Indulging in a little whining

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Being a single guy and all I don't have anyone to whine to, so hope you don't mind if I use this forum to savor a little whining :D

A few things I want to get off my chest. I'm new to graduate school, and I feel so ignorant. Every so often I meet new people who come to see the research we're doing in my department, but I feel like I always explain it so badly that they'll just dismiss it. Also, when I'm sitting around during social hours (open meetings where they put out the coffee and sweets), I never know what to say so it feels a bit awkward. I get so excited at meeting new people (it's silly, but meeting new people gives me a rush haha), but randomly 1 out of 3 people I meet I get butterflies in my stomach and don't know what to say. Gosh help me if I to start up a chat with an attractive woman. When that swarm of butterflies turns into a hurricane I know it's time to give the "pleasure to meet you!" and save my dignity for another day :p

I'm feeling a bit like a failure as well with my research. My advisor sounds like he has so much faith in me, he even set me up with a nice grant that won't require me to teach until another couple years. I'm just worried his faith is a little misplaced. I know I'm still a bit new, but that excuse won't last for much longer, I need to get my game in gear.

My other silly problem is a common one, no girl hehe. I've kind of blamed this on living with my parents. I'm 22 now, and it won't be another 5 years until I get my doctorate and move into a full time job. I love living with my family, I'm just wondering if it's preventing me from finding that special someone. If I moved out, I'd have just enough money from my graduate salary for expenses and 100 dollars left over a month for fun money. Living with my parents I save it and I blow the money I save on traveling to europe or other parts of the world. I'm good friends with my parents, so they'd be sad to have me out. I go on walks with my mom often (she's trying to lose weight hehe) and help her around the house. My dad and I go out and have some fun on the weekends and we chat every day. They've got their health issues and work problems, so I'm always happy to bring a bit more joy into their lives. I'm afraid if I move out, it'd be a huge blow to them and put them into depression.

Life is generally pretty good, but every couple of months, for a few days, I get really lonely. I've only been in one relationship that last a year and a half a few years back, but since then I've no luck. After we broke up I got a bit self conscious that I was a boring person, and no girl would want to hang around me. I got over this eventually, but every so often I still feel like a loser haha. It feels like everyone at my work is either in a relationship or already married. Not that I want to hit on anyone, that'd be unprofessional and awkward, but man does it make me aware of my single'ness at my age. I did a few things to help me find girls. Took up some sports, been exercising at the gym for years, reading up on random things to make myself an well rounded person. Every so often I visit book stores or coffee shops wishing against hope I meet someone special, but instead usually meet another guy checking out books I like and I launch into a conversation with him since I love to talk about that stuff, but I was hoping to do the same with a girl :p . Some good times resulted from my random escapades, but still no lady. I've given up on it, and just head out of the house to have fun with friends. I'm no good at chatting up women I just meet, and have actually given my friends some good entertainment when a conversation I started with a cute girl ended a train wreck. Some times I do meet some girls and we instantly click into conversation, but of course they're all already in a relationship or married. I think I'll give the whole search thing another go in a couple years, for now I'm just going to enjoy spending time with friends and family :D

Ah that feels good.

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