Well, recently I've been cross dressing and trying to look like a boy, I have a boy haircut and I've been using a stomach binder to hide my chest, I do know that I shouldn't be doing this...but I'm desperate for an alternative. I've told my parents if I could get a chest binder but my dad has the fear of getting his credit card hacked again. To get to the point, I feel much confident and prettier or handsome, when I cross dress and look like a boy. I feel that I might get more respect and I will make friends easier and be myself more. When I was younger I was a tomboy and I think I had thoughts of being a boy at the back of my mind. I have excessive hair, having thick sideburns and being so hairy compared to other girls, I felt that I might be a boy. I think I shaped myself into believing all this by how genders are supposed to be by society. What triggered me to cross dress recently is when I started to hang out with a group of guys, first it was getting haircuts and then cross dressing. Right now I have a desire of getting a deeper voice, I don't want surgery, mostly hormone therapy. I'm confused if this is just self esteem or a phase.