In life, there are winners and there are losers

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$$$ doesnt make u happy. alot of times it even makes u miserable.
having $$$ sometimes hands over a seclusion like nothing else can
having $$$ can point out 2 u just how conflictingly cruel life can b
I know that money doesn't make you happy. I learned that a long time ago. I was making a lot of money at a great company when I was 22 and that certainly did not make me happy. Sure I was making bank, but who cares? What the hell am I going to use it for? But for people who have the motivation and drive to succeed, life really has meaning. When you're down, like I am, you're just thinking of yourself all the time and how sucky life is. Then life has absolutely no meaning and I doubt anyone on here would be able to say that it does. Also, when you have friends and family who actually care, who inquire about you on a regular basis, then you start to think that maybe I'm someone in my community. I'm sorry if I made it seem that lack of money causes unhappiness. That was not my intent at all.
In life, there are no losers and no winners.

The race is not to the swift, nor the rich, nor the beautiful, nor the famous.

Owen Wilson just attempted suicide, and he's a good looking, popular, famous, movie star, millionaire.

Many of our most popular musicians and artists and writers have killed themselves in despair or addiction.

Money CANNOT buy health. Physical and mental health are what really bring us joy. Giving back to the world through volunteer work, caring, a healthy child or a well tended garden, planting a tree, helping others, THAT is what TRUE success is!
Hi to all
To Lonelyloser I feel your pain and frustration but if you say anything more about you being trash im goina have to come over there and knock your block off. You are absolutely not trash no way. Please dont say it and dont think it. Im sorry I dont have an answer for you except that you sound such a kind person and you get disallusioned when your kindness isnt noticed or appreciated and all the shallow s o b s get all the friends, the praise, and the credit. You think these apparently successful types are all happy and contented. Wrong. If they are why do so many famous rich people screw up, end up in rehab, or jail or the divorce courts. They are just better bluffers than the rest of us. As for the world thanking you for kindness thats not what the worlds about. Maybe you might get thanked by the odd person along the way someone you helped. In closing, you are 25yrs of age. I know its cheesey but I am almost 50yrs of age. I cant tell you you are just goin have to trust me on this one, your youth is one of the most valuable things you have. I said it was cheesey. Cheesey but true. Should cheesey have three or two es? Seriously the Millionaires and the Ogliarchs would swop their fortune to be 25 yrs old. Think about it. Ok your saying not to be me and 25 they wouldnt. Yes they would. Sometimes people post and talk of not being able to go on or taking drastic action out. Just thinking, what if the Grim Reaper was just more of the same ie loneliness. Point is I hope you can get a different prospective on your problems. Maybe tomorrow you will wake up with the sun shining on your face or hear a joke on the radio and take it from there. Dont give up you sound too nice. The world is full of ********. We walk among them but we are not of them.
Up the wooden hill to bed. Night night all.
Be glad that you aren't living in Iraq or Darfur or something like that. And if you are, please, get out as soon as you can! It doesn't make you a loser or a winner, but there is always someone else who is suffering more than us. And then there are animals that suffer more than humans. On the totem pole of suffering, we are not that low.
Guest, why on earth should we be glad we are not there. Obviously nobody wants to be in a war but why should people here feel even more guilty over a totally foreign situation when they already have enough emotional crap on their plate. That is just a way of escape, showing that you have no idea how to attack an emotional problem. Instead you prefer to sweep it under the carpet and wait for a nervous breakdown and suicide later-in in life when these unattended issues finally (and will) break.
Instead of suppressing your feelings why don't you actually be a man and face up to them. My dad used to try and compare me with the poor but in reality id made no impact on my depression.
I give $200 a month to charities and I have lived in second and third world countries before. While those people may not have nice cars and houses like we do, I can say that they are happier people without the emotional pain that people here have. Unless you have something constructive to say about the problems at hand, please don't dump more guilt onto the already towering pile that is in front of us.
I don't mean this directly to you because I don't know what problems you face, but for the other readers here, your 'advice' was pretty primal and unhelpful.

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