The wierdest thing happened the other day, my boyfriend told me that a girl collegue from his work has said that she really wants to hang out with me, but she is afraid if I'll reject her is she calls me to ask if I want to do something!! This is a very cool girl I've been talking to a couple of times and I've also asked her to come out with me once (but then she was tired after moving houses) so she said no, and I immedietly subconsciously put that into the box of rejection I've experienced alot of in my life, but she had a GOOD reason to say no, so it shouldn't had scared me... Anyway after that I have been scared to ask her out again, just like she is scared to ask me out, out of fear of rejection!!! Anyway, she even told my boyfriend to tell me that, talk about openness and genuinity!! I'm looking forward to hanging out with her, she's wicked!!