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Jul 23, 2015
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Never thought I'd have to look for emotional support in my life but now I'm here. I'm Abe, 21, nice to meet you.

I used to be a shy person, but a great big part of my personaly lies in self improvement, so I always try to push my borders. According to 16 personalities I am an ENTP. I am a game developer, but I don't have much interest in playing games. I analyze a lot and feel like I have a pretty solid grasp on how things work and what I want to accomplish in life. The list isn't long, but it it involves mutual love. I like a lot of music, but mostly listen to some sort of metal. I'm not an animal person, but I love cats. I suppose the best way to describe myself and my feelings is by telling you about my past relationship.

I was single until the age of 18, when I met my first girlfriend online from a neighboring country. She was pretty, really pretty, a bit younger than me, and we were together for three and a half years. I gave her everything she wanted. I repaired her broken stuff, I invited her to concerts, events, introduced her to my friends etc. I always did my best to make her happy. Always. It wasn't easy. She'd get mad at the slightest thing, like gently trying to wake her up in the morning when she missed the alarm, or by misplacing things (I'm very forgetful). She tells me often that she'd like me to be taller. Yet she always says she's sorry when she hurts me, and promises that she'll always love me. I forgive her every time and think to myself that she's wonderful.

Then she cheats on me. I had introduced her to a friend of mine, and she asked me if she could go visit him since I was away for the weekend. She tells me this immediately when I get home and she's crying on the floor, talking about taking an overdose. My heart breaks, but I still love her. After a long night of tears and cold I told her I'd forgive her if she promises never to do it again, and never see that guy again. She sobs and cuddles up next to me. Life goes on.

She signs up for a furry forum. Suddenly, being one of the few girls on the forum, she finds herself popular and with many friends. I was never really a part of the fandom but I didn't mind it, so I thought it was great for her to get some friends. We start on the same college. A bisexual dyslexic from the forum also attends the college and turns out to be my new neighbor. Of course she visits him. I don't know much about him, or the fandom, but I actively join in when she goes to him to try to befriend him. He's a pretty boring guy, but he's tall.

He gradually becomes more of a dick towards me, by talking bad about me behind my back, through gf's skype. She starts asking me why I'm not into the fandom, and I occasionally find them laying, chatting in his bed (clothed). I tell her I'm not okay with her being in his bed, and she promises to stop. At this point I'm still trying to be nice towards him, but I'm getting worried and annoyed by why she's spending so much time in there. I confront her again and she tells me they're just friends and he's not even into her.

Months go by and I gradually get more irritated at him because of his always negative attitude towards me. Then one night i find that she's fallen asleep in his bed, next to him. My adrenalin rushes, I'm both angry and scared, and my hands shake a lot. I walk into the room and slap her cheek to wake her up. I ask her what the hell she's doing and go back to my room waiting for her to come explain herself. A while later she comes. Again, crying.

She tells me they didn't do anything and that she loves me and would never cheat on me again. She asks me if I want to forbid her from talking to her only real friend. Soft as I am I forgave her and told her she can talk to him, but I want this **** to stop! She thanks me and from this point I'm no longer entering his room or talking to him.

Her furry fandom grows stronger and she spends a big portion of her time chatting on an 18+ group, talking about fetishes and whatnot. She asks me if she can attend a furry convention with the neighbor and, knowing this is her big dream by now, I let her do it. She suddenly wants to try all kinds of new positions and I'm all up for it. She's still spending a lot of time in the neighbors room, and I have no clue what they're doing in there. One night she doesn't come to bed and I go in there to check, something I haven't done for months. Again I find them, sleeping together. My heart races and I ask my friend for advice. He tells me to man up and take action, so full of adrenaline I rush into the room and beat the crap out of the neighbor.

The next day I find myself expelled from the school, which is a fair reaction I guess? The worst part though, is that they're both claiming that nothing happened, and tries to criminalize me by pulling the police into the matter. The only two things that really mattered to me, ripped away in a day, and they're putting salt in my wounds. This is when I gain access to her skype and realize that all of my worries, since day one, have been true. I was cheated on multiple times and looking back at her behavior it all makes sense. My heart was broken yet again. Lost without an education and without love. Lucky for me I had family and friends to back me up, and I'm now reassigned in the college, but my heart is still broken.

