=) lol..this is not funny

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Well-known member
Apr 7, 2007
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lol..oka i'm still learning a lot about life and all that, but this is what i want to say..
okay, i used to think...that if you explore anything enough that you would find a solution. That it was okay to be sad and explore what is making you sad, because in the end you would/must find clarity...
you know sometimes things appear to exist in cycles, like if you start at point 'a' you end up back at point 'a', but going through the process is still worth it because you understand 'a', you appreciate it more. So I guess I wasn't afraid to explore stuff...
Okay not sure if you are following..so i'll give an example; like if you ask the question where did the world come from? At first you dont know, in the end you still dont know..but exploring it makes not knowing okay..it even makes it nice, you find beauty in not knowing...

okay but now i'm learning that not everything is like that, depression..is really what i'm talking about here....
i'm realizing (and asking if anyone else thinks this?) that the more you explore depression, why you are sad or negative thoughts on the whole,...the more depressed you get...it never gets better, you never find clarity at the end of it all...
so the only solution is just be very careful never to feed negative thoughts...

I don't know, I think trying to find the reason why you're depressed might end up helping it. If you know what the problem is, you might be able to fix it and get rid of your depression. I'm not too sure about that though, because I more or less know why I'm depressed but it hasn't really helped anything... It hasn't made it worse either though.
yea ..i know why as well..well not that it's just one reason, but thinking about it ..trying to find a solution has made it so much worse
Yeah, that's a bit like my problem too. I want to try and do something about it, but I just can't because of the situation. Then you just feel helpless and get more depressed.
yea then you end-up not doing stuff in other parts of your life, and get even more depressed..lol
Yeah, because you just don't give a flip once you get so depressed. lol

Luckily though mine has been getting a little better, but not much.
yea it gets better when you talk to people and stuff, but sometimes whatever caused you to be depressed makes you want to isolate yourself...what makes yours better..even a little?
Well, I hate most people, so that definitely isn't what does it for me. lol

I've noticed that when I'm doing something that I like, it helps dull the feeling of depression quite a bit. Talking to some of my close friends helps a lot too because the conversations usually get pretty funny. lol
lol ARRRRG how do i get social, i wasnt born with that gene and i screwed up my life by leaving home
Eh, I never have been very social really... Why don't you try moving back close to where you lived then?
i can't ..i will after a while..you think i should drop out of school, cause maybe i should..i'm not mentally stable... i wasnt very very social but i wasnt this bad, i was...this is not the person i knew as me....i was never this sad, or lonely
Oh, well, if dropping out would make you more happy then do it. Either that or try and get some kind of depression pills from a doctor.
yea i was thinking i need that..but get this..the psychiatrist at my university..the main one, the one who i was sent to when i went there ..WAS (and practically still is) MY FATHERS BEST FRIEND. so i can't talk to him..i mean i went there and he ended up on the phone with my dad for the whole time lool..i let it happen though..anyway i think i might need pills i'll ..i don't know, i'll see
anyway thanks a bunch DeathDB i'll be alright somehow ..lol yea my life is weird like that...always getting weirder... enjoy ur night..or maybe you could tell me about your stuff ?
Jales jales, don't drop out of school yeah. To fail to try itself is a failure, not trying and failing. Jales, just hang in there girl =) hummm, well if you have any problems you can contact me online =) or DB too =)
Jales jales, don't drop out of school yeah. To fail to try itself is a failure, not trying and failing. Jales, just hang in there girl =) hummm, well if you have any problems you can contact me online =) or DB too =)
jales said:
lol..oka i'm still learning a lot about life and all that, but this is what i want to say..
okay, i used to think...that if you explore anything enough that you would find a solution. That it was okay to be sad and explore what is making you sad, because in the end you would/must find clarity...
you know sometimes things appear to exist in cycles, like if you start at point 'a' you end up back at point 'a', but going through the process is still worth it because you understand 'a', you appreciate it more. So I guess I wasn't afraid to explore stuff...
Okay not sure if you are following..so i'll give an example; like if you ask the question where did the world come from? At first you dont know, in the end you still dont know..but exploring it makes not knowing okay..it even makes it nice, you find beauty in not knowing...

okay but now i'm learning that not everything is like that, depression..is really what i'm talking about here....
i'm realizing (and asking if anyone else thinks this?) that the more you explore depression, why you are sad or negative thoughts on the whole,...the more depressed you get...it never gets better, you never find clarity at the end of it all...
so the only solution is just be very careful never to feed negative thoughts...

Yes, your right. When I was really depressed, I joined some support groups, and I found that I was always talking about myself and my problems and negativity, and it made my depression worse. My solution was to take positive action, set some goals in my life, do things that I enjoyed, start to keep a routine and try not to dwell on these negative thoughts, which was the hardest thing for me to do. But I slowly started to feel better.