I'm looking for a girl to move in with and start a business.

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Oct 23, 2012
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I'm looking for a girl to move in with and start a business. I have various ideas for online based business that would be cheap to start but could make a lot of money. Not only that but they are things that actually have value and are really cool. They would be fun to make, and something you could be proud of. This is what I want to do and dedicate all of my time to and I want someone to do it with.

Together, I want to find a nice cheap apartment somewhere cool and move there. There's lots of cool towns and cities in the United State. I would even consider moving out of the country. But right now I live in Orange County and it sucks here.

I have a little bit of money saved. Basically enough to cover living and business expenses for a few months. So this is a realistic possibility. The only unrealistic part, it seems, is finding someone like me who wants to do it.

I dream of having a real partner. Where it doesn't matter what kind of situation we're in, because we're in it together, and we'll figure it out. It seems like no one in real life understands, or is even capable of, that kind of relationship. It's the kind of thing that exists in movies all the time, yet how is it that there's no one like that in real life? I'm that way, so I can't imagine that I'm the only one in the world in my situation. It's just a matter of finding them.

I'm looking for a girl 18-29, though potentially I suppose as young as 16 if you are emancipated or something. I really don't like age discrimination, because I know that young people can be just as smart, mature, and capable, and in a lot of cases more so, because I've seen it. On the other hand I don't want someone WAY older than me. I'm 24. I'll include my pic as an attachment. I'm not necessarily looking for romance, but it's a possibility. I just think that a two gender relationship is more balanced and dynamic than a one gender one, so if I'm looking for that one person to take on everything with, I want them to be the opposite gender.

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So go ahead and reply in this thread or send me a message.


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toomanypuppies said:
Interesting idea. But why would you need (or want, lol) to live with a business partner?

Why wouldn't you? I take it you'd rather work and live alone? I find that weird.

Edit: I guess because that's just the kind of personality I have? I'm the kind of person who finds purpose and value in working as part of a team. And I lose motivation when I'm doing things completely on my own.
I'm sorry, but I would seriously worry about and question the judgment of any woman who would agree to something like this. And a 16 year old at your age?
Why just a woman? Why not a guy too, if you are just looking for a business partner/roommate why make it gender exclusive. And under 18 as long as they are emancipated, that does seem kind of odd. What are you really looking for is my question. Honestly, a post like this sends up all kinds of red flags.
Jaw_knee said:
I really don't like age discrimination, because I know that young people can be just as smart, mature, and capable, and in a lot of cases more so, because I've seen it.

You only say this because you're not mature enough yet to see how truly immature EVERY 16 yr-old is.

It's a MEDICAL, PHYSICAL fact that a human's brain isn't fully developed until they're nearing their 20s. Obviously, there are always exceptions... but in this case, I believe they're quite few and far between.

I'm 26 and I can barely stand to be around 19 yr-olds. They are THAT young, inexperienced, and naive to me.

I guess that makes me ageist.
Also, a 24 year old with a 16 year old is statutory rape in many jurisdictions in the United States. That alone is REALLY off to me.
Yeah this seems really dodgy. Also I find your whole age thing to be a pretty big double standard. You don't age discriminate and are looking for someone as young as 16 but don't want someone way older than you? Oh golly, wonder why that could be.

Also, if you want to start a business, why have you attached your picture and not a detailed business plan and a list of what requirements your partner would need to bring to the business? Why is the only reference to your business that you have SOME ideas that COULD make a lot of money? Together with the fact that you've said you're willing to move anywhere, even out of the country, with your only criteria being its apparent coolness, because your county sucks? What kind of reason is that to move?

I don't think it's a good idea to live with your business partner at all. Working together and living together? You'd suffocate! And "I'm not necessarily looking for a relationship but it's a possibility" kind of sounds like that's really what you're looking for. But working together and living together with someone you're in a relationship with? This whole thing sounds like a recipe for disaster.
Whatever guys. When I was 21, I had a main group of friends that consisted of people ages 16-27, and two of the girls were emancipated minors that moved to LA from other parts of the country. They worked and paid rent and were indistinguishable from the rest of the group. The reason I don't care if someone is under 18 is because it doesn't matter, which I know from experience. You should judge individuals individually.

