ive decided to play skyrim without ever fast traveling.... ever

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Apr 19, 2010
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i will however use the carriages outside some of the major cities to travel to a major city, but thats it. and i plan to do everything i can too. i only have one more achievement for the game to get and thats for killing a legendary dragon, which only start spawning at level 78. it shouldnt be as much of a grind to get that high anymore due to the update that allows for skills to be reset and leveled up again.

ive been playing it like this for 2 days and ive already encountered 4 things i never saw in the 179 hours of playing with my first character. one of which was FINALLY seeing the headless horseman ghost that runs around at night in the fields outside whiterun. the others include random encounters like thieves trying to rob me and a guy that tried to pawn his stolen item on me while he ran and hid in the bushes from the person he stole from.

i just kind of feel like fast traveling cheapens the game a bit.
I don't like fast travelling much either. It's one of the reasons why Morrowind is my favourite game from that series.
I find fast-traveling to be useful for quick trips to sell loot or something... but I never rely on it too heavily. I like to take a few hours to just explore sometimes. But I don't think that I'd ever eschew fast-travel altogether.
I don't have time to make long treks across the terrain as I'd like so I abuse the hell out of fast travel (among other things). If I had more free time on my hands I'd definitely spend more time riding horseback. As of now it's only useful having a horse when I need to sell mountains of loot.
I love fast traveling...Sometimes you just want to progress through certain points faster rather than walking. But at the same time, being able to explore the landscape by foot does have it's own pleasures.
I just completed everything i could complete and everything that Skyrim offers including Dawnguard and Dragonborn dlc while being level 52 now. I've never thought of playing without fast travel and i think that i would never finish Dawnguard without doing so. If they could remake TES Morrowind i would be the biggest fan of that project. Good luck with your quest!
F that ish. I really don't want to do without fast travel. In Fable, in Kingdoms of Amalur, or in anything else that it can be used in.
Wow, good luck with that one. I use fast travel for everything, I don't have the patience to keep walking around. I mean, sometimes I will if I'm feeling adventurous. What's weird is that I didn't even know about fast travel when I first started playing, which is one of the reasons I didn't like the game then. Felt like a moron after I learned about fast travel.
well im level 18 now. ive joined the companions, joined the stormcloak rebellion, rescued serana and joined the dawnguard, and helped out a ton of random people along the way. i think after dawnguard im going to go talk to the grey beards, then go to every city and become thane so i can buy the house from the hearthfire DLC that is available from the dawnstar jarl, and then do the civil war storyline.

also... horses suck, lol. i planned on using them often now but they die to easily. ill probably use shadowmere when i do the dark brotherhood stuff since he is basically immortal, lol. i think even if he does die he respawns eventually. that might be incentive to do that storyline next.

i actually had to fast travel once because i got stuck in a little crevice near a chest in a random spot in the hills outside of whiterun and i didnt want to reload the whole walk i just did. all i did was fast travel to a cave about 1 minute away that i had just discovered before that.
edgecrusher said:
well im level 18 now. ive joined the companions, joined the stormcloak rebellion, rescued serana and joined the dawnguard, and helped out a ton of random people along the way. i think after dawnguard im going to go talk to the grey beards, then go to every city and become thane so i can buy the house from the hearthfire DLC that is available from the dawnstar jarl, and then do the civil war storyline.

also... horses suck, lol. i planned on using them often now but they die to easily. ill probably use shadowmere when i do the dark brotherhood stuff since he is basically immortal, lol. i think even if he does die he respawns eventually. that might be incentive to do that storyline next.

i actually had to fast travel once because i got stuck in a little crevice near a chest in a random spot in the hills outside of whiterun and i didnt want to reload the whole walk i just did. all i did was fast travel to a cave about 1 minute away that i had just discovered before that.

I had Shadowmere for a long time, but now, I can't find him. I did some side quest from Riften and got this worthless horse now too. Frost, I think. I usually don't use horses though.
ive decided to not worry about horses until a get shadowmere, waste of money otherwise. i did kill some bandits and steal their horse but as soon as i get off he starts walking back to where he came from.

ive also discovered that not every major city has a carriage, so that means more walking than i thought. oh well. i had to have killed more wolves already than in my entire playthru with my other character. i feel like i am going to make wolves extinct in skyrim, lol.
edgecrusher said:
ive decided to not worry about horses until a get shadowmere, waste of money otherwise. i did kill some bandits and steal their horse but as soon as i get off he starts walking back to where he came from.

ive also discovered that not every major city has a carriage, so that means more walking than i thought. oh well. i had to have killed more wolves already than in my entire playthru with my other character. i feel like i am going to make wolves extinct in skyrim, lol.

