My Rant About Nudity

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Rape is a violent act. It is not okay to blame the victim. Regardless of how a person is dressed or not dressed it is not the victims fault. Making some one angry doesn't justify them stabbing you, and turning some one on does not justify them raping you.
BadJedidude - "What right do you have to denounce their beliefs as being less important or less true than your own?"

Very true, but this goes both ways. Lost posted about his beliefs, and though we don't all agree with him, and most of the posts don't make a lot of sense, we don't have to ambush. He was sharing something that apparently makes him happy, and we all stomped on it.
I haven't heard of rape happening at Naturist resorts, but I HAVE hear of sexual harassment occurring at a couple of them. Not saying they're all like that, but we've got jerks everywhere, m'kay? To imply that the world is only filled with monsters because of clothing is ignorant, and you are doing a great disservice to your fellow Naturists when you say things like that.

Also: If we are only meant to do the things we are born doing, we would all surely die.
nerdygirl said:
I haven't heard of rape happening at Naturist resorts, but I HAVE hear of sexual harassment occurring at a couple of them. Not saying they're all like that, but we've got jerks everywhere, m'kay? To imply that the world is only filled with monsters because of clothing is ignorant, and you are doing a great disservice to your fellow Naturists when you say things like that.

Also: If we are only meant to do the things we are born doing, we would all surely die.

I didn't explain things properly and don't have the communication skills to do so. :(
kaetic said:
BadJedidude - "What right do you have to denounce their beliefs as being less important or less true than your own?"

Very true, but this goes both ways. Lost posted about his beliefs, and though we don't all agree with him, and most of the posts don't make a lot of sense, we don't have to ambush. He was sharing something that apparently makes him happy, and we all stomped on it.

I wasn't stomping his beliefs at all. Perhaps you didn't fully understand what I was saying. He has EVERY right to believe what he wants, but he does NOT have every right to act upon it when others may (and do) find it harmful.

I never once attacked his beliefs. I did, however, point out that he doesn't necessarily have the right to PRACTICE his beliefs openly in public, do the detriment of others.

It's the same as... say, a religion wherein the believers like to sacrifice goats. Sure, sacrifice all the goats you want in your own private church or forum... but once you start doing it in public, it becomes a whole other issue entirely.

It's the same with nudity.
I didn't mean you specifically. I just used your quote.
It's just reading through this thread is starting to make me feel sorry for Lost.
Sure his posts don't make sense, and the Naturist/Textile crap borders on trolling, and there's the fake language and country he came up with (as I can only guess a supposed smart ass response to whoever was making fun of his English)... starting to forget my point... Something Be Nice Something Blah.

Nevermind. I'm too tired to care anymore.
I saw this and as a naturist, I couldn't but reply. I know this post is old, but I wanted to clear some things up what Lost Soul had said.

It dosen't make sense to wear clothes when not neaded. If you think common sense and logic. You'll believe that clothes only serve as a protection for the skin. If you wearing clothes, if not to keep warm or protect you from elements, clothes serve no purpose.
On a hot day like today (it's 24*C here), it is foolish clothes, becuase it traps in heat, making it hotter. Also, traps sweat and dirt, which is not healthy. I can't stand the heat when wearing clothes, I don't mind it when I'm nude.
I agree 100% in the aspect that we wear clothes when at times they're not needed.

Society is so focused on sex. When you goto the checkout line, the magezines are three topics: Sex, how to look sexy naked and gossip. Websites often say no nudity but say nothing about sex.
This is mostly true. It also depends on the magazine and what website. I've seen websites that mention both.

Some website like IMDB, mix nudity and sex together, as if they're the same thing. It's the same as mixing busniess suits with costumes. (I don't know if that is a lame statement or not, best I can do for now).
I understand that. I think it's becuase most people see nudity as a sexual thing so they're put in the same category.

What is sad is that, the laws we have against nudity.
In a sense yes, but it's also a good thing, depending on where you're from and the general mentality of the population. For example, if nudity were to become legal here, a lot of people would probably act inappropriately, doing sex acts in public, masturbating, etc. I don't want that. Although my bad side kind wants to, INGL.

But in another sense, I would love to go outside naked. Fortunately, I live somewhere where I can do that, somewhat...

If someone reported that someone was walking around with a gun, and that they were nude. The police would be more alarmed that they were nude.
That would probably depend on where you're from (nudity laws), and other contributes...

Sex has become very acceptable, but wholesome nudity is not. TV shows and movies. It's hard to watch them without having sexual dialong or graphic sex scenes. What is sad is, nudity is only fine if it's sexual
Yes, that is generally true.

4 years ago, I reported a few Facebook groups for becuase they were adult themed. Now, Facebook clearly states that the website is for everyone. The are people under 18, there are even children on Facebook. One group, had a profile picture, with just nudity. It was not sexual in any way. What happens? Facebook removes the photo, but leaves the group!
MySpace, 3 years ago. I reported a photo of a guy having an erection, The photo was only focused on his genitals, that was all the was in the photo, which is was quite clear. There are children on MySpace and they don't want to see that. Many are offended. I reported the photo, and they wrote back saying that it didn't go against their terms of use or something.
Yes, it's backwards. I don't understand it either...

