Mr. M said:
Humans need friends. It's a natural phenomenon seen in other living organisms as well. It helps ensure their survival, and that was its purpose at the time it was given rise to. At prehistoric times, humans could not survive better than any other animal which wasn't a natural killing machine, but today, survival is almost a fact. So, is the need for companionship a useless, negative trait for lonely people today?
I think that people can learn to be alone and have that be ok. That being said, we're obviously all here because that's not the case for us
It can only be considered a negative trait (to my mind) if it prevents you from being (or becoming) successful.
Personally, I have a lot of reasons why I'm unlikely to be successful - not all of them are pretty, but none of them have anything to do with the company that I keep.
I have a pretty solid ego which helps me not think too much about what other people think of me, but beyond that I have my own insecurities. There have been plenty of times when I don't think I could have gotten through the day if it wasn't for my wife, but that was before my
last mid-life crisis, which taught me to be more self-reliant and, yes, more confident.
Here's the thing: NOBODY has it figured out. Nobody. If someone
looks like they have it figured out, they're faking it. They don't know why whatever it is that they're doing is working, and just like with anything else, YMMV, you know?
The absolutely beautiful thing about the world that we live in
right now, is that we can pick and choose what friends we have - and we have about a billion ways to reach them. Seriously - there are 7 Billion freaking people on this planet...surely one of them's worth talking to?
What I
can say, is that while we may be hard-wired to be social creatures, we
aren't hard wired to be social in any particular or specific way. Pick your friends based on your interests. Learn something new (currently I'm retraining myself as a developer...figure it'll help me find a new job, and I'm also trying (again) to learn Spanish...we'll see how that goes) and maybe bump into someone worth your time who thinks you're worth theirs. Serial killers manage to find other people to be serial killers with, so I imagine pretty much anyone has someone they can talk to...they just have to look
(like seriously - how does that even happen? You hear about some group of friends that beat a guy to death or some other horrible thing and you have to ask yourself - how does that topic get brought up?!?)
Do I think it's useless? Not if there's a zombie apocalypse...the loners always get got.
Sorry...I talk alot