Lol, I feel the same way about the bears. I've killed at least 200 of the damn things.
ive had to fast travel 3 times now because of getting stuck somewhere in some crevice in the mountains of between random rocks. playing the game this way causes you to find more of the bugs i guess, lol. when playing the dawnguard DLC i also randomly had the dawnguard attack me, even though i sided with them. had to reload and do a really long walk again to fix it.

also, the quests to improve the crossbow that come with siding with the dawnguard picks random caves or ruins to go to, since i have the dragonborn DLC also it has picked locations there as well. thats kind of cool but at the same time, annoying since i am not fast traveling. oh well, i just cant wait to get to the point of exploring the forgotten vale again, and ill do so fully this time. that place was amazing looking.
Skyrim is OK, but I feel it's been dumbed down to target a more casual audience. Morrowind is still my favourite Elder Scrolls game. Trekking to your quest without fast travel, and relying on directions and not quest markers was so much fun.
B1rd_of_H3rmes said:
Skyrim is OK, but I feel it's been dumbed down to target a more casual audience. Morrowind is still my favourite Elder Scrolls game. Trekking to your quest without fast travel, and relying on directions and not quest markers was so much fun.

Well, there really isn't anything stopping you from doing that. Just disable any active quest, and don't use the fast travel system. Just saying...
Sounds like the Man Mod. Something I've never seen, only heard tossed around on various other forums and comment sections.

Disabled fast travel, vastly reduced item carry capacity with insanely tweaked item weight values - items that can be fit into pockets become tiny, items you can't are pretty much insane.

Health doesn't regenerate per second, it regenerates per week, at a fixed amount, usually something like 10% of maximum health. Equipment drastically changes how damage works, health is reduced but enemy attacks are also reduced, but seeing as healing is a no-go, very deadly. Dragon breath = death. Punch to face = no. Low health is tweaked on enemies also, to make it fair.

Stamina regenerates, but not eating every 4 hours lowers the maximum stamina by a certain percentage, and carry load.

So on, so forth. No map..again so on so forth. From what I've picked up, it's gotta be pure role play..you couldn't play the game like that. Not for any great length of time or for fun, anyway.

Anyway, I used to shun Fast Travel in Oblivion, since in my opinion Oblivion had a much better level up system that actually rewarded you for levelling your skills, not pressuring you into planning out your perks in order to operate at maximum efficiency. It was cool, never fast traveling. Made Speed + Athletics actually useful and important, too. All the enemies you'd bump into to slay, claiming their gear, levelling skills, claiming alchemy ingredients..taking in the view and the music. It was nice.

Skyrim is a little more realistic though, what with insta-death from falling happening a lot earlier and not directly being influenced by a large degree on your maximum hitpoints. Also enemies can have the potential to totally vapourise you even on Novice difficulty, generally with destruction magic, which is also a bonus. You'll definitely be stronger for doing it, man. Hope you like the Steed birthsign, cause you'll be wanting as much speed as possible..and extra carry weight, from all those random events/camps/caves you come across to loot.
after discovering that only the major cities that require a load screen to actually enter have carriages outside, i have decided to only fast travel between all 9 major cities. im basically just pretending all major cities have carriages, which still causes me to do quite a bit of walking because i will walk to a city before i actually fast travel.

part of why im doing this is because when you have a city like dawnstar or morthol that is basically just part of the outside, part of "skyrim", the game doesnt load so it doesnt "reset" the environment quickly enough. so things dont change. so i would be running off from dawnstar to do something in a cave, then on my way back i would be seeing all the same dead bodies of what i killed on my way there. then i would have to go to another location.... and the bodies are still there. then again. it became very tedious going on foot and not encountering even something like a few wolves and the main purpose of me doing this was to experience the random events/encounters.

the other reason was the landscape, which i have seen some amazing parts. the waterfalls that are kind of northeast of ivarstead are amazing looking. i never really explored that area until now. i had to see if there was anything under the water in some of the little spots between falls and i found a dead guy with some coin and a shield that appeared to have fallen down there. i love the little things bethesda does like that in these games.

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