I don't really live my life. I mean, I do, but also kind of not.
My body and my mind are almost never in the same place at the same time.
I call it the curse of being a creative. lol.
I actually developed the slight ability to teach them to operate separately, because when you're a musician, or anything of the liberal arts really, freedom of mind is very important. And that's sort of how it started, was back when I used to play guitar.
Most of the time when I'm at work, I'm not really thinking about work. I mean I am, I kind of have to because I'm in operations and logistics management, but I'm also not. I built a lot of the kinesthetic stuff into my muscle memory, specifically so that I could be free of mind to think of keys and scales, measures and time signatures, rhythm and melody, and then gradually later as I got into more and more things creatively it became me thinking about X/Y/Zed things in history or science, or just whatever video game, movie or series I'm into at the time.
I do in fact think that there's something to the Buddhist principle that life is mostly suffering, I do find that to be true.
There's not much we can really do about the mundane to spice it up, even with the excess of materialism that we have.
I try not to think too much about my life in detail because it's mostly sad, and I make it a point to try to stay out of my feelings because they can be a very limiting perspective. So instead, like most creatives, I kind of physically live one life, and in my head live another life entirely.
Random adenium:
At some point, I'd actually like to get into the practice of pottery, and teach myself how to do things like cook better, have a vegetable and fruit garden, thinking about investing into a sewing machine, and so on and so forth. Just clever, simple money-saving tricks of better, healthier self-sufficient practices.