Besides that, I'm not specifically looking for someone under 18, it's just really hard to find people, and I don't want someone who's interested to think they're too young.

And I'm looking for a girl because that's my preference? It's more well rounded? One of my business models deals with publishing online fiction in a unique way, and I want to target a non-gender specific audience. Having a female perspective would help with that. Basically I would appreciate a female perspective more than a second male one.

And those talking about statutory rape, I'm not looking for sex. And 16 is the age of consent in most states anyway.

ajdass1 said:
Yeah this seems really dodgy. Also I find your whole age thing to be a pretty big double standard. You don't age discriminate and are looking for someone as young as 16 but don't want someone way older than you? Oh golly, wonder why that could be.

Also, if you want to start a business, why have you attached your picture and not a detailed business plan and a list of what requirements your partner would need to bring to the business? Why is the only reference to your business that you have SOME ideas that COULD make a lot of money? Together with the fact that you've said you're willing to move anywhere, even out of the country, with your only criteria being its apparent coolness, because your county sucks? What kind of reason is that to move?

I don't think it's a good idea to live with your business partner at all. Working together and living together? You'd suffocate! And "I'm not necessarily looking for a relationship but it's a possibility" kind of sounds like that's really what you're looking for. But working together and living together with someone you're in a relationship with? This whole thing sounds like a recipe for disaster.

It does seem like somewhat of a double standard, but I would actually be willing to consider someone up to mid-30s it's just less likely. I judge people on an individual basis, but people's personalities do change as they age, and on average someone way older than me is not someone I would click with.

I'm not listing any of my business plans out in the open because I don't want any of them stolen, and I'm not listing any requirements they need because all they really need is intelligence and good team work. The main quality I want is someone who is a good partner. I'm not going to say, 'okay you're it' to the first person that replies. I wouldn't try to form this kind of relationship with someone without getting to know them first. At which point I would talk business with them.

I didn't say I wasn't looking for a relationship, I said I wasn't looking for romance. I obviously am looking for a relationship, but not necessarily a romantic one. It may sound like a disaster to you, but I know it would work for me. It's the ideal situation for me. I've been in a situation before where I lived with the people I worked with and it was the only time where I woke up every morning feeling motivated and happy. And yes we worked out of the house. And it was an operation that lasted 2 months. Honestly, it reduced the separation of work and play, and turns work into something you actually want to do because you are doing it as a team. We were all working 14 hour days, 7 days a week, because it was fun. I like dedicating myself to something fully, not dong some crappy job that I don't want to do so that I can go home and have "free time" later.
I was going to say more, but, this just sounds like ********. Yeah, I try to reconcile everything and give you every benefit of the doubt, but... If I was a girl, it would just sound all kinds of alarms in my head.

There are men and women who own businesses together, but usually they are in a relationship, first. THEN, they discover, "hey, we share similiar interests and a desire to earn money and be our own bosses." "We've also gotten far enough in our relationship where we trust each other enough to do this together." "Let's start a business."

Or perhaps you meet some one who also has the same entreprenuerial spirit as you and get to know eachother, yadda yadda, blah blah blah.

Seems kind of like you are looking for honey in a hornets nest.
Why can't you do that job yourself OP? Or what.. you want to have some to motivate you along the way? Oh it doesn't have to be a ROMANCE, but it needs to be a woman huh :)
Sorry but I'd warn anyone against even contemplating your offer here. We know nothing about you, you've come to a Loneliness forum, and your only posts have been just to create this thread. Can't you even see the red flags this creates, how inappropriate it is? You may as well just walk up to strangers on the street and ask them if they want to start a business with you.
yeah why would we be concerned with how you looked if you just wanted to be a business partner?
Its a terrible idea as a general rule to start business with family.

This, more so. For example - how do you fire someone who is underperforming if you also are emotionally attached to them? Really, if anything, it sounds like you could be going for something disturbingly shady.

Incidentally, I've worked in a business that focused on the female market for video games. All it needed was a female business consultant(who evidently thought that she was the end-all authority to know what all women wanted, but that's another story).

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