So yeah. I'm not sure if I'd be better off without meeting her at all. I guess I can say that I'm going to be much more careful who to date next time. It's a problem though. It's not hard for me to get a 'girlfriend'. It is, however, extremely hard for me to find a girl that I can actually love and respect. She'd have to be positive, smart, and be equally as interested in really deep discussions (i go in existential crisis mode often, because I think too much). I'm a fairly good looking guy I've heard, but I'm not looking for a million dollar girlfriend. In fact, I find shared interests more attractive than anything. I'm not looking for short term dating either. I'm looking for 'the one', and have no interest in anything else beyond friends.

Now, compared to some of the other intros I've read here, I might not seem lonely at all, but that really just depends on perspective. I am afraid. Really, really afraid, that I will never find the girl that I want to spend the rest of my life with. And that fear makes me feel alone and depressed, even when in the middle of my friends.

That was a lot of text to type out at 4am. Sorry for bothering you. Just have nowhere else to go with this **** :/
Welcome to the forum :)

As someone who had the love of her life cheat on her many many times, I can completely understand why you would feel lonely.

I hope that you find what you are looking for here on ALL.
At least by your experiences you know what to watch out for when dating. Sorry that happened to you though. I hope you find the kind of girl you are looking for. No need to be sorry either. Problems like that is one of the reasons this forum is here. Myself and others are around to provide support and comfort so feel free to post whenever you feel the need to.
Sorry to know all this happened to you , Abe. Life is tough and you faced it so early. I hope you can find someone who really treasure you like the way you deserve. Don't lose hope, there is always someone waiting for you. As Shio said, you know what to watch out for, you have learned something very valuable but price was too high. You will find her, one day, yeah you'll find her one day. I'm sure you will find her one day, your special one.
Hi Abe, and welcome to the forum.

I hope that you will decide that alone or not, painful drama is not something you need in your life.
Hey Abe, I feel for you. I'm sorry you had to put up with all that only to find that your worries were true. I can somewhat relate.. when I had my fair share of things happening similarly, I realised how painful it was to find out and I realised that the pain is one of a kind, beyond what you could ever imagine your loved one do. Especially when.. I didn't see it coming, but just some fleeting gut feelings.

It's totally understandable you don't want to fool around and that you're more cautious now with who you date in the future. I say that's a good thing but I also hope that you keep trying.

Anyway, I just wanted to say that to let you know that I understand and that you're not alone here. I hope that you'll be able to find some peace and some people to talk to during your time here on the forum. There are some really nice and wise folks around here.

Good luck with your studies and I hope you get through this strong. Take care, please. Welcome to the forum, Abe.
Hi Abe :) Sorry to hear that you had to go through all that, but now you are past it and you can look back and judge for yourself what it is you want the next time you're in a relationship. I hope you find what it is you're looking for.
Thanks for the welcome everyone, you guys are awesome!

AmytheTemperamental said:
Welcome to the forum :)

As someone who had the love of her life cheat on her many many times, I can completely understand why you would feel lonely.

I hope that you find what you are looking for here on ALL.

Wow, I'm sorry to hear that. Lying, cheating, decieving. There's just so much of it on this planet. And it's really hurtful when you finally find someone you think you can put all your time, loyalty and trust into, and they just turn around and abuse it in the meanest way imagineable.

ladyforsaken said:
Hey Abe, I feel for you. I'm sorry you had to put up with all that only to find that your worries were true. I can somewhat relate.. when I had my fair share of things happening similarly, I realised how painful it was to find out and I realised that the pain is one of a kind, beyond what you could ever imagine your loved one do. Especially when.. I didn't see it coming, but just some fleeting gut feelings.

It's totally understandable you don't want to fool around and that you're more cautious now with who you date in the future. I say that's a good thing but I also hope that you keep trying.

Anyway, I just wanted to say that to let you know that I understand and that you're not alone here. I hope that you'll be able to find some peace and some people to talk to during your time here on the forum. There are some really nice and wise folks around here.

Good luck with your studies and I hope you get through this strong. Take care, please. Welcome to the forum, Abe.

It's surprising how meaningful gut feelings can be. First time she cheated on me, during the weekend I was away, I remember having that gut feeling. I had a really hard time falling asleep. I even called her to check up on her, but her phone was off.

Thanks, and I'll always keep trying :)
hey am a girl. Hope you do not hate all the girls in the planet. It happens whn the one you love most cheats on you coz in my life there was a depression period where i trust no guy coz all i saw was the lustful eyes and not the love. I honestly do understand where you stand and i know the burning in your heart coz i have felt it too. But believe there is always a one for you. Believe you will find her like i found mine. Time can heal woynds but the scars will remain a lifetime but you will find someone who will kiss those scars away and erase those nightmares. Hugs you tight. Don't give up. Stay strong. And welcome on board.

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