Well said. I think we'd all do well to remember this. With very few notable exceptions, I do not trust until someone has shown me that they deserve it. And even then, I make them earn it. I've been burned too much in the past to blindly trust. Unfortunately, that has also put me in the position of being one of those reserved people that others feel the need to be wary of. But I'm not reserved because I have anything up my sleeve. I'm reserved because it's a wall of protection. A former friend of mine once told me, 'It's really hard to break your walls down. Even when you're with me, I can still see that part of you that I can't reach.' So, it could also be fear of being hurt that makes a person shy and/or reserved. You may or may not need to be wary of that person, but it's probably better to be wary until you figure out whether that person is someone to be wary of.
I hope that made sense. Thanks for your insight, ChiCowboy.