My thing about eyes

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Under the dirt, that’s my home ⚰️
Jun 19, 2021
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So since I was a little girl I fell in love with peoples eye colours,
I hated the lack if colour and variation in my eyes, to the point I struggle to stop wearing coloured contacts,
I sleep in them sometimes because taking them out makes me feel so worthless.
My optician has told me I am causing real damage to my eyes and I need to stop.
I just cant, how can you navigate the world feeling like a worthless piece of bubble gum on someones shoe...

I am considering laser eye surgery to get the pigment in my eyes removed, to reveal my natural blue eyes underneath.
Something about that makes it feel more pure, it's the real me not some contact lenses...

Have you ever considered doing something drastic? Have you ever wanted to change something about yourself sooooo badly?

I just cant decide if its worth it... I really love having perfect vision, I am so afraid of losing that.
I wouldn't do it if I were you.
I don't get it really, you want variation in the eyes colours but want to remove the pigment so you end up with blue?
So then they will always be blue, no variation either then?

I would be hesitant to change drastic stuff, because you never know that you regret it afterwards.
Also, I consider myself far from perfect, and once you start tinkering with your body, I think that is a never ending story.
So, I'm guessing you are talking about this:

My first choice for you is to celebrate your natural eye color. But, I know that's is VERY difficult for you to do.

However, I do NOT want to see you mess up your eyes with the constant wearing of contact lenses. So, maybe permanently changing your eye color might be the way to go. HOWEVER, you really should check it out thoroughly. Is there ever going to be a down side to having blue eyes? Would it bother you if one side worked and the other side didn't or came our a different shade? Infections, side effects, etc, etc, etc.

Please don't just think/say, Finny says it's okay, so I'll go do it. Ha! ha! You really need to take more time and think about it. ALSO, IMO, you should make sure your eyes are as healthy as they can be before doing the surgery. That means stop wearing the contact lens much of the time.

I'm actually having eye problems right now. The biggest problem though is that my eyes do not line up horizontally and my nose is off center differently as it goes down. So, the focal point on the glasses never lines up properly. I HATE contact lens. My eyes do too. So, I've been thinking about possibly getting Lasek surgery. BUT, they say it's not really recommended for someone over 40 and well, that's way in the past. Apparently my eyes will be headed down hill due to age so glasses / contact lens are what is recommened. So, I'm not sure what I'm going to do. To be honest, I'm looking into making my own glasses so I can adjust them more to real world. A starting point is a trail lens kit and using trial glasses.
So, I'm guessing you are talking about this:

My first choice for you is to celebrate your natural eye color. But, I know that's is VERY difficult for you to do.
Are blue eyes seen as some sort of ideal?
I have blue eyes, and a long time ago in a galaxy far far away, I used to get a compliment on them once in a while.
But other colours of eyes can be just as pretty.
Do we really need to be all clones of each other?
Beauty is often in a unique combination of physical traits.
The world would be a boring place if everyone had blue eyes, blond hair, etc.

HOWEVER, you really should check it out thoroughly. Is there ever going to be a down side to having blue eyes?
If there's one part of my body I would be very hesitant to be operated upon, it would be the eyes.
We are so dependant on them.
Side effects, very important.
Just imagine that you get much more sensitive to sunlight, so that your eyes are often painful.
Or they get more dry, and you need to use artificial tears to keep them wet.
Nah, I wouldn't do it, but then again, I'm not a woman, and I'm not an ex-model.
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Maybe instead of focusing on what your eyes aren't you should appreciate what you do like about them. First off, having good vision I think should be the most important. The shape and symmetry for instance. I have little bitty squinty eyes, they are blue but you can't see them because they are so squinty. Im sure no matter what anyone says you are stuck in your head about this ideal look but I just think that acceptance should be more of a goal than trying to fix something that doesn't need to be fixed.
Having good vision IS the most important, Claudia is right.
Your worth and value does not derive from your eye color.
I get it that you feel differently but I encourage you to love and value yourself with the eye color you were born with.
I take it that accepting your own eye color and valuing yourself is going to be a struggle.......may you resolve it.
Take your contacts out before you go to sleep.

Put a blindfold on for an hour each day for a week and try to do the things you'd normally do, without being able to see.

Is it the seer or what's seen? ☯️
People change themselves all the time. You see it in celebrities a lot. In my own humble opinion I've never seen an improvement. And when it goes wrong it goes so very very wrong.

Even celebrated doctors can screw up.

Before you do something that you can't take back, talk to a counselor. Try to find a reason to appreciate the way your eyes look.

One thing I've realized, it doesn't matter what we think about ourselves. What counts is what others think about us. Ask yourself, do others hate your eyes? I'm betting most people appreciate you being different.

