Like VC gatta change the way you think and feel about yourself...dude. Your beliefs.
Before i sign up on this site i was in a LTR...but it got toxic.
My exgf used to tell me stupid **** like.... I was too old. No one will love me, i wasnt good enough...ect
Lots of negative ****. I let her rent space in my fucken head...
Then I ran with it. Couple with lots of emotions such as guilt.
It became my own beliefs.
I felt fucken old , over the hill and all that good ****.
I push people away from me....
The felt hurted and angery too. More negative **** brewing inside of me.
I isloated myself, Obviously I wasnt too active. So I gain wieght too.
The more i sit around and did nothing...The more time I had to think of negative ****.
I felt old. I felt ugly. I thought women sucked ass. Life was unfair ...blah...blah..blah.
Whether it was my ex's fault or my fault...It didnt matter.
I was in a ****** state of being.
She might had wreack the ship...but I was digging my own fucken grave.
I wasnt well...My fucken ego also had to get the **** out of the way so I can heal.
Maybe a little bit to the extreem to some people. By chance...who the hell knows.
I dated this chick for 3-4 months. She was 19 . she's all woman. She was nice too.
Baby steps....IDK. She wanted to marry me too. She didnt care how old I was or my race...ect
We clicked and ****** a lot. It was a part of my journey and healing.
It was about me letting go of some unworkable beliefs that wasnt doing me any good.
Nothing was set in stone...
BTW...she has a trampstamp on her ass that say " TRUST NO MAN" hahahahaaaaa
How i looked like when I was going out with her,....Im too sexy for my shirt