Just Needed To Vent Work Crap - Please Excuse

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user 176211

Well-known member
Jul 24, 2020
Reaction score
I just needed a quick vent about work related crap.

Last year, people at my job took advantage of me big time. Without getting into the minutia of it all, basically the person who was in charge of developing me took advantage of me by stealing 4 really game changing ideas I had for my team, and about 3 years of blood, sweat, and tears to execute them. The person was my manager. Its taken away my will to give a damn about work because I was robbed of an opportunity to make my life better. I don't work at all. Our job has always been full of people who literally just take up oxygen and space. More times than often I was charged with bringing engagement to people who don't have a will to get out of bed in the morning. But now I AM that person. I'll fire up my computer, make breakfast, hang out for a while. Pretend I'm doing emails. I might fire up my Playstation 5 and play for a while. I don't go to meetings. I just gave up as there is no recourse when people rob you of opportunities. But that is just the backdrop for something that happened this morning.

This morning, a coworker, told me that I have to "let it go to find peace". That didn't really bother me per se- and under different circumstances would even be great loving advice. But it was the REASON that this co worker told me. They didn't like that I sent an email to all of the managers in the dept to alert them which of the associates on their teams are overdue for a special training that is needed. And in that list was included an associate who we know, and this coworker wanted that associate to have the courtesy to be alerted privately. Except what I was doing was following a process that gets audited and cross checked to make sure if I sent an alert on ALL associates. So i did what I did, because I know what I am doing. I was doing my job, as opposed to the associates on the alerts list who did not. And this coworker lacks the foresight to see the irony in the fact that if I had done it their way, I would have been penalized for not doing my task- over a person who ACTUALLY didn't do their task.

So I sort of took what my coworker said to me as a scold. Which really started to bother me. It bothered me because this person doesn't realize how deflated and defeated you can feel when you've had 6 years of your life/hard work stolen for someone else's gain. I am almost 40 and don't have anything significant to my name. I wanted to play ball in this snake pit of a corporate world, so I can get ahead and earn money so that I can buy a house. I wanted to do something significant for my family before I, or they, die.

I don't feel ill will towards this person or real anger because I am close with this coworker and I know they didn't mean it with the intention to harm me. But at the same time, I recognize that this person has a VERY comfortable life, far greater than mine. This person has a very successful spouse who custom built their home. They have about 3-4 luxury cars. They can afford to live remotely in a very safe and clear open fresh air area. This person doesn't work because they need to achieve goals. They work for pocket change. These are nice things to have in life. And I am happy for this coworker for having that life. I celebrate it and always have in the past. But to see someone fighting for this for 6 years, only to get backstabbed at the finish line- and to advise to let it go, not out of general love, but because you're slightly miffed that someone might be inconvenienced by an email about something they failed to do- it just hit me in all of the most wrong ways.

This person isn't fighting for their life- and doesn't even have any kind of plan or career path mapped out. Because when you have a certain amount of money in life, you truly ARE impervious to some problems that life can present. Not ALL problems- but a great number of problems become a mute point when you're comfortably financially. What is a 5 year plan when your brand new clean out of package house's note didn't even turn 3 years old before it was paid off? What does fighting for your future mean when you can buy two luxury vehicles in the same week because you didn't like how the first one turned out? As for me, I eat Ramen packets because they're 17 cents and I drop eggs into them so that they are heartier and I can get full for longer so I can edge out at about two bowls of soup per day.

In retrospect of this morning, I am not HURT by this menial thing that happened. But I AM disappointed because this same person watched me fight for the past 4 out of 6 years to get this huger promotion, rooted me on, and I have made a significant difference in their professional life as a mentor.

This is why I keep things to myself most of the time.

Sorry for the length. I just needed to vent this out somewhere into the universe.
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