In life, there are winners and there are losers

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u could always change that
if winners can turn in2 losers. then losers can surely turn in2 winners
Doesn't it suck when you're depressed and you know you're done when people around you are mad at you and think you're just giving up for no reason? They think that you're just trying to hurt them when in reality you don't care about other people you just know that you're not capable of being what they wanted you to become and since you're now so isolated and depressed there is no hope for recovery. They say "try harder" when you know that even if you try (and you did at one point) it doesn't matter because you're always going to be a nobody and poor. When everyone thinks of you as trash and you believe that you're trash too, why try to break out of it? Who are you doing it for, when you don't even care if you survive or not?
lonelyloser said:
When everyone thinks of you as trash and you believe that you're trash too, why try to break out of it? Who are you doing it for, when you don't even care if you survive or not?

If you keep believing you're trash, people will believe that even more of you. Why try to break out of it and who you're doing it for? You don't have to break out of it for anyone else, but you can do so for yourself. If you do it for yourself, you're giving yourself a chance to whatever that awaits you out there, either good or bad. But you learn. Don't give up just yet ;)
If people think I'm trash, I don't really care. Do they care what I think of them? Nope. Whatever people think of me does not matter at all. What's the point of going I can live more 2 more weeks in isolation in depression?
Okay. So you can live 2 more weeks in isolation in depression. Why not? Knock yourself out. If that's how you want your life to be.
You actually care about your life, you wouldn't be bothered by the isolation and depression if you aren't. Even if you really don't give a damn, i'm sure you don't want to live that way. The only person who can change that outlook in life, starts with you yourself. It's not easy but worth it if you believe in yourself and believe that you can do good to yourself and to others. Since you don't care about what other people think, that's good, you just care about how you think of yourself. Do you really want to live like this for the rest of your life, or do you wanna clear your head, find one thing you want first for now, and work towards it? Anything simple will do for a start.
Cheer up, lonely :)
I appreciate your support. But realistically when you're this bottomed out you don't think about changing yourself for the better. Do I want to live like this the rest of my life? No, of course not. No one really wants to hurt themself either but they just feel like there is no other choice. If I haven't been able to make anything of myself the last 25 years, then am I supposed to believe that I can turn things around now? That's wishful thinking. This was the fate that God had in store for me. I'm not angry anymore. I just accept it. I've done plenty good for others. I've mentored, volunteered, on my own time. I've never hurt a soul and I treat people the way I want to be treated. But life doesn't reward that kind of stuff. Look at how I ended up. I helped little kids, sure that was great, and you'll probably say that I should feel good about myself for it. But who cares? The people who are really happy are the ones raking in the money and being selfish. They're not in the state that I'm in. They have tons of friends even though they're trying to take advantage of everyone. People can't leave them cause they have the money, and since they're getting away with it, they keep doing it. I can't turn myself into that kind of person. It's impossible.
You know how i always get through with situations like yours? I'm practically unnoticed at times too. And i still help those who needs it, even if they're so much better off than i am, or much more well-to-do than i am. I do it and i don't expect anything out of it cos i know i'll get nothing if i do. I just do it out of my own free will and i don't care if they acknowledge any of it.
I have richer friends. I have popular friends. But i'm nothing at all like them. But i know they don't exactly live all that well either. Everyone has problems, even them. They just cover it well with their status.
But like you said, who cares? I don't even know who does in my case, for the things that i do. I just know that doing them makes me feel good, that's it. Nothing more.

I hope this helps. At least. I'm not that good of giving great, inspirational advice..but hey, i just care.
My friend,

I think you're lumping people too much into two categories. Life is way more complicated than that!

You are not a loser.

Trust me, if you were a REAL loser, you wouldn't even know it! REAL losers are mean people who try to hurt others. They may be rich, powerful, and good looking, but they are selfish, greedy, and use their wealth and power to further only their own goals while destroying the earth and raping the poor.

THOSE are the real losers.

Not sensitive, lonely people!
I still want to help people. And I don't expect some saint to come down and bless me for it either. But there's bigger issues involved here. Stuff that even a shrink can't help out with. If you're born a certain way there's nothing you can do about it and that just really sucks.
The rich powerful greedy people are not sitting on this board and typing about how much they want to kill themselves. They're surviving and enjoying every minute of life. In my book, that's a winner.
Well, then you are reading the wrong book.

This life is just temporary.

In 100 years from now, would you want to be remembered as a kind person who made the world a better place, and was humble and generous to the poor and to the needy?

Or would you want to be remembered as a scoundrel who ate his fill while people starved, who enjoyed their life and sensual pleasures while crushing the 'little people' beneath them?

Even if you don't believe in God, you still realize that the actions we take have repercussions. The action of being selfish and cruel and greedy (and MANY rich people are!) will have a repercussion. If you hurt people, hurt will come back to you, one way or another. There is no escaping that...whether you call it Karma or you read in the Bible,

You shall reap what you sow.

Sow cruelty and malice, you will reap the same.

Sow kindness, justice, forgiveness, you will reap the same. It's just the law of the land!
lonelyloser said:
If you're born a certain way there's nothing you can do about it and that just really sucks.

That's when you need to accept that certain way you were born, no matter how bad it may be. Learn to love how you were born even when people can't. Be proud of it. It definitely takes time but it won't suck as much if you can embrace that fact.
lonelyloser said:
The rich powerful greedy people are not sitting on this board and typing about how much they want to kill themselves. They're surviving and enjoying every minute of life. In my book, that's a winner.

Rich powerful people do kill themselves, but in other ways that we can't see. I'm not defending anyone, but i have seen "rich powerful people" come weeping to me asking me why life is so unfair to them but then later on, they seem to go on fine. *shrugs* Like i said, they cover it up well but really, they're pretty much as troubled as any human can be. Sure they've got better advantages and a better life, so what? It makes them stronger on the outside but not so in themselves.

Maybe that's how you think a winner should be and i'm not gonna disagree with that cos it's your own opinion. But i will say that, i think, a winner is someone who's tripped and fall, run over and stepped on, slapped and kicked, all worn, torn, broken and defeated several times but still keeps on walking. He's survives the ordeals. That made the person stronger. That's a winner to me. ;)
The rich and powerful people want to live forever. Once they are successful they want more and more. After a while it's not even about the money. It's just the good feeling that they get. A lotta people here would die now if they could. If the point of life is survival, then who ends up winning in the end?

The following quotes make me feel better though:

"In the long run, we are all dead." - John Maynard Keynes

"The thing about life is that no one gets out alive." - some smart person
lonelyloser said:
I am not one of the winners.

Even winners have horrible things happen to them. Seems to me that life doesn't really play favorites as far as income, beauty or popularity.

The next time you see some wealthy person on tv enjoying himself just remember the wife that probably divorced him or the drug habit he can't get rid of. That should make you feel better! :p
lonelyloser said:
The rich powerful greedy people are not sitting on this board and typing about how much they want to kill themselves. They're surviving and enjoying every minute of life. In my book, that's a winner.

Think you would be suprised how many rich and unhappy people there are. I am not overaly rich but I don't really have to worry about money much and once I am done with pharmacy school I will be pretty well off. Is that going to make me any happier maybe a bit but I still will most likely be lonely I know a lot of other doctors and pharmacists that are pretty unhappy people and very rich.
Cosmic Kid said:
Once upon a time, my thinking went along the lines of...

"Money don't make you Happy". Whenever I'd hear that, I though it was just some poor soul who had no money, and that's what they had to tell themselves in order to not have to look at the fact that the reason they're so unhappy is because they've got no money.

(does that make sense?)

Now? I believe them.


I do get what you're saying here though ;)

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