My Decision...

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Nov 20, 2014
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Hello All,
So, I yesterday took a decision for myself and also so that I remember this decision, I made a emblem kind of thing.
So, I am normally kind and optimist and full of positiveness. But, everyone takes advantage of my goodness and I am fed up of this. I am fed up of being lonely, I am fed up of being hated, loathed. Fed up of this immense pain. So, the inner demon awakened inside me. I dont want to be good anymore if all I get is Pain and bad things in return. So, I will be bad now. I always thought, "It is better to be hurt that hurt others". Now, If you hurt me I will double hurt you. I will annihilate everyone who dares do anything bad to me. So, to remember this decision, I took a knife and cut across my left hand. 3 long lines and then cuts along the hand, not lines. They wont heal easily, and even if they heal, they lines will be there.
So, what do you think about this decision? What would you do if you were in my shoes?
Going out of your way to be difficult is still having your life dictated by others, just as much as going out of your way to do them favors and be nice to them. You're also placing the responsibility for your choices to do jack squat in their hands instead of simply not doing jack squat for someone if you don't feel like it. You're probably a victim of the most recent trend in just-world thinking, in that you believe to get good things you have to be good and you're getting gypped if it doesn't turn out that way.

Portions of life are determined entirely by birth and chance, such as what you have to work for and how hard you have to work to get it. Those born outside the fold and without much charisma will never make many friends, any friends, or as easily as those privileged to be born inside it and with the right personality traits. Some people haven't worked a day in their life to have what I've been working years for - minimal anxiety in social settings, a few online friendships, and a half-functional family - and don't even appreciate it to boot. Even bullies who do many things wrong according to anyone you ask about how to make friends and get along may have friends, good jobs, and marriages. I've met a convicted murderer after his release (EDIT: sorry, parole) who's living better than millions of the world's children. They released articles about him in the local news, and nobody tried to destroy his reputation the way some womens' reputations are dragged through the mud for being in the wrong place at the wrong time in the video game world. That's just life. That's just reality. There's nothing to be done about it, and most don't or won't realize that life is that way because it makes them afraid to believe that the world is unjust and will not reward or punish them according to action or merit.

If you were born outside the fold, then learn to survive the same way any stray does. Learn the lay of things. Find out how to stay warm. Don't be conspicuous. And most importantly, don't trust teenagers with BB guns.
Thank You sir. I tied it but I just cannot get myself to hurt others and trample over their feelings. I guess, knowing how horrible pain is make me want to subconsciously not give other pain. I will try what you said :)
If you were truly a bad person, you wouldn't ask for opinions would you? You can be a good guy without taking **** from people. I think I'm a generally good person but I'll get into fights with anyone if that's how they want to be proven wrong - because, yknow, some people are simply too stupid to reason with. Gotta beat them at there own game, I think is the saying.
If people mess with you, go ahead and show them who they're dealing with, but don't go and be malicious without reason. Also remember to try and give a warning first before really teaching them a lesson, a chance to respect you.
SadMachine said:
Now, If you hurt me I will double hurt you. I will annihilate everyone who dares do anything bad to me.

Sounds like a waste of time and energy to me. I'm all for standing up for myself and others who seemingly can't, and I'm pretty damn sure that my deadly sin is wrath, but I wouldn't go out of my way to make it worse. I would just want balance, not overcompensation.
*hats off for sadmachine* respect u for the being able to be understanding!! world is a nasty place and just one person like u who is being understanding bout others feelings is enough to make this world a better place
SadMachine said:
Hello All,
So, I yesterday took a decision for myself and also so that I remember this decision, I made a emblem kind of thing.
So, I am normally kind and optimist and full of positiveness. But, everyone takes advantage of my goodness and I am fed up of this. I am fed up of being lonely, I am fed up of being hated, loathed. Fed up of this immense pain. So, the inner demon awakened inside me. I dont want to be good anymore if all I get is Pain and bad things in return. So, I will be bad now. I always thought, "It is better to be hurt that hurt others". Now, If you hurt me I will double hurt you. I will annihilate everyone who dares do anything bad to me. So, to remember this decision, I took a knife and cut across my left hand. 3 long lines and then cuts along the hand, not lines. They wont heal easily, and even if they heal, they lines will be there.
So, what do you think about this decision? What would you do if you were in my shoes?

I used to be a doormat for people and let it affect my self esteem take everything to heart etc. But going through life wearing your heart on your sleeve is a painful way to live, i learned that the hard way getting it ripped off and stepped on about a billion times. You can stop letting people hurt you without giving up who you are. If you do that then those people that dont care about you, use you, lie to you, cheat you, hate you etc win. The way you win is realizing if they dont care about you and arent truly your friends then who cares what they think or do? They dont really matter. Its all a matter of focus, you can see beauty and peace even in a warzone if you look for it. But if all you look for is darkness thats easy to find, just stop looking for the good in life, its everywhere.

You dont have to stop being a good person to kick some ass, you just gotta strap your armor on and sharpen your sword and keep walking forward. Youll get there but not everybodys going to support you while you do it, but hey thats life. Sometimes when you "lose" people it aint much of a loss.....just a thought. Good luck to you with it.

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