Just gotta throw this out there- What do you think of Friends with Benefits?

  • Thread starter WildernessWildChild
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^I don't think she was indicating WhamBamThankYouMa'am, the impression I was given was to spend the occasional night there. I was amused by a text asking how soon I'll be in town from work and directions to a small gate behind her house that I can access from a trail- apparently she went out to make sure it still opens/closes ok as she's never used it....the intrigue builds.
WildernessWildChild said:
I've got a neighbour who's made it pretty clear I'm welcome to come by anytime so I'm intrigued.

WildernessWildChild said:
....she asked me to give her a hand in the rental suite she has.......and after a while of chatting she quietly said she had another thought if I was into it and suggested a friends with benefits arrangement.

WildernessWildChild said:
...... a text asking how soon I'll be in town from work and directions to a small gate behind her house that I can access from a trail- apparently she went out to make sure it still opens/closes ok as she's never used it.

^Well, BC...here's my take. From what you have written, it doesn't sound like an FWB situation. Just a sexy neighbor who thinks that you're a tall, Canadian drink of water and she's mighty thirsty. If that is the case, don't let the poor girl dehydrate!

However, if you do consider her a 'friend'....I would advise against it. That could really prove to be problematic.
Virtuous romance only. FWB is overly shallow. Give me something with depth. Let's talk about the languages of the world, politics, and spirituality.. now, that's my cup of tea.

Not to mention, it is destructive for a man to have desire for NSA relations... women are turned off by men who have such an interest. You might think you can hide your enthusiasm, but in the end it bleeds into your personality and makes you desperate and needy.

It really is true that you can only have something if you don't want it. But if you're like most guys and still can't drop the need for carnality, the alternative is to put on a good act and pretend as if sex is the very last thing on your mind.

painter said:
Yay optimism. But yeah, I'm open to trying it I think. But it's probably even harder to find someone who wants FWB rather than a relationship, and that's bloody difficult enough as it is.

You're right. I don't think women interested in FWB even exist.

ardour said:
Doesn't gel with my morality. Seems like a mutual use of one another, although I suppose it is mutual.

(removed by me) Reason: Sometimes I get carried away.
Batman55 said:
Exactly. Some people just won't acknowledge the Good Book.. good for them then.. I think Revelations has its say on that.

So I'm not allowed a viewpoint the differs from the usual liberal/progressive one without being labeled a bible basher.
ardour said:
What the hell - I'm not allowed to have viewpoint the differs from the usual liberal/progressive one?

Guess I took that one too far. Sorry.

(Carry on as usual... don't mind me.)
I won't do it because of simple self-respect. I simply don't want to share my naked body and certainly not my vagina with someone who doesn't see me as relationship worthy. It's an insult to myself and it would reflect poorly on my self-esteem. No thanks. Plus, I'm not a college aged 20 something year old anymore and I think FWB arrangements appeal mostly to this age group. And even back then I had a tendency to get emotionally attached after sex. If I'm attracted to someone enough to have sex with him there is a high chance I'm going to get emotionally attached. There is one thing I can do easily with no strings attached. Cuddling. I can set boundaries with a friend and say that this is just cuddling. There will be no kissing, making out, or sex and no romantic involvement of any kind. And if these boundaries are crossed we have to stop cuddling unless we both want a relationship. Now for a successful FWB, and this is why I don't like it, you shouldn't cuddle at all with the person you have this arrangement with. FWB is for sex only, once you start mixing sex with cuddling, at least one person is going to get emotionally attached. You need to master the art of emotional disconnect while sharing your body with another person. I know I'm not made this way and if I did engage in this type of behavior I would have to dump the person pretty quickly. I'm too old for this crap.

Also, there is really no such thing as friends with benefits. Friends don't use each other this way. People who label themselves "friends with benefits" it's just a glorified term for f**k buddies. And real friends get emotionally attached to each other in a platonic way so combine that with sex and you're playing with fire.
I've done a few things with women in the past and I'm not going to lie, but I thoroughly enjoyed it so I'd definitely give it another go if the opportunity arose as long as they were also alright with it. I'm not interested in having a random one night stand though.
I think sometimes it's used as bait from women who don't think they have a chance at a relationship with you. So from the start it's not just 'no-strings sex'.
9006 said:
I think sometimes it's used as bait from women who don't think they have a chance at a relationship with you. So from the start it's not just 'no-strings sex'.

Yes, I believe some women do that and it's the stupidest mistake they make. You don't use sex to get a relationship. If you want a relationship you get that first, then have sex. And they have to communicate to a man,what they want before agreeing to have sex. That's how I do it now that I'm older and wiser. I was stupid at age 21. Too many men want it the other way around, they would rather put the cart before the horse, have sex with a woman first and then maybe have a relationship with her, putting the woman in a very vulnerable position emotionally with probably an 80% chance of being dumped.

