hahaha great puns bad jedi dude
Yukhi Wrote:
Edit: I still have yet to come out or maybe I won't. Anyone wanna post their coming out story?
I never actually came out to my parents. It would be ugly and it wouldn't accomplish anything. i'm sure they have an idea. When I was in 3d grade me and another girl had to be seperated because "we had a crush on each other". And I got caught with lesbian porn one time but I don't think they know anything...they would have disowned me if they knew But I don't hide it from anyone else and haven't since I was 13 or so...
wow I'm sorry you don't think you're parents would understand
lols my mom cried every night for a week after a told her, but other than that she's been okay, as in the same level of crazy bitchyness
I didn't come out till I graduated from highschool
I probably would have come out sooner, but I just really didn't want to be gay, mainly becuase I feel like everyone would have been like " I told you so" I didn't want everyone to be right about the fact that I was gay,
I really hoped that I was just bi, but luck wouldn't have it
the first person I told was one of muy penpals from here and he was really kind and supportive, and then I eneded up comming out here in like march of of 09 and I was really happy and appreciative about all the warm responses that i got
( thankyou all again guys
actually it was pretty great becuase seriously like a week after I came out they legalized gay marrige in iowa, so I'd like to think it was all becuase of me comming out that they did that
also some of the things my mom would say when I was younger like when I was really into bagging clothes and such she would say things like " ew you look like a lesbain" so I don't think that really helped
So I thought when I told her I thought she would've been like oh or " i figured"
but she burst into tells and told me how hard my life would be, and the dangers in being gay :l I mean she didn't really mean it that way but like she was concerned about me, becuase of all the hardships and mean people that I'll meet in my gay lifetime.
I don;t like go up to people and introduce myself as gay,
but ussualy I'll mention it if the topic comes up
Like if we start talking about gay marriage or if someone says something funny about gay jokes, but I've never had a problem encountering negative or hurtful people about it. So far everyone I've told minus my mother has been very warm and supportive about it. I've even been high fived when I told a friend
I mean it also helps that eastern Iowa espcially IC a college town is very liberal place
Even went I went to mississipi with a group of catholic nuns.
becuase we we're talking one night asking like why they became nuns and what it was like, and since we we're in the deep south, okolaona, a really small town that still have some race problems
And one of the older nuns ( trivia bit, nuns don't wear the habbits anymore, they just wear regular clothes now how weird) was talking about how people are differnt on the outside but we're all basically inherently the same, and we're all human. And gay people are the same they're still people and shouldn't be treated any differnt. And I said that I was really glad she mentioned that becuase I was gay and they were supportive, and kind. The other girls I worked with were really nice the whole time, and there wern't any problems and no one said anything mean. One girl later said she was really impressed by my courage and we talked a little about it, she mentioned that one of her best friends was gay.
I still haven't told my dad, I don't know when I should, just becuase like 4 years ago when I was like 15 we started talking about gay marrage, and even though he and his side of the family are liberal, they're not for gay marriage which is weird I know, and he was really against it. Because it wasn't natural or becuase the bible said so.
And right now Things with my dad are going pretty well and we're getting along well. And I don't want to ruin that. Also current;y his place is the only place with internet that I can use right now. So ya
it's alright, the only thing that bothers me is that now only about 3% of the population is datable for me,
and I don't really know why, but I don't really like the word lesbian, maybe I'm still a little insecure, but linguistically it's a rather heavy word with the L and S in there, also it's pretty much culturally synonymous with porn, so I prefer the word sapho which is basically it's classy old timey equivalent
but tada I guess that's my story and I hope you enjoyed it