It also says that God told people to preach nude. Also, there are a quite a few religious people who enjoy nudity. They feel that they are closer to creater.
I like that. I also like that the Bible favours nudity. I didn't know where it stood on that.

Those who are Naturists, are generally more smarter and mature. They don't go drinking every night do drugs etc, becuase they know better.
I don't know about generally smarter. How? In what sense/context? They maybe more aware of their bodies. I read that kids growing up in a naturist family/environment are usually more aware and know if someone is treating them in a way they shouldn't. I read on Bare Oaks' website. Nudity in itself doesn't make one smarter. Maybe most might be more mature, maybe. I don't know. I used to be smarter, but I've seen a lot of WTF stuff which has killed off much of my brain cells.

Children brought up as Naturist get better grades and are smarter.
Here is a website about children and Naturism:
I don't see where it says about kids being smarter and getting better grades. I read about kids being more aware, but that is not all kids. Someone has to teach them.

You're generalising stuff. Maybe most naturist kids get better grades. I don't know. There a re a lot of things that can affect a person's grades. I as naturist all through school, and I didn't get the best grades.
Also, if you don't understand the subject as well, you're not going to get good grades in whatever subject you struggle in, which is part of why some of my grades weren't the best. Since naturism in itself doesn't make one smarter, I don't know if you actually think that or you just didn't define what you meant. Difinitions and clearity are also lacking in your post. People being more mature, that has more weight to it, but not all naturist is mature. As for kids, it depends on their home life, what their parents are like. They aren't that different from textile (non-naturists). Some naturists are bad people too.

Those who are Naturists, are generally more smarter and mature. They don't go drinking every night do drugs etc, becuase they know better.
Maybe that is true, for a general part. I don't know. But I believe that there are at least a few that do. Again, generalisation.

Naturism is not sexual, as a matter of fact, they prohibit it. It's on the rules on any Naturist website resort or beach.
The naturist movement isn't sexual. Yes, naturist resorts prohibit any sexual/inappropriate behaviour, as they should.
I want to point out that some naturists are sexual. I personally am, but I keep that side of me private, and only show it when appropriate. I just wanted to point out that naturists can be sexual human beings too. Nudity can be arousing. If you're promoted the naturist lifestyle, I recommend that people keep their it separate from it, for mixing it can mislead people what it's about.

Naturists are fighting to get rid of the felth that's on the internet and stuff, and bring back a good community, a community that is safe for everyone at all ages. The are is so much filth on the Internet now, but Nautrist is doing their best to get rid of it.
At least some of us are.

The World Nude Bike Ride, which happens every year in many cities around the world. It isn't to promote Naturism, it is to show how vulnerable people are on bikes. Weird, I know. But it went well, I don't thinkt here were any arrests. The police even helped out with the bike ride.
I don't think the World Naked Bike Ride is part of the naturist movement. Yes, there's nudity, and maybe it promotes naturism, indirectly. I could be wrong. You might've seen it being promoted/advertised on a naturist site, because of nudity.

There were no arrests, assuming you meant becuase of nudity, becuase it was a oublic event, that was expected, and people had gotten a permit or something to do it. People can hold events in public where there is nudity, but they have to get a permit, permission or whatever.

In Canada, you are allowed to be nude on your property as long as you aren't "exposed" to the public, like your front lawn, if you live on a busy street.
In Canada the laws are fuzzy. I think that if someone goes onto your property and sees you naked, they could report you. There was a woman who went topless, she was charged, she had to pay a fine and a few years later, they refunded her. I believe a read another story of someone who was naked, he got charged, but later it was changed, because he wasn't lewd.

Naturists gain better self esteam for themselves. Their care more about themselves, others and the enviroment.
Niw generally speaking, I don't know, but I personally do not have good self-esteem, and rarely do, and I'm naked like 90% of the time, whenever I'm home. I spend probably 15 hours a month wearing clothes +/-. Somedays, I've gone a whole day without showering (something I do, at least once a day), becuase I just felt awful. I try to care for the environment, sometimes, I litter, but rarely. Becuase sometimes I'm just like **** it.

Naturism is better for the ivnroment, and healthier for the skin. The more skin exposed to the sun, the healthier your body is. Less laundry too, less water going into the septic. TOo much water is not good for it.
Yes, I agree for the most part. Too much sun is also a bad thing, so as long as you don't spend too much time outside when the UV is high, or if it's too warm out and wear plenty of sunscreen. As I said, I spend almost all of my time naked, but I still have plenty of laundry. I wash my bed at least once a week (comforters x2, pillows x3). I wash my stuffed animals once a every 6 months. Yes, I'm an adult who still sleeps with stuffed animals.

People who are Naturists a generally more out going and active.
At least you didn't generalise it (Assuming everyone does it), I don't know the ratio, but I'm not that outgoing, but I do late-night walks naked (it's the only time I can have them).
I hope to get back into exercising.

Naturists except everyone the same, regardless of your gneder, age, race, orgintation or relgion. Everyone is equal. No clothes, no labels.
This is generally true, especially in naturist resorts, but if you're a closet naturist, or haven't been brought up by naturist (you just like being naked), you probably judge others just as much as textiles. That is my opinion.

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