I'll admit I have no idea what your eyes might look like. Me, I've always liked weird eyes. Normal is so normal. Be proud to be different.
Only if they put bionic eyes instead. In the legs too. So I can make a "tchitchitchitcho" sound when I run 😉
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Have you ever considered doing something drastic? Have you ever wanted to change something about yourself sooooo badly?

I just cant decide if its worth it... I really love having perfect vision, I am so afraid of losing that.

It's not worth it. As you say, "I love having perfect vision, I am so afraid of losing that." Is the risk of being permanently vision-impaired—or worse, losing your sight entirely—worth the risk? Same with sleeping with your contacts in. You're sleeping, so it's not like anyone is even seeing your eyes - they're closed! So pop them in the second you wake up.

The quest for what we don't have and want can be a dangerous thing, taken too far. I've heard and seen lots of stories of people with botched up medical/cosmetic procedures and it's life-changing and permanent.
I don't think any color can be worth your vision. Vision is the main function of the eyes, isn't it?

After all if you are not able to see it, what's the difference, if they are blue/green/yellow? How could you be sure they are the color people would tell you? I don't think you should risk with it. I also don't think that people run away from because of your eyes color, I really can't imagine what can be wrong with it, I guess they are neither pink nor purple.
And I'm sure that they are wonderful, so take care about them.
I used to wear colored contacts for fun, here & there. I, too wanted green (mostly) or blue eyes. But alas, not the hand I was dealt in life. I tired of them rather quickly because it was such a pain in the ass to get them in-----then my eyes start watering and it's a never-ending waterfall.. and by that time, I was mad I wasted the time doing it.. sure, they looked pretty with my cat eye makeup or smokey eyes, but it just wasn't worth the hassle for me. But I understand the need/want to change up your appearance, I'm the same way.

I now just accept my brown eyes.... and whenever I get into those sort of moods - of wanting something different - I always tend to fall back and hear the words of my father: "Go with what God gave you"
I also don't think that people run away from because of your eyes color, I really can't imagine what can be wrong with it, I guess they are neither pink nor purple.
If they were ugly, she never would have been a model in the first place.
So I guess it is more like looking for "perfection", but that doesn't exist of course.
I wouldn't want all women in the world to have blue eyes, the same type of nose, etc.
The world would be a boring place.
And I believe there are many different ways a woman can be gorgeous and not be an exact copy of the stereotypes.
Is a color worth losing your vision? Please stick with the contacts and take them out at night.
See the thing is, in my brain it's like, live the rest of your life unhappy and damaging your eyes and go blind anyway, or risk the laser, theres a chance of happiness and well if you go blind the end result is still the same... but my mum said if I go blind to lose her number like the evil witch she is.
Would you really be that unhappy because of the colour of your eyes?
I mean, you were a model, so that means that you already stood out in a positive way in terms of beauty, so there should be nothing to be worried or ashamed about.
Your eyes are beautiful, otherwise you could never have been a model.

Also, you only think of going blind, but you could also get eye problems, so that your eyes are always painful, yet you still see.
You would then be in pain, and confronted with the consequences of that decision.

Operations are always a risk, that is why I wouldn't do them if they are not absolutely necessary.
A person that was hit by a mortar in a war, and is disfigured, yes, in that case I would recommend them to have surgery, because it will be very hard for them to lead a normal life.
A model that is already very pretty and just wants a bit of a different eye colour or anything else, I wouldn't recommend it.
The risks outweigh the benefits, but hey, I can only give you my opinion.
Would you really be that unhappy because of the colour of your eyes?
I mean, you were a model, so that means that you already stood out in a positive way in terms of beauty, so there should be nothing to be worried or ashamed about.
Your eyes are beautiful, otherwise you could never have been a model.

Also, you only think of going blind, but you could also get eye problems, so that your eyes are always painful, yet you still see.
You would then be in pain, and confronted with the consequences of that decision.

Operations are always a risk, that is why I wouldn't do them if they are not absolutely necessary.
A person that was hit by a mortar in a war, and is disfigured, yes, in that case I would recommend them to have surgery, because it will be very hard for them to lead a normal life.
A model that is already very pretty and just wants a bit of a different eye colour or anything else, I wouldn't recommend it.
The risks outweigh the benefits, but hey, I can only give you my opinion.

I don't know how to be happy with them, I honestly dont. I think Rohini gets it the most, I am a colourful person I cant deal with being unable to express myself.
I don't know how to be happy with them, I honestly dont. I think Rohini gets it the most, I am a colourful person I cant deal with being unable to express myself.
I am getting curious about how your eyes look like, then.
But hey, I won't try to convince you any more.
I am sure you look lovely and sexy.

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