
Because see, I'm in it. I push it at the back of my mind, even when I was in a convo with my sister, I was saying "these guys have REAL PROBLEMS!" she looks at me and goes "Um, bro...SO DO YOU". And I'm like ummm...yeah lol. But I don't feel it necessarily that way. Because I'm dealing with it. I don't think I'm always dealing with it correctly, or wisely, but not enough that it submerges me for no reason all the time and prevents me from functioning. So to hear all these other men, all those intense problems that you can't really do anything makes you reflect. It makes you reflect it could have been MUCH, much worse. And even though I'll probably be stuck with this...rage forever, what good would it do me to talk to people about it? The few times I have, it scared the **** out of them when I told them what I wanted to do about it. Because they see it.They see it in my eyes and they know what I'd do....but I'm dealing. Because I have no choice, I have to be around for my daughters in 20 years, not in a jail cell for murder 1.
So yeah, it helped. It does help, I didn't expect it would. I guess just having a little bit of companionship is a boone. Of course, I'd rather have one with blonde hair, blue eyes and a tendency to spontaneously attack me...but I don't have money to buy a chihuahua