Well, I think some people don't understand how someone can live alone and not be lonely while others can be extremely lonely while living among others.
My situation as a reference:
There is not one single person on this planet who gives one **** whether I live or die. Well, a few would prefer the later. Ha! ha! I have nobody to count on or help me should I need it. I don't have anybody to talk to. I don't have medical insurance so when something happens I deal with it myself. Besides I really don't want to go through all the BS it requires to see a doctor. The social interaction required for that along is dreadful. I have performed many procedures on myself including stitching up a deep cut on my arm and vacuuming out nasty very painful ear infections using a manual automotive break bleeding vacuum. Ha! ha! It sounds really stupid but F it.
I personally made the choice to not allow myself to by lonely. The alternative would turn me into a complete mess, which I do not find acceptable. So, over the years I stopped yearning for what I don't have. But, by doing that, I will never be not alone because there is no going over my wall now. But, that's just me. Sure, I would prefer to have a loving wife, caring friends, etc, etc, etc. But that's not going to happen. I'm not whining. I'm just stating my situation. It is what it is and I've accepted it.
Now, I watched a series of videos about a guy who basically said F it and moved to Alaska to live on his own.
It's a really fun set of videos to watch. His situation is up beat and romanticized in the videos. One can say he must be really lonely. Well, he gets visits from others, mainly his brother. They seem to really care about each other. So, the guy isn't lonely. He knows at least someone, in this world, actually cares and probably loves him.
Others are in situations with other people who either don't really care about them or the person believes they don't care about them. It feels that same way. That can be an even worse situation then being by yourself. It's like living a fake life where every one just assumes you should be happy. But, you are not. So, there must be something wrong with you. It adds add additional layer of guilt and bad feelings. Gee thanks!
Myself, I simply can't do that. It would be too overwhelming for me. As in the past, if I really believe someone didn't care about me, I'm was gone. But, others can't do that for a variety of reasons and maybe leaving is not the best thing to do. According to the medical advise I will become unhealthy and die early. I'm definitely not using the socialization part of my brain. Well, other then a few forum posts here and there. However, I believe, a lot of the "expert information" that is out there is a bunch of BS. We'll, see. It'll be an experiment to see if they are correct or not. Ha! Ha!
So, lonely can be good for some sometimes. Many times, I am so very thankful I'm by myself. I only focus on my needs and/or concerns. I need not waste any effort caring about others. It's very selfish and I'm okay with that. Ha! Ha! I've been able to turn the lonely feeling off. Maybe I've just buried it deep down. Or maybe that part of me has died from lack of use. It's probably not the best way to deal with the lonely / alone situation. But, it seems to work for me.