Looking for a gaming buddy

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Nov 21, 2013
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Hey guys, not quite sure this is the right section, but here goes.

I spend most of my free time on video games, but these days I'm mostly playing alone. I haven't got much success meeting people online through games, but since that's what I spend most of my time on, I thought I would post something here.

I'm looking for someone to play PC games with. I play a lot of different games, mostly RPGs and strategy games, but I don't play a lot of very recent games, I'm a bit old-school. My only online device right now is a PC. I do have a 3DS but no online multiplayer games on it.

These days I mostly play "The Secret World" that I recently bought, but I recently also played Sacred 2, Drox Operative, Hawken and Loadout. I also used to play Star Trek Online and Dungeons & Dragons Online.

I don't have any not-F2P shooter and the only RTS I have is Company of Heroes. I'm not a big fan of League of Legends, but I used to play it a little in the past. It's not so much fun solo though.

I would be happy to try any F2P games, or games that can be played with a virtual LAN. Or I could show you some of my older multiplayer games if you're interested.

Feel free to reply to this post or send me a private message if you're interested.

Thank you.
I should branch out to more cooperative/competitive games like in the past. You play CoH. Do you have the expansion sets? I'm a Panzer Elite sort -- love their tactics. And the SS.
Holy crap I just bought The Secret World a couple of weeks ago :O. It's such a cool dark game. I've never played any horror type of mmo like it before. I started playing with a couple of my gw2 guildmates. I'm working a ton all weekend so I won't get to play much but you can add me. I've only got maybe 20 hours of gameplay in so far.

Here's my chronicle page.
Hey, sorry for the delay, I just noticed your messages. I thought I was subscribed to this topic, but I guess I was not.

Forever Misanthrope, I do have Tales of Valor, so I have access to all 4 factions. I usually prefer to play Americans or Wehrmacht, but I play all 4 factions. If you're interested, tell me your Steam ID and I'll add you.

Kamya, too bad I only noticed your message now or else I would have added you last weekend. My in-game name is the same as the one on this forum, Procura. I'll add you the next time I play.

Thanks for the answers guys.
Those are old school? i guess its what you define it. I mostly play games from the 90s to early 2000s. have many of them, including lots of rts and rpg games.
Oh, no, those are not my old school games. Maybe I wasn't clear, I meant that, beside those games, I also have a lot of old school games. I just mentioned the most recent ones I play, because most of the time I talk about older games, people don't know them.

For exemple I used to say " I love the Fallout series", but when I say that, people think I mean Fallout 3 and Fallout New Vegas and they don't even know Fallout 1 and 2 exist, or Fallout Tactics.

Or when I say I love X-Com, people think I'm talking about the remake, while I mean the original X-com, Terror from the Deep, and Apocalypse.

I'm not really a big fan of RTS outside of Company of Heroes, I played some Command & Conquer and Warcraft when I was younger but wasn't a big fan of them.

For multiplayer games, I played a lot of strategy turn games, such as Civilisation, Alpha Centauri, Master of Orion 2, Space Empires 4... Some business sims too, like Capitalism 1 and 2, or On the Ball 2. I also played much older games, such as the Wing Commander series from 1 to 4, Privateer 1 and 2, Strike Commander, some Ultima games, Baldur's Gate 1 and 2... But most of them are single-player only, although I did try Baldur's Gate in multiplayer with a friend once and it wasn't too bad.

Anyways I don't want to ramble. If you have any old multiplayer game you'd want to play I probably know it, though I'm not a big fan of RTS most of the time. Company of Heroes was the only RTS I really, really liked.
Procura, you and I will have words, for we have much to discuss. I've been looking for someone who plays sim-strategy. Do you affiliate with Sim City at all?
I was planning on trying Fallout 2 and happened to stumble on a great pdf strategy guide. I can link it to you if you want to read it, assuming you'll want to replay it in the future. anyway, i'm familiar with some of the games you listed but never got into them seriously. man, most don't realize how much effort and dedication is needed to invest in a game series like ultima, WC or even Baldur's Gate. I grew up with games like Doom, Quake, Diablo, Age of Empires and a bunch of Dos and old Windows games, depending on which computer i used. here are some games I can play online right now, maybe you'll be interested as well:

Diablo 1/2, Age of Empires 2, Blitzkrieg, Age of Mythology. Rome Total War, Quake 1/2/3, C&C Tiberian Sun, Red Alert 2, Earth 2150, Heroes of Might and Magic 3, Hexen 2, Neverwinter Nights 1, Nox, Hidden & Dangerous 2, Starcraft 1, Warcraft 3, Worms Armageddon

i think some of those have coop as well. i'm familiar with many other titles, like Thief (the classic one, didn't try the new one), Unreal Tournament (and its awesome level editor) and just about every Build shooter ever made :))

i got into space sims only after Freespace 1/2 but i'm planning on trying wing commander and xwing series when I'll have enough time to invest. I found a free privateer 1 remake but it's damn intimidating for a newbie
Forever Misanthrope said:
Procura, you and I will have words, for we have much to discuss. I've been looking for someone who plays sim-strategy. Do you affiliate with Sim City at all?

Oh yes, I played all the games up to Simcity 4: Rush Hour. I played the original, Simcity 2000, 3000, and 4.

It's been a while since I played though; Simcity 4 was my favorite one, but I played so much that after a while I kinda knew the game by heart. Last time I tried to make a new game, after only a weekend I had a region with 4-5 cities that all made healthy profits with perfect mayor ratings. So the game didn't have much of a challenge left, and that's what I liked the most about the game. (4 was much harder than 2000 and 3000, at least at first)

It's been quite a few years since I last played that game, maybe I should go back to it one of these days.

