Well-known member

Raven22 said:Hugs Dragon......♡
Don't worry about it, Raven
*hugs back*
Raven22 said:Hugs Dragon......♡
sanguineRose said:
lonelyfairy said:sanguineRose said:
I hope you're okey. :< *hugs*
sanguineRose said:lonelyfairy said:sanguineRose said:
I hope you're okey. :< *hugs*
I'll be okay. Thank you, fairy. *hugs back*
sanguineRose said:
PenDragon said:sanguineRose said:
What the!!! You okay, Rose? Damn I saw your post just now. Is everything alright?
sanguineRose said:PenDragon said:sanguineRose said:
What the!!! You okay, Rose? Damn I saw your post just now. Is everything alright?
I'm good now, PD. Don't worry, everything is okay. It was good that I cried it out. For someone who's worth my tears.