I don't blame men, they're acting according to their own nature. It's a woman's job to take responsibility by not agreeing to a FWB or no strings attached sex arrangement in the first place unless that's what they really want. And if there is no communication what-so-ever before sex and they have no clue what the deal is, it's their own fault for allowing themselves to walk into a fog of confusion. I learned that lesson in my early 20s. I was infatuated with a guy and I tried to make him fall for me by continuing to have sex with him. It didn't work, I got burned bad and I wasted 10 months of my life. He only wanted me for sex, it was FWB but he didn't tell me that but his actions spoke louder. There are always exceptions but in general a man's brain does not work like a woman's and sex will not make him more emotionally invested but it can make a woman more emotionally invested because she releases high levels of oxytocin, the same hormone that causes a woman to bond with her baby. Men don't have this issue. It isn't fair. Women, if you want sex with love and commitment you have to get him emotionally invested in you before sex. He's not going to like it but it's YOUR body. That said it's YOUR body so if you can handle no strings attached fun and you're o.k. with that then go ahead. Take control of your own body. Women control sex. Men just do whatever it takes to get it from them as soon as they can get it, although I must say If I could meet a man who will have me waiting to have sex with him for a change I'd be very intrigued. Men are usually just fine with FWB, although there may be some very few exceptions.

Bottom line, if you can't handle FWB don't do it. If you can and you want this arrangement then go ahead. For me, it's not a benefit, it's emotional self-destruction. I'd rather be celibate or use a vibrator.
Do sort of wish I had enough friends to have a FWB. Never had one before and after sexual frustration takes hold it would not be a bad thing to just fulfill a basic human need...because my god the months and even years roll by without anything.
I don't think there's anything wrong with a real, honest FWB. The trouble is that too many people enter such a relationship thinking that romance will come out of it, like life is just one huge chick flick and relationships actually work that way. But if you can separate sex and twue love, then FWB can be a solution for those who don't want a romantic relationship, but also, don't want to **** randoms.
If you both agree that's all you want, I don't see anything wrong with it. If you live in close proximity, it could be problematic if one of you decides to end it, though. Just depends.
My friend moved to a different city and that was that, a clean break.
I'm far too caught up in raising my child now to mess around now but who knows, maybe someday again.

kamya said:
MrPaul said:
I'd be the same, I'd prefer to cuddle after sex not see them go KThxBai

Me thinks you are confusing a FWB with a one night stand.

lol, that sounds like it

for what it's worth WWC, you have my blessing, use protection ;)

Alonewith2cats said:
And real friends get emotionally attached to each other in a platonic way so combine that with sex and you're playing with fire.

I agree that doing the f*$ buddy thing with friends is usually a first step into disaster, and that "real" friends have a very solid platonic relation and putting sex into it is just - messy, so messy

playing with the neighbors is just a completely different situation

PS on second thoughts, does she have a reputation for going all "Fatal Attraction" on guys? Did she sue more than one person/guy? I would check that, off the record, before letting myself go with the flow

from what you say, she sounds nice
I really do appreciate everyone's replies to me, thank you for taking the time to give me your thoughts....there's several who responded who've had a consistency in their opinions over the years that I respect, that means a lot to me.

Anyway- the lady in question is some one I'm friendly with, not someone I've had an involved friendship with. I realized I never mentioned that I do like her as a person, I think she's quite interesting, and has a quiet sense of humour that I appreciate. I've never looked at her as some kind of sex object or had any kind of lust-based thoughts about her (I do find her attractive)- to me she always been a neighbour I've said hi, waved to, or given a hand when she needed it. I'm still kind of blown away by her proposal, it's pretty flattering and I'll admit to it being a bit of an ego-boost. Morally I don't have any issue with it and if it's an arrangement that allows us both to enjoy some much needed passion in a safe and comfortable way I think I'd be kind of foolish to pass it up- I'm a sexual being with some wants and desires but don't think I want, can commit to, or am capable of a steady relationship at this time in my life. The alternatives- celibacy, one night stands, or soliciting a professional in that area really don't appeal to me.

As far as pursuing it, I'm pretty interested....
Might be alone in this view, but if there are emotions involved then inevitably there will be emotional attachment.

The only way this "works" is if it's a purely physical thing.
ardour said:
Might be alone in this view, but if there are emotions involved then inevitably there will be emotional attachment.

The only way this "works" is if it's a purely physical thing.

You're not alone in this view. I'm incapable of making it a purely physical thing and therefore I don't do it. If I'm not in a relationship, I don't have sex unless it's solo.

To the OP, go for it but make sure you and your neighbor have a 100% mutual understanding. In my opinion people should sign mental contracts before they have sex so they both completely understand what they're getting into. I don't mean a piece of paper with a signature but thoroughly talking it out and having a mutual agreement. Do not act first and ask questions later.
Sorry, I'm a bit late to this party. Friends with benfits, whats this about? A friend who works at a Pizza place and brings free pizza? :p
Edward W said:
Sorry, I'm a bit late to this party. Friends with benfits, whats this about? A friend who works at a Pizza place and brings free pizza? :p


FWB normally ends as abruptly as it starts, no questions asked. Because I am a fan of being single, FWB is an ideal situation for people like me.
RockerChick said:

FWB normally ends as abruptly as it starts, no questions asked. Because I am a fan of being single, FWB is an ideal situation for people like me.

I'm also a fan of being single.

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