Rigel said:
I was planning on trying Fallout 2 and happened to stumble on a great pdf strategy guide. I can link it to you if you want to read it, assuming you'll want to replay it in the future. anyway, i'm familiar with some of the games you listed but never got into them seriously. man, most don't realize how much effort and dedication is needed to invest in a game series like ultima, WC or even Baldur's Gate. I grew up with games like Doom, Quake, Diablo, Age of Empires and a bunch of Dos and old Windows games, depending on which computer i used. here are some games I can play online right now, maybe you'll be interested as well:

Diablo 1/2, Age of Empires 2, Blitzkrieg, Age of Mythology. Rome Total War, Quake 1/2/3, C&C Tiberian Sun, Red Alert 2, Earth 2150, Heroes of Might and Magic 3, Hexen 2, Neverwinter Nights 1, Nox, Hidden & Dangerous 2, Starcraft 1, Warcraft 3, Worms Armageddon

i think some of those have coop as well. i'm familiar with many other titles, like Thief (the classic one, didn't try the new one), Unreal Tournament (and its awesome level editor) and just about every Build shooter ever made :))

i got into space sims only after Freespace 1/2 but i'm planning on trying wing commander and xwing series when I'll have enough time to invest. I found a free privateer 1 remake but it's damn intimidating for a newbie

Lol, thanks for the offer about Fallout 2, but I don't need a strategy guide for this game. I played so, so much that game when I was younger, I found almost everything by myself and did almost all ending variations. The few things I missed, I already read about them on the Internet. It was my favorite single-player RPG ever, loved everything about the game (Except the bugs but when patched it's not too bad)

Yeah, I understand what you mean by "dedication", but back in the time I played those old games I was young and just a kid living with his parents that never went outside, so I had lot of spare time.

I might be interested in playing again Diablo 1 or 2, or Neverwinter Nights. I used to love NWN. I'm a big fan of Rome Total War but I never was able to play online, I tried everything with a friend and we were never able to connect with each other. I'm a big fan of Worms Armaggeddon but I don't actually have a copy of the game thus I don't think we could play online.

Never tried Blitzkrieg but it looks interesting. I'm a big fan of the Close Combat series, at least the 2D ones.

And yeah I was a big fan of Hexen and Quake when I was younger, could be fun to try them with someone somedays. The original Unreal Tournament was a blast to play too.

You mentionned a lot of RTS, but like I said, beside Company of Heroes I'm not actually a big fan of RTS.

And lol, Privateer. Was once my favorite game ever when I was younger. It's actually pretty simple compared to most space games, except the fights take a bit to get used too at first. At least in the original game, I didn't try any remake.

Anyways if anything in there interest you, feel free to post again or send me a private message.

Thanks for your replies everyone.
Procura said:
Hey guys, not quite sure this is the right section, but here goes.

I spend most of my free time on video games, but these days I'm mostly playing alone. I haven't got much success meeting people online through games, but since that's what I spend most of my time on, I thought I would post something here.

I'd be willing to play with you and others on minecraft if anyone happens to have the game. My laptop is somewhat dated and due to valve's release of updates on TF2, I can no longer play it properly on my laptop.

I could probably obtain C&C generals (zero hour) and play via hamachi on LAN if people want to consider that, and if you're very old school, maybe even chess? (Although I don't know of any suitable sites regarding that).
We should definitely get some Sim City and X-Com going. And yes, I do mean the remake. This is probably the 1% occurrence of remakes being better than the base creation. I play everything. It's hard to find fighting gamers these days. No Marvel vs Capcom or Tekken for me.
I don't have the X-Com remake. I never felt the need to purchase it since I still do play the old ones from time to time.

As for Sim City... It's a great game but there's no real multiplayer so I don't see how we could play together.

I do like fighting games from time to time, I used to play a lot of Soul Caliber 2, but as far as I know there's none of that on the PC, or if there is I never heard about it, and I don't have consoles that go online (just an old PS2 with no online games on it)
Forever Misanthrope said:
Uh, I did say Sim City 2013, didn't I? Pretty sure we can do the multiplayer thing.

Oh, you just said "Sim City" and I completely forgot about the new one from 2013.

Unfortunately I don't have that one, I heard a lot of bad comments about it so I never bought it. The last Simcity I have is Simcity 4.

If you like strategy games, I have Europa Universalis 3, which has a coop mode when two players control the same empire. It's a "Grand strategy game", not a lot of graphics but I like it a lot. Or we can control 2 different countries. I know there's a Europa Universalis 4 but I didn't try it yet.
I'm familiar with that sub-genre. I own Hearts of Iron II and EU3. I can't play the latter on my laptop. The only thing bad about SC2013 is that it has anti-piracy in the form of EA's "Origin". Though I'd much rather something action-y in terms of RTS like Company of Heroes. Other turn-based strat games you and I would enjoy are Civilization, and the new X-Com.
Forever Misanthrope said:
I'm familiar with that sub-genre. I own Hearts of Iron II and EU3. I can't play the latter on my laptop. The only thing bad about SC2013 is that it has anti-piracy in the form of EA's "Origin". Though I'd much rather something action-y in terms of RTS like Company of Heroes. Other turn-based strat games you and I would enjoy are Civilization, and the new X-Com.

Well, like I said I do have Company of Heroes and would be more than happy to play with you.

Since the game is now exclusively on Steam, just send me your Steam user and I'll add you. You can send it to me in a private message if you don't want everybody to see it, or I can send you mine.
Just want to say, I'm still looking. I've only been able to play with a single person in this thread, and we don't seem to be online at the same time very often if at all.

So if anyone is interested in playing some PC games with me, free me to send me a PM.

Ideally someone from Canada or the United States; I have nothing against people from other countries, quite the contrary, it's just easier to play with people in the same or similar timezones as me.


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