In addition to the natural allure that women have simply by virtue of being women, they have also perfected the art of being 'the prize' over the centuries and millennia. Most recently, society has taught, if not outright forced, women to compound this allure with the use of extreme artificiality. What this means is: fake hair, fake nails, fake ****, fake eye color, fake skin tone, fake height, fake weight, fake scent, fake laugh, and often fake morals, values, and ambitions. I don't envy the modern woman. Nor would I want to be in her shoes. It is important not to buy into what society is selling. In addition to pushing the fact that all women - simply by virtue of having a ****** - should be worshipped as deities, society will sell you all sorts of preposterous and collective 'crocks of ****'. One can't help but notice that the pool of women with genuinely human characteristics (both physical and spiritual) has been poisoned and is dwindling. Things are in a sad state of affairs. That being said, I would not pay a woman for what is right and natural. My right hand has never lied to me, trashed my house, stole my money, or ****** my best friend. ****** is good, but, not that good.