Word up minky! I just read your thread. I know I could have posted my reply there. but I didn't want to take a chance of it getting lost amongest all the others. so I'm writing this here where im sure there is no doubt of you seeing it. your question about life is as old as time its self. for 1000s of years man kind has asked itself this very question. for many, life is a mistery. how did we get here? whats the purpose of it all. and when you throw caos into the mix. life can be a scary force of nature. so its no wonder people seek help from others. in hopes to learn secrets on how to successfully navigate through the uncertain waters of life. thats why I can understand when you say, to quote you "you listen to people telling you to be strong, that you're strong and that you'll pull through it, it's gonna be okay, then you'd just like to think that too so what you do is just hang onto hope. Then you start to believe that things will be okay. So things look lighter and stuff. You think that's real enough. But then who are you kidding about this life, right? It feels light with hope and faith, until the reality really hits you, shows where you actually stand in this unfair life and that's when you see reality. Then when people point it out to you about it too, it makes things worse and all heavy again" yes, there intentions were good. but you just cant call on some misterious power to give you strenght to help you make it through the hard times. strenght is some thing that you gain through surviving what ever life throws at you. heart ache, lonelines, and pain. if you experience the worst life has to offer. and still manage to wake up every morning. and go through it all over again. that is what it means to be strong. but just becuz we're strong and keep going on doesnt mean we should be content with getting by. life can really suck some time. everyone knows that. which brings to mind some thing else you said. about how ~ .then it hits you. and you realize your place in this un fair life. when I was about your age I used to experience this too. and its horrorible when it happens. its like you feel hot inside. then like some one punched you in the stomach. its called realization. and just like you said, it makes things worse when it happends. so you can see I've been there. thats why my best advice to you would be not to fool your self about the reality of your situation. when things are going bad. being optimistic seems like the logical choice. but when you do this. you are creating an illusion to escape reality. and evetually you'll have no choice but come back down to earth. becuz no matter how much you want to. you cant escape reality. and all you've done was drawn things out. and let the problem stick around longer. which in itself would suck. the best thing to do is just deal with them head on. I knows it painful. when life keeps trying to bring you down. but believe me mink. if you think life has been hard so far. turst me... you haven't seen nothing yet. its gets much more worse then this. and if you cant deal with it. your going to get eaten alive. so the best thing to do is deal with it. look at things for what they are. and you say to yourself. I hate that this has to be happening to me. I hate that I have to feel this way. and accept it. if you have to cry. cry, if you have to be alone for a while. be alone. if you think there is a way of fixing things. then concentrate on making things better. but if you cant. then accept it. and say to yourself. I am going to be sad for a while. becuz there is nothing I can do to fix things. i know telling you to focus on your problems may not be the thing you want to hear. as a matter of fact most people dont. thats why they tell you to be strong. and look on the brite side. but im telling you minkus. you cant heal that way. the best thing to do is focus on how you feel. even if its bad. I can promise you. if you do what I say maybe not today. or maybe not tomorrow. but one day. you will be at peace with god (figure of speech) and one with life. cuz when you keeping walking down the road of life and toward your problems. evetually you will pass them up. and without looking back. you'll keep moving forward. this I can promise. also try to find happiness where ever you can. like a thristy person who has been wandering the hot desert and only has a little bit water left. take advantage of what little you have. right down to the last drop. so if some one tells you. 'nice shoes' it may not be much. its better then nothing. its what I do. becuz I will always be given a reason to be sad. but very rarely will I have an excuse to smile. and without a little joy. we cant recharge ourself for the next bad thing that comes our way. well minkus. I hope that I could of some help to you. if not, well I tried. thats all I can do. but ciao for now